I'm going to become a giant in the entertainment industry

Chapter 376 Okay! It’s Chinese New Year!

The boy was stunned for a long time, and then he said blankly: "This, this can't be done, can it?"

He originally wanted to retort, but after thinking about it carefully before speaking, he realized that the matter seemed to be true.

What is the most legendary place of Kuaiguang Group?

They are always able to miraculously turn projects that others are not optimistic about into profitable projects.

Even because it found a new way and quickly occupied the blue ocean market, Kuaiguang Group also formed a de facto monopoly in some fields by accident!

How is this similar to some plots in movies?

The protagonists are all working on projects that are completely unpopular, and then to everyone's surprise, the projects make money...

"No!" The boy immediately denied, "There is a basic logical problem here. Yang Ruoqian does not have a mysterious relative or friend who wants him to suddenly inherit so much inheritance. How could he deliberately invest in projects that will lose money?"

"Oh, definitely not." The girl waved her hand, grabbed a handful from the popcorn bucket and threw it into her mouth, "I was just joking!"

They had seen Yang Ruoqian with their own eyes at the filming set. He walked past the set with a beautiful woman beside him. She was neither old-fashioned nor overly showy. Her demeanor alone surpassed many of the nouveau riche.

Even the most popular A-list actress Shang Qianyu has to listen to his lectures when she goes to the set.

And as the boss of a large entertainment group, he has not been exposed to any scandals until now.

It can be called a perfect person.

Such a person must be strategizing at his desk and winning the battle thousands of miles away. How could he behave so irrationally?

Look at the bunch of talents in the Kuaiguang Group. Is there any correlation with the pair of sleeping dragons and phoenixes in the movie?

From Chang Zhiqing when he first started his business, to Gao Naiyun who made the first pot of gold for Kuangguang Group, to Lu Shuyuan, Shao Yiqi, Lin Cao... and so on, the masters among the masters must be in Yang Ruoqian carefully selected the top experts he finally recruited.

In the vast sea of ​​​​people, Yang Ruoqian can accurately find these buried talents in various fields. It seems to be the same as in the movie, but in fact it has nothing to do with it!

Would it be possible for Mr. Yang to really agree to those weird projects?

Moreover, in the movie, the protagonist invested in the football team, but in real life Mr. Yang showed no signs of investing in football at all.

All of Kuaiguang Group's businesses are limited to the entertainment industry, and if they want to expand, they also expand into related industries.

Yes, this is the real Kuangguang Group!

After the two of them finished their brainstorming, they continued to watch the movie. The plot soon came to the plot related to the football match.

Yang Ruoqian's luxury helicopter brought the team members down from the sky, showing off the high-end interior of the luxury helicopter.

While other people watching the movie marveled at how luxurious the helicopter could be, the girl who had long been tired of seeing this helicopter grabbed her boyfriend's clothes excitedly: "Look, we are about to appear on the scene!"

Although the two participated in the filming, due to confidentiality reasons, they were not able to see the relevant footage of their appearances.

The feeling of participating in a shooting off-site is completely different from being on camera!

The boy also nodded excitedly: "Look! I see you in that position, hahahaha! You look so strange!"

Although the two of them were whispering to each other, their voices were kept very low, almost like they were biting their ears. Whether they were in the back seat or the people next to them, when they turned their heads at most, they could see their mouths facing their ears, which did not affect their ability to watch the movie. ,

"Aren't you the same? You still laugh..."


In the end, the frustrated protagonist also inadvertently did something meaningful while trying various loss-making projects.

Two hours later, the movie ended with laughter.

The young couple held hands and left the cinema with some unfinished feelings.

"I think the ending of the movie is a bit similar to the current Kuaiguang Group... They are so principled for good."

For students like them, or other job seekers, Kuaiguang Group can basically make the best use of people, and the remuneration is definitely worthy of their efforts.

Although it has never been widely publicized, Kuaiguang Group has always adhered to the same principle——

If a person is working hard, he should be given a high salary, subsidies, and corresponding rest time... instead of letting him overcome hardships.

"And they are not as good as the Holy Mother. They will definitely attack big villains like the Yuefu Group!" The boy also nodded in agreement, "Hey, when will I be able to live like Yang Ruoqian? Just be cool."

