I'm going to become a giant in the entertainment industry

Chapter 477 The actors only need to act, but the boss has many things to consider

It is impossible to escape at the last minute.

In order to prevent some people who care about their "face" from being scared away after seeing the list of contestants, Mr. Yang unprecedentedly added a "breach of contract" compensation section to the contract.

This compensation mechanism is two-way. If the Kuiguang Group breaches the contract, it will pay a high amount of compensation to the invited personnel, and vice versa.

The group will not change the competition system and will not require the invited personnel to do anything beyond the contract requirements, but the cost of regretting after the invited personnel have signed the contract is also very high.

The higher the remuneration, the more compensation will be paid in case of breach of contract.

Anyway, Mr. Yang's meaning is very simple-everyone gets a high remuneration, and then uses cumbersome and high costs to prevent some singers from forcibly retreating even if they would rather pay compensation.

After reading the long string of numbers and the eye-catching compensation clauses on the contract, Ying Lan silently swallowed what she had just said, pretended to be calm and put the contract aside, and coughed lightly: "Well, it's okay, generally, if Kuiguang Group sends me a questionnaire, I will definitely fill it out very simply."

However, the audience in the live broadcast room did not buy Ying Lan's hard talk, and her performance just now was clearly laid out in front of everyone.

Some people even turned on the screen recording function of their mobile phones and recorded the whole scene just now.

"No, why is the host's name put together with those people above? Why, why? The host is not going to compete with those people on the spot, right?"

"Look how happy Lanlan is laughing."

"Hahaha! This time they are really going to be eliminated in the first round."

"I have said long ago that Kuiguang Group will definitely make a big move. How could it be just a simple music variety show?"

"I thought they would make a big move, but I didn't expect it to be so big."

Lanlan's second creation group: "Don't worry, our second creation group has recorded the footage just now. Wait for me to use the power of editing to swap what Lanlan said just now, and it will become a hit video immediately."

Ying Lan was stunned: "What do you mean by swapping the words?"

"Just now you said shamelessly that you would sweep all opponents first, and then you saw the list of opponents. I will edit it a little bit, let you see the list of opponents first, and then say shamelessly that you will sweep They, how wonderful is this? "

"It's cruel enough!"

"Okay, okay, we just want to embarrass the anchor, but you are different, you want the anchor to die."

Ying Lan raised her voice a little: "Where is the room manager? Hurry up and block this black fan!"

"Stop shouting, the room manager is also waiting to see your joke."

"The anchor thinks well, others want to pay to see this level of big guys but can't, you can not only pay to see, but also get a free beating, isn't this a double happiness?"

"Why do you have so little confidence in the anchor? Even if the whole world stands on the opposite side of Lan Lan, I will firmly support the whole world!"

"It's okay, anchor, when you go on stage, just treat it as a dream, and it will pass quickly if you bear it. "


Things like Ying Lan's happened not only in this live broadcast room, but also in many other places.

Even some real singers didn't look so good after seeing this list.

Although the domestic entertainment industry seems to be constantly innovating, it is actually showing signs of becoming stagnant. Even though it has improved recently under the stimulation of the Kuiguang Group, the change is not coming so quickly.

It is really a bit uneasy to let them compete with international superstars on such a big stage in a live broadcast.

If they try their best and lose after a strong duel, it is okay, but if they perform too poorly on stage, they will easily be attacked by the whole network.

But after looking at the astonishing number on the contract and thinking about the cost of regretting at the last minute, no one chose to escape in the end.

It is okay to find various reasons not to go before signing the contract and before the list is announced, but if they suddenly regret after seeing the list, it is difficult to cover up the fact that they are guilty no matter what excuse they find.

While all the singers who got the list were shocked, Yang Ruoqian was holding a document in his office and reading it carefully.

At the desk, Qi Mu also held a document and read it word by word: "Boss Yang, the list of singers for the variety show "Singer" has been released."

Yang Ruoqian looked at the report in his hand and asked casually: "How is it, is there anyone who was scared away after seeing this list?"

