I'm going to become a giant in the entertainment industry

Chapter 368 Recruiting people in a convulsive manner

Since the last time the variety show "poor performance" was put under pressure from the leadership, Xiao Cheng, who originally regarded recruiting people as a business trip at public expense, changed from his usual carelessness and regarded this variety show as a major event in his life.

It's no wonder that he is so nervous - I heard that the company headquarters was humiliated by the Kuangguang Group recently, and now the relationship between the two parties is not to say sympathetic, but at least incompatible.

Because of this incident, I heard that there was a major purge within the senior management of Yuefu Group. Many senior executives had packed up and left during this purge.

This even includes Zheng Weineng, the leader in charge of the entire live broadcast business sector...

Although the live broadcast department has always been unpopular within the group due to profitability issues, Zheng Weineng's position is higher than that of Xiao Cheng.

Zheng Weineng could get out yesterday, and Xiao Cheng can get out tomorrow.

But fortunately, Lu Shuyuan quickly pressed the reject button in the last two episodes of the show, so Xiao Cheng can make bold selections without causing much trouble.

Although the process is very bizarre - for unknown reasons, live guests often fall into a terrifying cycle of moving if you don't move, moving with you if you move, and stopping immediately if you move.

The guests at the scene were different from before, and they all had a strange feeling. Among them, the three families, Kuo Guang, Gao Yao and Yue Fu, were the worst.

Now Xiao Cheng just hopes that Mr. Lu can make a decision quickly and don't wait until the last second like he did the first time he recruited people without pressing the button.

Yang Ruoqian grabbed a handful of melon seeds and asked curiously: "Why does Xiao Cheng have such a weird expression... It wasn't like this in the first episode."

"I don't know." Chang Zhiqing shook her head, "I heard that the Yuefu Group has been uneasy recently, and many former executives have been fired... Maybe it's because of this? He is afraid that he will be fired, so he is too nervous Can’t sleep well?”

"It's possible. It's really not a good feeling to be told by the company that you don't have to go back after a business trip." Yang Ruoqian agreed with Chang Zhiqing's view, "But why did Yuefu Group suddenly lay off employees? Is it because the financial report was not good-looking? ?"

Yuefu Group is a listed company, and its financial reports must be disclosed. I haven't heard of any big thunders.

After returning from rebirth, Yang Ruoqian was very cautious and did not try to use the experience of his previous life to speculate in stocks.

Facts have proved that he was absolutely right - the stock of a certain winery that soared in the previous life is basically in a tepid state here, up and down, with little fluctuation, and even a small loss.

The shares of other companies are basically the same. Some have skyrocketed and some have plummeted. There is no pattern at all.

Mr. Yang doesn't know much about his business ability, but he still has some knowledge about his stock trading ability - as long as he gets into the big A, he can't get out without peeling off his skin.

That's all your own money! If I lose money, there is no system to help reimburse me!

Chang Zhiqing shook her head again: "I don't know. This is my company's business. Who can tell me?"

"Whatever...the affairs of Yuefu Group have nothing to do with us." Yang Ruoqian was too lazy to worry about it, "Just continue watching variety shows."


On the big screen, the first job applicant walked out confidently. He was wearing a suit, his face looked very young, but he had a middle-aged hairstyle.

The host walked up with the microphone and said with a smile: "Let us welcome this job seeker from xx, Lu Kai, welcome you!"

"Hello, host. Hello, distinguished guests."

Lu Kai took the microphone and spoke Mandarin with a slight accent.

"Very good, let's start the first introduction video." The host smiled, stretched out his palm and pointed at the big screen behind him, "Yes!"

Soon, the first video started playing.

The picture begins with a study room, and the job seeker himself is in the deepest part of the study room, holding a brush and writing something one stroke at a time on the rice paper on the table.

On the top of his head, there was a very scrawled word "Feel at Home", but the words that looked like "Women's Treasure" were very conspicuous.

But ignoring this detail, this opening scene can barely be considered qualified...

When the guests were thinking this, Lu Kai's unique accent was played by the loudspeaker: "I am a genius."

As soon as these words came out, the video was obviously still playing, but the entire variety show scene seemed to be frozen.

The well-informed leaders were speechless for a while and couldn't believe their ears.