"Don't talk nonsense. When sitting in that position, who can be like him?"


While the two were chatting, suddenly there was a very noisy sound in front of them, as lively as the New Year.

And... these sounds are quite familiar!

"Come, come, come! Walk inside and outside. Let me tell you, this movie is a billion-dollar project, and my daughter is a participant in it!"

"No, no, it's not that great. I just made a few thousand. She's still in school, and I got so much money all at once. I'm still worried about her... This child has never made us worry!"

"Oh, money is not a problem, experience comes from experience. Being able to get an internship certificate from Kuaiguang Group during college will also be helpful for finding a job in the future."


The girl who was holding the boy's hand stopped dead in her tracks.

Damn it! ! !

Doesn't this voice belong to her parents? !

Aren't they in their hometown? Why did they secretly come to where she goes to school without even giving any notice?

And hearing this voice, they not only came by themselves, but also brought the seventh aunt and the eighth uncle with them.

She just mentioned this matter to her parents a little bit during her internship!

Why did so many people come?

But think about it, it is normal for your parents to feel very novel and proud when your work is published.

Maybe Mr. Yang had this kind of meaning in inviting so many extras.

The extras are all students. Even if the Kuaiguang Group reimburses the air tickets, it is difficult for the students to take photos and share the plot of interning in a large group and witnessing various big scenes.

Relatives and friends will know more or less.

It is also a powerful propaganda for "The Richest Man in Jinhai City".

Moreover, people of the older generation are not used to using social media like Weibo and B-site Baopu. Their voices are very small on the Internet, but when they watch the movie, the box office is real!

Are you actually using this method to try to capture this part of the market?

Is this Mr. Yang’s strategy?

Compared with the plot in the movie, Mr. Yang's layout ability in reality is obviously more than one level better...

Just as the girl was thinking rapidly, the seven aunts and eight old men turned a corner and met the young couple.

The originally noisy atmosphere suddenly froze in place.

Although many of the people there were distant relatives, in order to avoid the embarrassment of not being able to find anyone while watching the movie, they still looked at recent photos of the girls.

But now the person in the photo was standing in front of them, with a man on his arm.

The boy was equally dumbfounded - although he had seen photos of his girlfriend’s parents, he had never met the parents!

Meeting in this kind of situation now is extremely embarrassing.

"Ah...ah, hello, parents! I...uh, I..."


While many college students were socializing, Mr. Yang had already left his office and went to Qianda Plaza opposite with Chang Zhiqing.

Now Qianda Plaza, as far as the eye can see, is basically owned by the Kuangguang Group.

"New Year's Eve is coming soon." Chang Zhiqing looked at the surrounding industry and touched her face, "Two years have passed so quickly, and now it still feels like yesterday."

"It's okay, you're not old yet." Mr. Yang was playing with his cell phone, speaking completely out of his mind. "Even if I'm old, I won't despise you."

Chang Zhiqing was so angry that she shook Yang Ruoqian's body hard: "Ah, ah, if you don't know how to speak, just shut up!"

"Don't shake, don't shake!" Yang Ruoqian shrank, "I'm typing... The anti-fraud promotional video is communicating with me."

Taking advantage of the fact that all the projects for this quarter were almost completed and there was nothing to do, the two simply went here to go shopping.

People in the company and employees in nearby industries have long been accustomed to the behavior of the two of them. They are classmates, and they share hardships and wealth. It is difficult to have other emotions besides envy.

Even the self-media and paparazzi who love to catch scandals are too lazy to follow.

The more hidden it is, the easier it is to be discovered.

The more aboveboard and commonplace, the less interested others will be.

Just like Shang Qianyu, when everyone knows that she is always walking around, there may be a sense of novelty at first, and some people may even come to see her, but as time goes by, every month, everyone will just got used to.

Photos of Shang Qianyu wandering around a nearby shopping mall are among the most inflated things on the Internet, so many that even Shang Qianyu's die-hard fans don't bother to look at them.

Chang Zhiqing sighed: "Hey, didn't you hire a secretary? Why do you do everything yourself?"

