I'm going to become a giant in the entertainment industry

Chapter 374: Pull him down, do you dare to expel me again?

While everyone was shocked by the generosity of the Kuaiguang Group, they also had a strong interest in this "external talent mining department".

Including Xiao Cheng, he didn't understand the specific responsibilities of this position.

But the moment he saw the 4- and 5-digit salary, he saw his future for the rest of his life.

If before this, half of the reason why Xiao Cheng chose to join the Kuaiguang Group was to take revenge on the Yuefu Group, then now he only has the word "loyalty" in his heart.

From today on, he, Xiao Cheng, will be the most loyal and dedicated employee of Kuaiguang Group!

If it weren't for the fact that there were so many pairs of eyes looking at him at the variety show, he would have just called Yang Ruoqian his adoptive father!

Once in the Yuefu Group, Xiao Cheng had been working for an unknown number of years, flattering people and giving gifts, and slowly worked his way up, and finally got a position with a monthly salary of 30,000 yuan, which was considered a minor achievement in the human resources department.

Now he already has a monthly salary of more than 40,000 yuan without any qualifications, not to mention room for future promotions and salary increases. Moreover, working in an environment like the Kuaiguang Group can give people two more years of life.

The whole process was done without spending a penny, without giving a single gift, and even eating someone else's meal for free, and still getting things done. This is simply unheard of.

Xiao Cheng has adapted to the sophistication of the world and is accustomed to a turbid environment, but it does not mean that he does not yearn for a clear environment.

Lu Shuyuan thought about Yang Ruoqian's explanation and said: "The external talent mining department is a specially set up position in our company to find people who have been laid off due to various reasons, but who can actually create value."

The host immediately made a joke: "Isn't Mr. Lu afraid that this will be heard by the audience and friends? Isn't he deliberately trying to find a way to be optimized by his old employer and get a chance to work at Kuaiguang Group?"

As someone who adjusts the atmosphere and increases the effect of the program, the host can naturally get some "off-site information" in the headphones.

He can also know what is happening in the live barrage in real time.

Almost everyone is jealous of this salary - no wonder they want to defect. Who can withstand this?

Lu Shuyuan looked at the camera and smiled: "Kuiguang Group has always pursued a point-to-point recruitment method. There are no fixed standards. Even if you are fired, you may not be recruited. Resigning is risky, so be careful."

The host laughed, turned to look at Xiao Cheng aside, and asked, "Is the job seeker satisfied with this contract?"

Xiao Cheng had recovered from the huge surprise and said loudly: "Thank you very much, Mr. Lu, for giving me this opportunity. I will definitely cherish this hard-won opportunity and repay the company's trust in me a thousand times!"

"Okay, then please both parties sign the contract on site. Congratulations to Teacher Lu for finding a suitable job applicant, and congratulations to the job seeker for getting his favorite position!"

The audience immediately burst into warm applause again.


After the live broadcast of this episode of the variety show ended, the host took off all the heavy equipment on his head, rubbed his sore neck, and asked casually:

"How's it going? What's the ratings data today?"

"It's average, it's only about 200% higher than the previous peak period. In terms of discussion, it's barely ranked first in the entire network, and there's not much room for improvement."

"Hahaha! Manager Liu, you are still so funny."

"Then you are asking questions knowingly?" the chief planner of the program team said sarcastically, "Haihui Temple has to say that Kueyuang Group is indeed a lucky star. As long as there is a project related to them, there is no profit."

"It's mutually beneficial. The Kuaiguang Group also humiliated their old rivals on our show and once again made a name for themselves... Now, apart from their lack of foundation, they are almost completely surpassing the Yuefu Group, tsk tsk."

"A win-win situation, a world where no one gets hurt is achieved!"

"Will they be invited to the show next year?" The host sat on his seat, unscrewed a bottle of mineral water and poured it down his throat. "To be honest, I am very tired as a host. You don't know that I just suppressed my laughter. How hard it is.”

"Happiness based on the pain of others is the fastest, right?" the planner complained, and then sighed, "They will definitely be invited next year, but Yuefu Group will probably choose to withdraw, and the program may not be effective. This year is just as good..."

"No, I believe that Kuaiguang Group can create miracles. Anyway, just believe it."