Qi Mu looked serious: "Boss Yang, you have made a detailed invitation fee plan for each invitee, and almost no invited singer is willing to bear the cost of breaking the contract."

Those singers who are not so strong and overrated cannot afford to offend the Kuiguang Group and pay the penalty for breach of contract, and those singers who are more confident in their own strength are unwilling to do so.

So in the second confirmation after the list was announced, all the invitees confirmed that they would participate in the variety show.

No one regretted it.

Yang Ruoqian nodded with satisfaction at his successful strategy this time-in the past, he would not dare to make such a risky move. What if these invitees suddenly decided to run away at the same time for some reason, allowing the company to make a fortune inexplicably before the variety show started, it would be a bit unlucky.

So this time Yang Ruoqian specially found a corresponding actuarial team and carefully customized contracts for each invitee, so he dared to take such a risk.

Now it seems that this risk is worth it.

No one chose to pay the compensation with gritted teeth, and they even overpaid the actuaries.

Yang Ruoqian nodded: "Yes, we can start preparing the venue, make plans according to the contestants, and start warming up before the variety show."

The scene of this "Singer" variety show naturally inherited the group's usual extravagant style.

But after all, it is a pure variety show that competes in singing skills. No matter how much money is spent on the scene, it can't be more expensive than building a deserted island, setting up various cameras on the deserted island, and arranging helicopters to fly around all day.

The big expenses are on inviting singers, and the amount of work that requires the engineering team to spend time to complete is not large, so in the second quarter's arrangement, "Singer" is ahead of all other projects.

Even because of the large number of international superstars invited, this variety show has also set off a certain degree of popularity overseas.

Mag, who is busy operating the IP of "Black Robe Inspection Team", also smelled the business opportunity and is now ready to send someone to the company to discuss the specific cost of the variety show broadcast with Yang Ruoqian.

Different singers have different fans, and the more fanatical groups among these fans often take the initiative to belittle other singers and praise their own singers by stepping on one and praising another.

Since these singers have never competed on the same stage, fans can only compare them with various concerts or various video materials.

Usually you say you are right and I am right. This side says that the styles are different and cannot be compared horizontally, and the other side says that this is sound editing and technology... In short, arguing about such things will not have any results, and no one can convince anyone.

What's more, some singers are not of the same nationality, which makes it even more difficult to compare.

But this time, everything is different.

Superstars of the same status will be put on the same stage to determine who is better in the most direct way.

Singers from different countries, different fans, and different styles also have the opportunity to show their full strength and compete with those opponents who were once out of reach in their best fields and styles.

In the past, such an opportunity was almost impossible to exist - big singers are so high-profile and have so many fans, why should they accept the challenge of an ordinary singer?

Winning is a matter of course, losing is embarrassing... high risk and no benefit at all.

Therefore, fans can only compare privately, and they can never come up with a conclusion.

Now, there is finally a variety show that allows fans around the world to see the true level of their own singers. How can it not attract attention?

Most of the international superstars invited by Yang Ruoqian are still active in the music scene, and are even in their prime years, with countless fans around the world!

Global traffic converges here, and even if Mag is slow, it is impossible not to see the business opportunities and it is impossible not to try every means to obtain the international broadcasting operation rights.

At this time, he was also very fortunate that he had a keen eye and established a cooperation channel with Kuiguang Group before everyone else, and at the same time had a successful cooperation experience.

Of course, the two sides have not yet reached an agreement on this broadcast.

The seller thinks the price is too high, and the buyer thinks the price is too low, and there is currently a stalemate.

Qi Mu, who was in charge of the relevant matters, nodded: "Don't worry, Mr. Yang, everything will be done before the show is officially broadcast."

"Okay." Yang Ruoqian nodded and stopped talking about this topic, "What about the other important projects this quarter? How are they going now?"

After all, the members of the "Singer" variety show, whether it is the variety show planner, the coordinator, or even the contestants, are all veterans... The possibility of chaos in the coordinating stage is basically non-existent.