What the hell? !

Is there anyone these days who dares to call himself a genius in public?

Even if you are a true "genius" who has achieved very good grades since childhood, was admitted to a prestigious university at a young age, and has won prestigious majors in prestigious universities, and won awards in various competitions, you must be cautious and cautious when saying this when appearing on this program. .

Because these guests are not teachers, nor are they engaged in academics... but business people.

A "genius" in learning may not be able to do business well - unless there happens to be a boss who is in urgent need of an actuary or an employee who specializes in a certain technology.

Otherwise, if you say you are a genius, you will be laughed at very easily.

"Maybe he really has some skills." Yang Ruoqian threw the melon seeds into his mouth and commented with interest, "I'm quite envious of those geniuses in the class."

"Come on, when we were in school, we were already among the 'geniuses' in the class."

The score is enough to be admitted to a key university. Even in a very good high school, it is at least the top ten level.

"At best, he can be regarded as an academic master, but not a genius..." Yang Ruoqian pointed at the self-confident job seeker on the screen, "Let's see what a real genius looks like. He dares to speak arrogantly in front of so many big bosses and so many audiences. , should it be more or less level?”

The barrage was also speculating on where this person came from... Is he a top student from a prestigious domestic university or an international student from a prestigious international university?

However, what he said next immediately silenced everyone.

"I come from xx Arts and Crafts Technical College..."

As soon as this sentence came out, not only did Mr. Yang in front of the screen show a shocked expression, but even the guests who seemed to be sitting on top of the mountain at least looked a little ugly on their faces.

For Mr. Yang himself, he actually doesn't value academic qualifications that much - Kuaiguang Group does not need any academic qualifications. As long as he can make money, he is a good employee. The ratio of highly educated and low-educated people within the company is almost 50:50.

He doesn't have much academic discrimination, but this kind of person who has a technical secondary school diploma and claims that he is a "genius" is a little too confused about his position.

As soon as these words came out, Yang Ruoqian guessed that this person must be the kind of unscrupulous job seeker arranged by the program team to improve the program's effectiveness.

Specifically designed to raise the blood pressure of viewers and guests.

The rest of the content at the end of the video is all about bragging about himself and talking about "genius". His studies, academic achievements, work experience and work results are not mentioned at all.

However, after the video ended, all the guests did not turn off the lights.

But it can be seen from their expressions that the reason for not turning off the lights is simple - these guests want more time to "criticize" Lu Kai.

The host saw that all the guests on the stage were in the "pending" status, and immediately smiled and said: "Very good, congratulations to this job applicant for not being rejected in the first round of screening... Then we will enter the extra session, where all the guests will It’s okay to have a three-minute conversation with a job candidate.”

"Please invite the first teacher!"

The first person to speak was naturally the CEO of Gaoyao Group. He said very rudely: "This job seeker, I have a question. Please tell us what genius is. Please define it first."

Lu Kai answered very quickly: "I think the definition of genius is that even after 200 years, the world can still remember you... But this definition is too harsh, and few people may be able to achieve it, so I relaxed it. Some conditions. Anyone who can win the Nobel Prize is considered a genius."

Gaoyao Group has participated in this program several times. The CEO also reviewed the previous variety shows. At this time, his mood was relatively stable: "I have finished asking. I feel that I have nothing to say. Please invite the next guest."

After saying that, he pressed the "Decline" button.

The second guest also asked some questions, and after secretly mocking him with his academic qualifications and school, he also pressed reject.

The third person in line was Lu Shuyuan. She kept Yang Ruoqian's instructions in mind. There was no nervousness on her face. She just asked with a little curiosity: "What is that book in your hand?"

Lu Kai immediately took a booklet in front of him and said proudly: "This is "The Secret Book of Genius". I wrote down the process of becoming a genius. As long as you follow this book in the future, you will be able to You can become a genius."

Lu Shuyuan nodded slightly: "Host, can you let us take a look at this book?"

The host was very good at livening up the atmosphere. He immediately said yes, took the book from Lu Kai, and put it in Lu Shuyuan's hands.

Lu Shuyuan glanced briefly, but her expression did not change. Thirty or forty seconds later, she suddenly raised her head and said, "This book has a hard target. Lu Kai said that he plans to win a Nobel Prize to prove the value of this book." Correctness.”