The program team here is celebrating the bottoming out of this variety show, and no one outside the program team is idle.

Lu Shuyuan gave two copies of the labor contract to Xiao Cheng and said, "Report to the company within a week. After completing the entry procedures, go to the president's office first. Mr. Yang has something to tell you."

"Okay Mr. Lu!"

What within a week?

Xiao Cheng packed his luggage long ago and waited for the show to end before getting on the plane. He went directly to work at Kuaiguang Group without missing a minute and fell into the arms of Kuaiguang Group.

Even a second later, he felt that there was something wrong with his work attitude.

After saying goodbye to Lu Shuyuan, Xiao Cheng returned to his hotel, picked up all his luggage, took a taxi to the airport, and flew to Jinhai City.

The next morning, Xiao Cheng, who was well rested, walked into the Kuangguang Building with his head held high and entered the employee elevator.

Before coming to work, he had learned that Kuaiguang Group had a written rule that was written into the employee code - when going to work in the morning, only employees were allowed to be late, not early.

Today he deliberately walked into the company at 9:01 and fully complied with the employee code.

Xiao Cheng, who remembered everything, took a deep breath, came to the door of the president's office, and knocked gently.

Yang Ruoqian's voice came from inside: "Come in."

Xiao Cheng walked into the president's office with anticipation and a little nervousness.

He believes that with his performance in variety shows and his attitude today, he will definitely give his boss a good first impression.

Yang Ruoqian raised his head and glanced at Xiao Cheng, and asked in surprise: "Why are you here? Why did you come so quickly? Didn't Lu Shuyuan tell you that no matter what day you come to work this month, your salary for this month will be paid in full? Take care of your hair.”

What is this person doing here so early?

Won't you have a few more days of rest?

Xiao Cheng didn't expect this reaction from his boss, and was a little stunned: "Yang, Mr. Yang... I want to adapt to the company's environment quickly."

"Things need to be slowed down, haste leads to waste." Yang Ruoqian sighed, "Adapting to the environment is a long-term matter, because the environment itself is also changing, so what to do in a hurry and take a good rest is the right way."

Xiao Cheng didn't know where he was wrong, but he knew he had done something wrong, so he immediately apologized and said, "Mr. Yang, I will definitely not do it again next time."

"Well, remember that in our company, the subtext of the leader asking you to solve something within a week is to hand it over to him after 7 days. Don't be too early. You know it." Yang Ruoqian explained, "Let you solve it within a week. Neilai means that I want you to come back in seven days."

Xiao Chengren was a little dizzy, but he still nodded: "...I, I understand."

Why do you feel that there is something different and unusually weird about Mr. Yang's words?

"Tell me about your next job." Yang Ruoqian waved his hand, picked up a document from the table and glanced at it twice, "Your position, as the name suggests, is to recruit employees who have been fired from other companies."

"I only have one basic requirement for these employees. I don't need people with good performance. You are responsible for helping me find people with average performance, but who you think are suitable to work in our company."

"The specific job requirements, how many people you can recruit each month, and the lower limit of salary and benefits are all in this document. You can familiarize yourself with it by then. If you feel that you are too busy, just recruit a helper yourself. Don't ask me. , just discuss it within your human resources department."

Xiao Cheng, who was originally full of enthusiasm for his new job, was at a loss - it was understandable to recruit dismissed talents who had been buried, but why should he only select those with average performance?

Since Mr. Yang emphasizes this attribute so much, it means it must be very important...

But why?

As the big boss of Kuaiguang Group, every decision made by Mr. Yang has been carefully considered. Every sentence and every word has an unusual meaning. You must not just take the literal meaning.

Then... what is Mr. Yang's implication?

The instinct to guess the leader's thoughts came back again. Xiao Cheng thought quickly and soon came to a sudden realization.

When recruiting people with poor performance, you can't just look at the first meaning. You have to use another way to understand it.

"Recruiting people with poor performance" is equivalent to "not recruiting people with good performance."

What Mr. Yang actually means is that he focuses on “people with good performance.”

So why not hire people with good performance?

Kuaiguang Group is a profit-making enterprise. Everyone in the company has performed well, and Mr. Yang has not fired them all.

Therefore, this "good performance" actually refers to a special group of people.

