Lin Yi and Fat Brother slowly climbed up the stone steps. In the confined space, only Fat Brother could be heard panting heavily. Lin Yi was also exhausted, and the space suit on his body became more and more cumbersome. The helmets became heavier and heavier. Just when the two of them were almost unable to climb, they finally reached the finish line. In front of them was an open stone house. All kinds of furniture were made of stone, and there was even a pit like a hearth. !

The two of them carefully checked the surroundings of the stone house with flashlights, and sat down to rest when they saw nothing unusual. The fat man poked Lin Yi with his hand, then pointed to his helmet. Lin Yi understood what Fatty meant and wanted to take off the helmet, but Lin Yi cautiously shook his head at Fatty. Then the detection instrument was turned on to detect the composition and density of the air in the stone house.

Maybe the fat guy was so tired that he couldn't hold back anymore. Before Lin Yi finished the test, he took off the helmet directly, panting heavily. Seeing that the fat brother was fine, Lin Yi simply took off his helmet. Although the air in the stone house is not as comfortable as that of the earth, it is indeed much more comfortable than the oxygen circulation system of the space suit itself.

Lin Yi did not forget to complain about Fat Brother

"Fat brother, you are really not afraid of any accidents, so you just took off the helmet."

The fat brother was still panting heavily and said to Lin Yi

"It's okay, I would rather die from inhaling some poisonous gas than breathing the air of this circulatory system. Besides, since the ancient Egyptians could survive here, the problem of air should not be a big problem! And you may have little contact with it. , The detection instrument in your hand is very sensitive, if it is not suitable for human beings, you will call the police as soon as you open it."

"Although Fat Brother gave his own explanation, Lin Yi still wants to give Fat Brother more warnings"

Just when Lin Yi was about to say something, the fat man pointed behind Lin Yi and said tremblingly

"You checked that side of the forest just now, didn't you check it carefully? How can I see a person sitting there?" After saying that, the fat brother directly pulled out the electromagnetic gun and quickly opened the safety.

Lin Yi felt a little guilty when he said that, and slowly turned his head in the direction of the fat man's finger, and then shone the flashlight in his hand. The corner of the wall in the distance really looked like a person, And the clothes on his body are very similar to the space suits of Lin Yi and Fat Brother. Lin Yi also hid behind Fat Brother in fear. The fat brother slowly moved towards that person, and asked in a low voice while moving

"Brother, can you hear me? Is it Ah Xing? Or Ah Jiu? Don't be kidding, I can't shoot right, don't hurt you two again!"

But the person in the corner didn't seem to pay attention to Fat Brother's meaning, and still leaned against the corner without moving.

Lin Yi and Fat Brother exchanged glances again, and then they separated and moved slowly towards the man from the left and right sides leaning against the stone wall.

As the two got closer to the corner, the scene in front of them became clearer and clearer.

There is indeed a person leaning against the corner of the wall, wearing an early human spacesuit and a huge plexiglass helmet, which can be seen as a product of the old times. The mirror of the helmet has been damaged, and there is a bone inside! The entire space suit is supported by this bone, which confused Lin Yi and Fat Brother.

"Linzi, this is unlikely. Besides the ancient Egyptians, the five of us should be the first human beings to set foot on Superstar, right?"

"Not necessarily. From the time Director Wang told us to look for the Namek stele, I felt that the things inside were not that simple."

The fat brother nodded and squatted down, ready to check whether there were any clues on the remains. Before the body search, the fat brother paid a symbolic obeisance to the wreck. While prostrating, he muttered words.

After Lin Yi saw it, he really felt that Fat Brother didn't miss any of these strange things except his professional useless points.

Seeing that the fat brother had finished all his rituals, he and the fat brother laid the remains down first, and then carefully started the body search.

After all the searches were completed, there were not many clues, except for a small notebook, a watch, and the military badge on the neck of the corpse.

However, based on these things, it can be basically judged that this person should be a person from the era when the old era of the earth has just ended and the new era of technology has just emerged.

But why he is here, and how he came here, and the purpose of coming here is unknown.

Lin Yi then checked the coordinates given by Mr. Wang, which roughly coincided with this place.

"Lin Zi, Director Wang didn't tell you what the broken stone tablet he was looking for looked like?"

"No, but Andis should know. Since we already know, we will wait to meet Andis."

"Then what should he do?" Fat Brother pointed to the corpse lying on the ground.

"Take him home! But not now, we have to come back here again, let this senior wait here for a few more days, it's not too short of a few days after waiting for hundreds of years!"

Fat Brother chanted about the bones on the ground for a while, then prepared to leave the stone house with Lin Yi and return the same way.

On the way back, the two of them analyzed Director Wang's private mission again, but the clues were really limited, so they could only pin all their hopes on Andis.

Not long after, Lin Yi and Fat Brother returned to the intersection. Fat Brother looked at Lin Yi hesitantly, and Lin Yi also understood what Fat Brother meant, after thinking about it Lin Yi decided to wait until he reunited with the team to explore the rest of the place.

After all, the situation of the Parrot is unknown, and the Victory needs to be repaired urgently, and it seems that it has not been in contact with the earth, otherwise, I and the fat brother should have received the message from A Xing, and Lin Yi contacted again with brain waves Andis But still no response!

Lin Yi and Fat Brother decided that now they should find the Parrot and join the team!

Back on the Abraham, it is already the evening of Super Star, and the light of UV Cetus is gradually leaving the horizon. The sunset glow of Super Star is as beautiful as the sunset on the earth, and even slightly better! The pink and gold all over the sky are even more dazzling.

But Lin Yi always felt that the light of UV Cetus seemed to be getting weaker every day since he came to Chaozan, so he muttered to himself!

"Hi! It's because you're overthinking this. I've checked that Superstar is also in winter just like Earth, so you think so!"

After Lin Yi heard it, he didn't think there was any explanation, but he also had nothing to refute, so he and his fat brother boarded the Abraham and entered the cab. The suitable temperature made the two of them feel more tired! Fat Brother decided that the two of them would take shift breaks, and there was no need to waste any more time.

"Then how do we find the Parrot?" Lin Yi asked

"Leave it to me, don't worry! Take a rest quickly, and replace me when you're done, maybe you'll see the Parrot when you wake up!"

After finishing speaking, Lin Yi fell asleep in peace.

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