At the end of September.

At the international airport of a small country, a luxurious business jet took off smoothly from the airport.


Just like when it departed from China, there were only four people on the plane, Yang Ruoqian and his wife, a translator and a porter.

But no one would think that this configuration was shabby.

In other words, as long as Yang Ruoqian was there, no matter what the environment was, it would not be associated with the word "shabby".

"Ah, after playing crazy for a few months, I suddenly want to be quiet for a while." Chang Zhiqing came to the room at the back, put away the things she brought with her, and stretched slightly, "I always thought that I had to travel around to be financially free, but I was tired before I played for a year."

"Normal." Yang Ruoqian lay down on the bed directly, "We were also quite homebodies, and this time we were able to play for so long... To be honest, I was a little hurt. Now I feel like vomiting when I mention the word going out."

While chatting, Yang Ruoqian also called the flight attendants with the machine at hand and asked them not to deliver meals within two hours.

Since the journey back to China is too long and exceeds the maximum range of the business jet, it has to land once in the middle to refuel.

Since the time is long, Yang Ruoqian plans to take a rest first, and then get up to enjoy the food and service after "Avatar" is released.

To be honest, the different natural climates and cultures around the world have given rise to great differences in diet. Even in places known as food deserts, one or two dishes can barely be picked out to surprise Mr. Yang.

Needless to say, other places - people in different places interpret the word "delicious" in different ways.

But... after so many years of living, Mr. Yang is still more accustomed to Chinese food.

It is not so easy to eat relatively authentic Chinese food abroad.

For example, the Panda Restaurant, which is very popular abroad and specializes in Chinese food, has become a restaurant that almost all local residents must go to once a week. The taste cannot be said to be bad, but it is a bit too much to say that it is Chinese food.

Of course... this can't be blamed on others for not being authentic. If foreign cuisines want to take root in places with different food cultures, localization and improvement are necessary. Chinese food has been very successful.

"I never thought that I would have authentic Chinese food on a plane for the first time." Chang Zhiqing also sighed, "I can't wait."

The plane can't store a lot of food, so they are all reserved in advance. The two of them were a little hungry just when choosing dishes.

After lying on the bed and brushing the phone for a while, the alarm clock rang on time after three hours of drowsy rest.

A few minutes later, the flight attendant also pressed the doorbell.

"Mr. Yang, Ms. Chang, good morning. Should I leave breakfast at the door or bring it in for you?"

Yang Ruoqian yawned: "Put it outside, we will go out to eat later, just help us prepare the movie to play."

"Avatar" will be released globally soon, and the plane is no exception.

It's just right to eat breakfast and watch a movie at the same time.

Chang Zhiqing also changed her clothes at this time: "Many foreign institutions are predicting that the box office of this movie will be cold in several important markets, and even the survey data has been given. Are you nervous?"

"This kind of survey is the same as asking if you have bought tickets on the train." Although Mr. Yang does not hope that the box office will sell well, he can't bear to see those monsters and villains succeed. "If you say something wrong, you will be accused of all kinds of big hats, which is of course conducive to creating a public opinion battlefield that is favorable to them."

"But the disadvantage is that they often cannot investigate the real state of the market."

"I still don't think that the Cthulhu-style dress and hundreds or thousands of strange genders can really be accepted by the public."

In addition, the two followed the crew all the way, and they had a rough idea of ​​the quality of the movie.

Having been the president of an entertainment group for so long, even though he was a rookie when he first entered the industry, he did accomplish a lot of things by accident.

Chang Zhiqing nodded in agreement: "I even doubt whether the people in these companies will curse the movie in the office during the day and then go back to buy a movie ticket?"

"Well, it shouldn't be the case, right?"

"... It's hard to say, I'm hungry, let's go to the movie."

The two of them came to the screening room on the plane one after the other.

On the big screen, several pioneer spacecraft loaded with exploration instruments and weapons slowly entered the planet's orbit from outer space, and then quickly fell towards the surface of the planet.


On the other side, executives of some companies began to get anxious.

As the party that directly confronted the Kuiguang Group and the Mag Gang and had a great advantage in public opinion, they naturally paid great attention to the box office data of "Aveda".

Based on popularity and research, cinemas will also adjust the scheduling of a movie.

In fact, many film companies are experienced and naturally will not easily believe a survey conducted by a bunch of crazy groups, but after all, the public opinion is there, and most theaters still arranged a standard blockbuster movie schedule.

Who knew that the movie only released two rounds of promotional videos, and even the official film reviews and rumors were not released, and the first show of all theaters was completely booked!

Even the refund rate was far less than other movies!

Other shows, even the midnight show tickets, were quickly sold out.

According to the general film scheduling ratio, it is impossible to meet such a large demand for tickets!

The comments on the Internet are that they will never buy, they are boycotting, and they support diversity, but the market performance of this movie on the first day is completely opposite to the online comments.

Now it seems that everyone is buying more than anyone else.

"Something is wrong!" The leader who has been waiting for the Kuiguang Group to make a fool of himself was furious, and turned to look at his weird secretary, "Call those people back and ask them to explain why there is such a big gap between the estimate and the reality?!"

Didn't everyone pat their chests and guarantee that there would be no problems in the end?

Aren't the survey data given very beautiful?

Even if these data are inflated, they should not be completely reversed from the actual situation, right?

The secretary said carefully: "Those people have asked for leave these two days and can't come to the company."

The leader became even more angry: "If they asked for leave, then let them come back! If they can't come back, then never come back, just wait for the notice of resignation."

"I think it may not work..." The secretary reminded in a low voice, "Our diverse employees are very protected at the legal level. If they are fired for this kind of thing, they can easily win the case. And if we lose the case, we may have to pay a huge amount of compensation."

