Lin Yi stood at the door, hesitating for a long time, and finally mustered up the courage to knock on the door.

Dong dong dong, I heard a knock on the door, and a woman's voice came from the room, "Who is it so late? Don't do your job and stay away from home every day. You finally stayed at home for a while, and then the ghost knocked on the door again. Who is it?" Ya! Who!"

Hearing the sound coming from the room, Lin Yi felt a burst of embarrassment and was about to turn around and leave when the door was already opened.

"Yo, I guess it's you! What's the matter so late, why didn't you send me a message and come here directly?" The fat guy didn't seem surprised, and he prepared to invite Lin Yi in while preparing his slippers.

"I'm really sorry to disturb you so late, but I thought of something important, and after thinking about it, only you can help me." Lin Yi lowered his head and dared not look directly at Fat Brother.

"Where did you go, women are like that, what did you think of?"

"It's not convenient to talk here, let's talk while walking"

"Then you wait for me, I will tell my wife."

There was another quarrel in the room, and I saw the fat guy wearing his shoes in a panic, pushing Lin Yi away in a hurry, and shouting into the room while pushing: "If it's too late, you should hurry up and take the child to bed. I'll bring you delicious food!"

"You know what to eat every day, be careful when you go out!" Although Fat Brother's wife was very angry, she still didn't forget to ask her before leaving.

Not far away, the fat brother anxiously asked Lin Yi: "What's the matter? I don't like your kind of things. If you have something to say, talk about it and let it go. What are you planning? Since you're here, you have something to do. It’s not about falling in love with you, why are you so inked?”

Lin Yi was a little overwhelmed by the fat man, but he gritted his teeth and told the fat man all about the photos in detail.

Fat Brother scratched his head, although he understood the whole process, but he still didn't understand much about the potion.

"You educated people, you really talk in a roundabout way. Then you mean to ask me to help you find the potion? Then this is too simple. I apply to the higher authorities, and it won't take long to find it!"

"No, you can't let the angel system know!"


"I still don't trust you"

"What? You think too much, what do we not want you to believe, and what we can use in you, if you really don't believe it, why do you still come to me?"

Suddenly, a traffic capsule drove up at the intersection, and the fat man quickly pushed Lin Yi behind him with his hands, protecting Lin Yi behind him. It stopped suddenly not far away, and fell into a terrible silence.

The fat man slowly pulled out the electron gun from his waist, while slowly backing away, preparing to push Lin Yi and himself behind the big tree. Suddenly the traffic capsule turns off the lights!

"If something unexpected happens, don't worry about anything, just run to my house, and my wife can protect you!" Fat Brother whispered to Lin Yi behind him.

The transportation capsule fell backwards slowly, and the fat brother slowly straightened up while bowing. Maybe it was a misunderstanding. But the traffic capsule suddenly accelerated and galloped towards the two of them!

Fat Brother fired two shots in a row, but the traffic capsule was still speeding straight towards the two of them. Fat Brother pushed Lin Yi out. With a bang, Fat Brother was directly knocked into the air, and the transportation capsule seemed to be damaged by Fat Brother and stopped slowly. The entire capsule continuously issued alarms and emitted white smoke.

A person rolled down from the transportation capsule and slowly crawled towards Fat Brother. Lin Yi was so shocked by what happened in front of him that he couldn't even move his legs.

Just when the man on the ground slowly raised his gun, Lin Yi got the courage to run up to the fat guy without knowing where he was, and tried to separate the fat guy from the gun pointing at him with his body. At this time, two second-class robots quickly flew from the sky and directly subdued the man on the ground with a stun gun. After that, there was a lot of noise. Lin Yi fainted directly on the ground at this moment because it was the first time his life was in danger.

When he woke up, the familiar white was still printed in front of his eyes. Yes, Lin Yi woke up again in the medical center, but this time there was no familiar figure. Fat brother! Lin Yi was anxious and got up quickly. As soon as he reached the door of the ward, a nurse from the medical center walked towards him. The nurse was very sweet, smiling at Lin Yi, and helped Lin Yi onto the bed.

"I checked you, there is nothing serious about your body, it should be overly frightened"

Lin Yi's face turned red, Lin Yi is always shy with girls, let alone fainted from fright this time, but Lin Yi still asked with concern

"Have you seen the fat sheriff who was sent here with me last night!"

"Ah, you said Fat Brother, haha ​​he is right next door to you"

"Is he serious?"

"Well, it's okay, you'd better go and see for yourself"

"Okay thank you"

"You're welcome, these are what we should do. If you care about Fat Brother, hurry over now, he won't be here in a while," the nurse said while she covered her mouth and gently backed out.

Not here? Is Fat Brother's injury serious? But just now the nurse said it shouldn't be a big deal, thinking of this, Lin Yi hurriedly dressed again and was going to visit Fat Brother next door.

Walking into the next door, Lin Yi was so frightened by the scene in front of him that he almost fainted again!

I saw that the dining table on Fat Brother's bed had been unfolded, and it was full of food, including roast chicken, dumplings, and all kinds of delicious food. If it was Lin Yi, I'm afraid it would take a week to eat all these food.

Seeing Lin Yi standing there in a daze, the fat brother quickly laughed foolishly.

"I heard that you still used your body to help me block the bullet at the last moment?"

"Ah, no, no, I didn't have any thoughts at the time, it was just instinct" Lin Yi replied stammeringly

"I misjudged you before, this time I will thank you first, and I can only find a chance to pay you back in the future."

"No, you were the one who saved me first, didn't you? By the way, are they coming after me?"