As for the proposal of selling the company's shares and letting more managers join in to share the work, Chang Zhiqing would not even mention it.

Yang Ruoqian must not be interfered with on major decisions.

"There are some things that the secretary can't handle." Yang Ruoqian turned the phone sideways and glanced at Chang Zhiqing, "And it's not Jin Hai's business."

"Aren't we going to shoot an anti-fraud propaganda film? Didn't we choose a small county on the southern border as the filming location? The officials there heard that we were going to make a movie and invest in them, and they were so excited that they couldn't sleep all night... No, You are still discussing projects with me now.”

"This kind of decision can only be made by me, not by Qi Mu."

The people over there are very enthusiastic. They even wandered around the county town all day, taking photos of Yang Ruoqian and introducing this and that. I hope he can come over this time and see if he can do something else while filming a movie. invest.

Chang Zhiqing glanced at the chat history and asked curiously: "I feel that the other party is very enthusiastic. What are your plans? Do you want to agree?"

In this kind of border town, various basic supporting facilities are lacking, so it is naturally difficult to invest. Unfortunately, the system limits the investment scope of Kuaiguang Group to related to the entertainment industry. Otherwise, Yang Ruoqian will definitely invest in this place and cause a lot of blood.

such a pity……

Yang Ruoqian replied: "Not yet, but I said that after the movie is over, the building can be rebuilt according to local needs. The specific changes are not yet sure. We will talk about it after the movie is over."

It just so happens that there are many good scenic spots there, so it would be nice to go there and play with Chang Zhiqing while filming the promotional video.

While saying this, Yang Ruoqian suddenly remembered that he seemed to have a charity account.

After the last settlement, the system awarded some charity quotas. A small amount of concert income can be thrown into the charity account and will not be included in the company's profit and loss list.

Again, if one chooses to do so, the money can only be used for charity.

This money has been saved for a while, but it is already a certain amount.

If you can spend it, spend it as soon as possible.

After talking about the promotional video, Chang Zhiqing looked at the location of the mall cinema and pointed: "The new movie seems to be quite popular? I just checked it out and there are basically no extra tickets for all the shows today."

"It's normal, it's like this on the first day." Yang Ruoqian said with a calm attitude, "After all, our company's name has already been announced. Many viewers saw that we made the movie and bought the tickets without even thinking about it. What's more, there are Feng Luo is an actor, so she has a lot of fans."

Once the reputation is good and a customer base is cultivated, it will be difficult not to make people pay.

Even if you want to ruin your reputation, you have to hurt your fans every day for ten years before it gradually loses its reputation.

The box office on the first day is nothing. You have to wait until the next few days to see the problem.

Seeing that it was about the same time, the two of them walked into the restaurant opposite the YTG Internet Cafe and ordered a few dishes at random.

During this period, e-sports has reached the day of the World Championships. It has become more popular and its popularity has reached a new high. At the same time, it has also severely damaged Mr. Yang’s financial report for this quarter.

While waiting for the food to be served, an inconspicuous female voice suddenly came from outside the room.

"You just have to play for fun. What's the use of becoming the best in the world? Hurry up and go home and do your homework."


The woman's voice gradually faded away, and Chang Zhiqing shook her head helplessly: "Have your parents said this to you before?"

"My grades are considered good, so I didn't say anything about it." Yang Ruoqian shook his head, "But there must be prejudice, and no one can avoid it."

Chang Zhiqing did not interfere with other parents' ideas of educating their children. She sat down and glanced at Yang Ruoqian: "Does she really not know how useful it is to be number one in the world?"

Yang Ruoqian said casually: "Actually, you don't need to be the best in the world. It's useful to play just average... because the children will feel happy, and that's enough."

At this moment, Qi Mu sent a text message to Yang Ruoqian, interrupting his happiness.

"Mr. Yang, the real-time box office data of "The Richest Man in Jinhai City" has been compiled by Chengyu Media. The results are gratifying, congratulations!"

ps: I have a deep understanding of the matter of publishing my own works. Well, my parents knew about my novel writing, and it spread throughout the whole family. Even relatives came to read my book. It was so difficult, hahaha! (End of chapter)

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