Combined with Xiao Cheng's experience as a human resources officer in the Yuefu Group, the identity of this special group of people can be easily revealed - those who only eat but do not work, and only know how to give random orders. If anything goes wrong, it is the responsibility of their subordinates, and if they get the credit, it is their own wise decision-making. The high-level loser!

Therefore, what Mr. Yang means is to recruit those talents who have been robbed of credit by their leaders in the company, who have a more honest personality and work hard.

Everything makes sense.

Moreover, both Mr. Yang and Lu Shuyuan repeatedly emphasized the word "fired"... Therefore, Xiao Cheng's job is to be a troublemaker, using his influence to stir up trouble within the Yuefu Group. In the dark and dark, he tried to find a way to get the talents fired, and then recruited the Kuaiguang Group!

By doing this, Kuaiguang Group can also obtain a lot of evidence that Yuefu exploited its employees and defaulted on n+1 compensation, further suppressing them in public opinion.

What is called the "External Lost Talent Recruitment Department" is clearly the external "secret agency" of Kuaiguang Group!

And he, Xiao Cheng, is the first brick of this organization!

What a great move! What a plan to pull the trigger!

Being able to be a pawn in this plan is a blessing for Sansheng.

Xiao Cheng, who thinks he knows everything and understands everything, is full of passion and upright: "Don't worry, Mr. Yang, I won't let you down!"

After saying that, he picked up the document, left the president's office with great dignity, returned to the personnel department, and sat down in his seat.

"I know several talented people. Well, first find a way to sow discord between them and Yuefu Group."


In a win-win situation for all parties, the only loser is naturally ignored subconsciously.

After all, it is really unlucky.

At this time, the manager of the human resources department of Yuefu Group, who had fallen into a trap just after taking over, was on the phone with his immediate boss.

"Leader, you really can't blame me... As you can see, this was the case when I took over. No one else can do anything about it."

"Okay, I know it's not your responsibility." The director of the Human Resources Department of Yuefu Group said in a very bad tone, "You should be more careful in future programs, try to do it safely and don't cause trouble."

Now that the Yuefu Group has lost all face, it is really unrealistic to expect the management of a human resources department to turn the tide.

Moreover, even if the director of the human resources department wants to vent his emotions like last time, he really doesn't dare to take the gamble - if he fires another guest in anger, it turns out that this guest will be like Xiao Cheng, and he will imitate the variety show Being a job seeker and being hired by the Kuangguang Group, the fun has grown exponentially.

By that time, it might even be him, the director of the human resources department, who gets out.

Pull him down, I really don't dare to attack people at this time.

However, the director of the human resources department is not so afraid of being held accountable now - the entire Yuefu Group, from live broadcasts to TV series to movies to actors to honors, and even the legal department have been humiliated by the Kuaiguang Group.

It can be said that there is almost no blind spot.

It is remarkable that the Human Resources Department has managed to survive until now before becoming the target of humiliation.

He is not afraid of what he does badly, as long as someone does worse than him, that's fine.

It's a simple truth - if you don't want to be eaten by a tiger, you don't need to run faster than the tiger, you just need to run faster than other people.

Besides, he had already fired Xiao Cheng as a scapegoat, so getting through safely was not a problem.

Now the whole company is being humiliated everywhere, but the HR department is safe.

After hanging up the phone, the HR director left the office and went to the conference room upstairs for a small meeting.

Sure enough, even though yesterday's variety show live broadcast was causing quite a stir, several big leaders present at the meeting tacitly agreed not to mention it.

Everyone has been humiliated, and no one would be embarrassed to mention it. It is better to pretend not to know and leave a step for each other.

After everyone arrived, the meeting began.

"It's a pity that Shang Qianyu's TV series has a good reputation, so we couldn't attack her this time."

"Be cautious. She has too many fans now, and it can easily be self-defeating if you are not careful."

"I won't mention the past... Your public relations department, are all the ammunition ready?"

"Get ready, just wait for his "The Richest Man in Jinhai City" to be launched in a few days. This time, we must attack them completely."

"They'd better hope there's nothing about the movie that they can attack."

ps: After looking at the green novel on the new book list, I can only say that Brother is very scary. It’s hard to imagine that such a thing actually exists in this world. Damn it. (End of chapter)

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