"Well, I've finished what I want to say. Let's ask the next guest to speak."

For the sake of program effectiveness, the guest next to the guest from the Kuaiguang Group was naturally the guest from the Yuefu Group, Xiao Cheng.

When he heard that "genius" theory, Xiao Cheng actually wanted to turn off the lights.

But considering the effect of the show and considering the "just in case" of Kuaiguang Group, he resisted the urge to turn off the lights.

After all, if he makes one more mistake, he will probably have to submit a letter of dismissal from the company.

For the sake of the future, it is wise to think more, see more and make careful decisions.

When making decisions subconsciously, you must "think about it" and see what Lu Shuyuan has done!

Sure enough, after Lu Shuyuan finished her speech, she did not choose to turn off the lights, but still maintained the "pending" status.

Fortunately he wasn't fooled!

Xiao Cheng didn't dare to neglect. He thought for a while and asked a question first: "Lu Kai, how old are you this year?"

Lu Kai replied: "I am 39 years old this year."

"39 years old..." Xiao Cheng suppressed the urge to turn off the lights again and nodded, "How long do you think it will take you to win the Nobel Prize?"

"If I have 10 million, I am confident that I can get it within three years." Lu Kai said very seriously, "This is the start-up and research and development funds."

Funding for scientific research... is nonsense!

However, since Lu Shuyuan still has the light on, it means that this matter is not simple... Xiao Cheng doesn't know what is not simple, but Lu Shuyuan, as the veteran of the Kuangguang Group, must know!

That person is on par with, or even higher than, his immediate boss. His ability to accept fate in terms of personnel is even better than that of the CEO of Gaoyao Group. If he follows her judgment, he will definitely be right.

Xiao Cheng resisted the urge to shake his head, did not rush, and let the next guest continue to ask questions.

Soon, the round of questioning ended, but only one person turned off the lights!

The video quickly entered the next round of playback.


Looking at other people's choices, Xiao Cheng secretly breathed a sigh of relief - everyone chose this way, which shows that this job applicant really has some unusual qualities.

Maybe it was hidden in the details of the first video... Just because he didn't notice it didn't mean that Lu Shuyuan didn't notice it.

It was Lu Shuyuan and the Kuaiguang Group behind her. What did they see in Lu Kai?

Could it be...do they believe that Lu Kai could really exchange 10 million for a Nobel Prize? !

If it were any other situation, let alone someone with a technical secondary school diploma, even a graduate student from a prestigious university would not believe what he said.

But the problem is, now it seems that Kuaiguang Group believes it!

What Kuoguang Group is best at is turning "impossible" into "possible". How many people in the industry have evaluated things as impossible, but in the end Kuoguang Group has accomplished it?

In terms of probability, the chance of a newly established domestic film company's first film winning the top prize at the three major film festivals is close to zero.

Based on experience, knowledge, and everything else, Xiao Cheng was sure that Lu Kai would not win the Nobel Prize... However, it was the Kuaiguang Group that made this decision! How many company seniors were eventually fired just because they didn’t believe in evil?

If, if a future Nobel Prize winner is missed on this show, what will happen to Xiao Cheng? !

The more Xiao Cheng thought about it, the more frightened he became. The more he thought about it, the more he felt that there were terrible conspiracies behind Lu Shuyuan's calm expression, so he immediately pressed the "favorite" button without even finishing the video.


As soon as the "favorite" option on the Yuefu Group seat lit up, Lu Shuyuan didn't even hesitate for a second and directly pressed the reject button.

Now, she is just a tool who faithfully adheres to the boss's procedures. She will reject all job applicants as long as they are wanted.


Following Lu Shuyuan's actions, the other guests almost seemed to have made an agreement, and they all made decisions at the same time.

Boom! Boom! Boom...

Rejection, all rejection.

What was a good situation more than ten seconds ago has suddenly become a "dominated one" of the Yuefu Group.

The host looked at this scene, nodded and smiled: "Very good, one and only one guest has chosen 'favorite'... Then go directly to the last step, please ask Teacher Xiao to give the position and salary!"

Xiao Cheng was stunned: "???"

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