This variety show is Yang Ruoqian simply "working hard to create miracles".

As long as you spend enough, the payback period will be long, and there will be a deficit in the account book this month.

Seeing that the boss changed the subject, Qi Mu immediately took out another document: "Mr. Yang, regarding the new movie, the operation side has come up with two plans. One is more grand, and the other focuses on refined plots and humanities. Which one do you plan to adopt?"

Yang Ruoqian was silent for a while and said: "These two...are they very conflicting?"

Qi Mu was ready for the big boss to choose the former without hesitation, but he didn't expect to get such a reply.

Art films and commercial films have always been distinguished.

The former is for artistic purposes, while the latter is for box office purposes.

With the current strength of Kuiguang Group, it will naturally not make art films again, but integrating elements of art films into commercial films is also a kind of "integration".

But in the final analysis, it is still a commercial film.

Qi Mu pondered for a moment and replied: "Mr. Yang, you can integrate literary and artistic attributes, but it must be classified as a commercial film anyway."

"It's okay." Yang Ruoqian didn't care much about such a definition. He waved his hand, "Just combine their plans together. There should be no conflict, right?"

The secretary carefully considered again, and her tone was rarely a little confused: "In theory, there is indeed no conflict... Mr. Yang, do you plan to adopt all their plans? Are you sure you don't want to take a look first?"

Yang Ruoqian deeply understood the law that the more projects he intervened in, the easier it would be to succeed. He shook his hand: "No need to look at it, they are all old employees and old partners, I believe in you."

These fresh bloods are different from some old stubborn people. They don't have the self-righteous sense of arrogance, and they don't have the arrogance of "the audience can't understand my movie because the audience is not good, not me."

The reason why the Kuiguang Group's films are so successful is that they "shoot what the audience wants to see", rather than shooting what they want to shoot, and finally let the audience taste the garbage they shoot.

These people are already so humble, if I say a few more nonsense, it will only make them less arrogant, and they will study more about what the audience wants to see, which will further increase the financial pressure on Mr. Yang.

"Okay, Mr. Yang." Qi Mu nodded, "Then we will draft the script first, and then let the director choose the actors."

After saying this, Qi Mu did not turn around and leave, but waited for Yang Ruoqian's final confirmation.

Generally speaking, at this stage, Yang Ruoqian would nod and let people go, but the secretary still had to go through all the procedures meticulously.

This time, Yang Ruoqian did not sign the final step for the first time. Instead, he frowned and thought about it, then said in an inquiring tone: "I think, should I show this script to Luo Ruying first?"

Luo Ruying, who did not get out of the full projector but was eavesdropping the whole time, said from the side: "Ah? Me?"

Yang Ruoqian glanced at Luo Ruying, and then turned his gaze back to the secretary: "Luo Ruying herself is an artificial intelligence that integrates all kinds of entertainment industry knowledge. If she sees the script, maybe she can analyze something and match the actor who is suitable for this role."

The more people responsible for decision-making in a project, the more chaotic it will inevitably be.

How to shoot a movie theme is a very artistic and mysterious thing. A hundred people may come up with a hundred different answers, and before the final box office is announced, these hundred different plans seem to have their own reasons, and there are reasons and evidence that can justify themselves.

But the correct answer is often only two or three.

With more decision makers, everyone's ideas are mixed into the movie, and in the end, it can only flop - a movie with internal chaos is almost inevitable to fail.

Now Yang Ruoqian suddenly has an idea to add another AI to this project, wouldn't that make the project even more chaotic?

The crew is now full of prestige, everyone is united, and President Yang can't do anything to disrupt it... But adding Luo Ruyin, the rebellious son, may have a miraculous effect!

Alas, making a movie is like a spy movie.

The actors only need to play their roles well, but it's different for the boss. There are too many things to consider.

ps: The titles for this issue have been issued, and everyone can check them~ The event will continue next month. If you want the title of "Group Director", remember to reply to the event post. (End of this chapter)

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