There was once a company that was caught by an employee for some trivial things, and finally it rose to prejudice and discrimination. With a lawsuit, it was actually compensated with tens of millions of dollars!

If the company was not big enough to pay this compensation, it would be enough to completely bankrupt a company that was slightly smaller or had a little more difficulty in turnover.

Companies like theirs are equivalent to the pluralistic church that collects indulgences. The income is not always so stable. If they have to pay out tens of millions of cash at one time, it can really be fatal.

Moreover, in order to compete with the strong capital of Kuiguang Group in public opinion, several similar companies have united to afford the high publicity costs.

The money spent on a lawsuit is not a small amount.

I heard that Kuiguang Group also has an extremely strong legal team...

The box office success of the movie is a huge blow to them. If there is any accident in the middle of the process, bankruptcy is not impossible.

Even though these employees are very good at biting others on the Internet, if they are unhappy, they will turn around and bite themselves, which is also very uncomfortable.

The leader, who felt that he was being attacked, suppressed his rage and asked, "What should we do then?!"

"I think the most urgent thing is to find someone to watch this movie and write down all the details of the movie to see if there are any points that can be attacked." The secretary suggested, "If there are, attack them on the Internet. If it is particularly large, maybe we can go through legal procedures... Of course, we have to go through the situation where our funds are not so tight."

The leader was silent for a while, and there was a hint of humiliation in his voice: "What I mean is that we still have to spend money to buy their movie tickets, right?"

Originally, their goal was to severely rip off the Kuiguang Group and make a few million from it, so that everyone in the entire interest chain could get rich.

Later, no one expected that the people of the Kuiguang Group would be so crazy that they chose to spend dozens or hundreds of times more costs and were unwilling to pay this "consulting fee". No one thought that Mag, who had always cooperated, would also choose to turn his face and turn his back on them this time, so their company's goal was forced to become a money-making game against a well-funded group.

Not for profit, but only to retain their deterrent power over other production companies.

If other production companies realize that their so-called "multiple" threats are just paper tigers, it will be even more difficult for them to continue to collect "consulting fees" in the future.

So, even if they lose money, they have to bite the bullet.

Now that the plan is about to fail, and the box office of "Aveda" that they have tried their best to discredit seems to have the momentum to impact the top 5 global box office, the only counterattack plan on their side is to organize a large number of employees to watch the movie and record the possible attack points of the movie?

And then continue to spray each other with the bottomless financial resources of the Kuiguang Group in the battlefield of public opinion?

They have countless industries, countless fans, and countless works all over the world... Every day, the number of music plays, video downloads, various surrounding boat tickets and tourism projects, etc., will provide cash support.

What about my side?

"Aveda" has largely destroyed the deterrent power of these companies. Many production companies may not be willing to pay "consulting fees" or no longer be willing to pay such high consulting fees.

With this increase and decrease, can they still make money?

Who has nothing better to do than to fight the Kuiguang Group?

And buying movie tickets is not expensive, but it is too insulting.

Finally, the leader made a decision after gritting his teeth: "We will make other plans after the pirated resources are released!"

"Also, those employees can take leave today, but they must return to the company as quickly as possible to deal with the mess they left behind."

After saying that, the leader walked out of the office angrily.

Before leaving, he cursed: "I was really crazy to do this business..."

When his boss was furious, the company employee who had asked for leave was bringing his wife and son to the cinema ticket office to buy snacks for the movie.

"There are so many people, all of them are here to see "Avatar"?" The employee muttered, "It's just as I guessed. Although everyone says it, their bodies are still very honest."

Just as he was looking around comfortably, he suddenly heard a very familiar but very frightening voice!

"Tom, why are you here?!"

This voice... is his colleague, and it's a familiar one!

How could it be such a coincidence that he actually met a familiar colleague? !

If it was a colleague he didn't know very well, Tom would be confident that they wouldn't recognize him from a distance...

If his colleagues found out that he took his family to see a competitor's movie and reported it to the boss, the consequences would be unimaginable.

Just as Tom was racking his brains to think of how to fool around, he suddenly felt that something was wrong.

No, what was his colleague doing in the cinema?

Tom turned his head quickly and found that his colleague also brought his wife and daughter, wearing regular sportswear, holding a large bucket of popcorn and Coke in his hands, and looked at him half-awkwardly.

In his impression, his colleague was dressed very radically...

Now he almost failed to recognize him at a glance.

How... It turns out that he is not the only one in the company who says one thing and does another?

Excluding coincidence, Tom can meet someone he knows when watching a movie, which can only mean that there are too many acquaintances who come to watch movies!

Movie tickets are so popular that the initial efforts of these diversified consulting companies can be declared a complete failure. It is considered a light shame. Who will spend so much money to find them for consulting in the future?

I am afraid that there will be a wave of layoffs in the near future.

However, Tom is not very worried about the problem of work... After the expansion of the business of Kuiguang Group and Mag, a lot of jobs have been provided to the local area.

As long as he throws away this layer of diversified skin and interviews normally, Tom believes that it is not difficult to find a job with his qualifications and abilities.

The two looked at each other for a moment, and Tom finally spoke first: "Haha... What a coincidence, you are here too, are you here to watch a movie?"

Bringing popcorn to the cinema, aren't you here to watch a movie or to eat?

The colleague also laughed awkwardly: "Haha, I'm here with my family on vacation, are you here to watch a movie too?"

"Yes, yes..."

"Then you are busy first, and we'll talk later?"

"Yeah, yeah, let's talk later!"

PS: How did everyone spend the Chinese Valentine's Day? (End of this chapter)

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