"Haha, at first I really thought it was aimed at you, but in the surprise interrogation last night, I explained everything, it was not aimed at you or me, it was the dark organization that had just finished the transaction, and was about to take a small path, but was caught by us It was an accident that the two bumped into each other!"

Seeing that the fat guy could eat and drink, Lin Yi finally felt relieved, and moved a chair to sit beside the bed. The matter of the potion came to my mind again, and I felt unnatural. If I hadn't gone to look for Fat Brother so late, what happened last night would not have happened. I felt sorry for Fat Brother, especially Fat Brother's wife. At this moment, Fat Brother rubbed the flesh on his stomach and said to Lin Yi.

"Still thinking about the potion, don't worry, I just want to have a good meal, you don't know, you can't eat so much delicious food if you are not in the medical center, and you can eat enough nutrition every day."

"But I don't want people in the public security center to know, especially Director Wang"

"As if I owe you this life, I can keep this matter a secret, but if the photos are really like what you said and there are other hidden secrets, you must also tell me, I don't want to pry into your privacy, simply Curiosity"

"Deal! Then how do we find the potion?"

"You also have something to eat later, let's go in the afternoon, and if there are no accidents, we can get it in the evening!"

After Lin Yi and Fat Brother packed up and walked out of the medical center, Fat Brother called for his transport capsule, and they got into the capsule.

After arriving at the destination, Lin Yi realized that this time he came to Country Y. Could it be that Brother Fat is still going to the underground dark exchange? But since the last incident, that exchange should have been completely closed.

Fat Brother saw Lin Yi's worry, he didn't care but stretched his waist, lazily told Lin Yi

"You fat brother, you have a wide network of contacts, but the thing you mentioned is indeed rare, and this potion is indeed produced by a dark organization, but we don't need to get out of the car, and someone will bring it to us soon!"

Sure enough, within five minutes, a retro Harley motorcycle rode over from a distance. At present, only country Y and country on the earth can own this kind of retro Harley motorcycle through application.

The iconic invisible sound of the Harley could be heard from a distance, but it took a long time for the Harley to stop beside Lin Yi and Fat Brother. girl.

The girl from the school race propped up the motorcycle, with the motorcycle under her crotch, wearing a black leather jacket. Although she was not tall, she looked like a character in a comic. After taking off the helmet, Lin Yi was surprised to find that this girl was not exactly the same as The girl I traded in the underground dark exchange!

The girl also saw Lin Yi, she just smiled slightly, and threw the things to Fat Brother directly.

"I said Fatty, let me find something, but can you make it a little earlier, don't be so anxious." The girl frowned at Fatty while talking, and then said

"Also, is it really safe for you to take him around like this?"

The fat guy laughed and joked

"Just say you can't find a man, isn't it too high-profile for a girl to ride such a thing!"

"It's up to you, why didn't you just let you receive the medal last night?"

Looking at the two of you, Lin Yi couldn't help being confused

On the way back, Lin Yi found out that although the Dark Alliance has secret organizations everywhere in the New Era society, on the contrary, there are many eyeliners in the Dark Alliance in the New Era, but the girl just now is a bit special, she does not belong to the Dark Alliance Nor does it belong to the society of the new era. According to the advanced point of view, it is a double agent, but it is an aboveboard spy, and belongs to the people who walk on the edge of the two social alliances. And the fat guy and the girl only have an interest relationship, so he speaks without reservation!

"What's that girl's name?" Lin Yi asked blankly looking out the window

"Xiaoyu" fat brother casually answered while holding the potion in his hand

Xiaoyu! Well, the name is quite kind, Lin Yi thought to himself.

Back home, the two couldn't wait to start decorating the darkroom. But Lin Yi only roughly remembered how his father taught him at that time, and he was afraid of making a mistake. After all, there is only one photo!

After a whole afternoon of tossing and tossing carefully, Lin Yi finally felt that it was almost done in the evening, and checked the whole process carefully. What kind of clues would not only make a fool of myself in front of Fat Brother, but also Fat Brother's injury was for nothing.

The fat brother saw Lin Yi's worry and kept comforting him.

"Look, you don't look like a man at all. You should be able to take it and let it go. Such a mother-in-law just had a crush on you. If you don't have it, at least try it. Hurry up, I'm hungry!"

Lin Yi tremblingly immersed the photo in the potion, and then the two of them stared wide-eyed and watched the photo sink into the water bit by bit. According to Lin Yi's memory, he should have to wait for five minutes, and the two of them waited quietly without saying a word. , one minute, two minutes, until five minutes, but the photo didn't respond.

"It doesn't look like it," the fat brother said regretfully.

"Yeah, maybe I thought too much, I'm sorry."

"What is this? Don't be discouraged and wait for us to think of a solution. Since I didn't find out, I will go home first. Your sister-in-law may not be in a hurry at this time."

"Okay, be careful on the road"

Lin Yi hung up the photos in the darkroom in disappointment! Then I nestled myself on the sofa and still fantasized that maybe I made a mistake in that step, or maybe my father really didn't leave such troublesome clues, it was just a simple photo!

Lin Yi got up, wanted to take a hot shower and have a good rest. When passing by the door of the darkroom, he casually looked at the photo again. What surprised Lin Yi was that the Kepler star on the photo disappeared, replaced by a line of familiar scribbles handwriting.

Lin Yi quickly picked up the photo and glanced at the line of words. After reading it, Lin Yi slumped on the ground.

Pick up the electronic device and send a message to Fat Brother, come to my house quickly!

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