"I don't know where Wang Ye and they went to play."

Tokyo, Yingli, who had just walked out of the subway, held her mobile phone in her hand, and stopped at the chat window without the slightest reply, and said a little sourly.

If she could, she seemed to be following Wang Ye and them to play together, and she forgot to reply to the messages she sent, she should be having a lot of fun, right?

"Don't you know after you go back, let's go, Sister Ting Tian is already waiting for us."

Shrugged casually, Kasumi Hills Shiyu didn't care where Wang Ye went to play, if you want to know, just ask after going back, beckoned to Yingli, now it's more important to go to see Ting Tian Yuanzi, but you can't let Ting Tian Yuanzi wait too long.

Her light novel officially reached this level today because of the support of Tingtian Yueko, plus the assist of An Yilun of luck. For Ting Tian Yuanzi's gratitude, Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu felt that it was more than An Yilun, because if it weren't for Ting Tian Yuanzi's rounding, he wouldn't have waited for An Yilun to also promote it on the Internet.

"Well, let's go."

Nodding, Eiri put away her mobile phone and followed Shiwa Kasumigaoka to the agreed place.

The other side...

"Hachimen Port~!"

In front of the three energy eggs from different positions, a black hole appeared, swallowing the energy bombs of Connor and the others without the slightest, and at the same time, a black hole appeared behind Connor and the others, which was a door to release!

The energy balls that were swallowed in it directly passed through the door and attacked at their respective masters without slowing down!

“?!" *3

The moment the energy bomb was just carried out by the eight doors, although Thor and the others could not see it, they still felt it, and they were busy tiptoeing to the side, and the feeling that came from the back came from the inheritance of the dragon, which was the feeling of attack!

Sure enough, as soon as the three of them dodged, the energy point that was carried out hit the ground and exploded! A real hurricane!

"Did you get out of the way... Word - Champagne merit! "

His own eight-door transport was avoided, and Wang was not surprised at all, after all, in addition to Connor's accident, the remaining two were basically battle-hardened fakes, and Connor was a dragon, and the dragon's perception king had to admire!

Once again, a pinch of the magic technique, the Dao sandalwood rose on the ground, thinking that the three of Thor attacked the past, under the control of Wang Ye, the sandalwood born of the sandalwood of the sandalwood was extremely flexible, closely following behind the three of Thor and surrounding the three of Thor.

"It's this move, this move to pull out the sword of the gods!"

Dodging Wang Ye's attack again, Thor also did not forget to report some information to Lucoya and Connor, although this time the joke is not an alliance, but after all, it is just a joke, there is no alliance and no enemy, whoever wants to fight can fight whomever he wants.

It's just that Wang Ye is very crazy to choose a head dragon!


Look again to avoid the attack of the sandalwood, Connor is surrounded by thunder and lightning, and with Connor's coquettish roar, the thunder and lightning stick to the sandalwood in the blink of an eye, splitting the sandalwood into black charcoal, and at the same time Connor also thinks that the king also rushes!

Not to be outdone, Thor and Lucoya used their own moves, dissolving the entanglement and pursuit of the merits of the sandalwood, and the footsteps turned and thought of Wang Ye rushing over!

Long-range attacks will be carried back by Wang Ye, and Wang Ye's techniques are also long-range attacks, so long and Wang Ye also came to play melee combat! Eliminate one first. This is not a union, if someone shows weakness, the rest will definitely switch targets without hesitation!

"Good to go~! Tai Chi Hand ~! "

Looking at Conna, who had rushed in front of him and was attacking with fists, Wang Ye snorted softly, his right foot had easily stood up on the Tai Chi pile, and his right hand stepped forward to bypass Connor's fist and throw Conna out!

Taiji Yunshou, a way of using Taijiquan, restrain rigidity with softness!

In the face of Thor and Lukoya who were striking left and right, Wang was also not panicked, and Taijiquan skillfully used it, easily defusing the attack of Thor and Lukoya, and successfully throwing the two out!

And then...

"Kun Zi - Flowing Stone!"

The huge stone quickly appeared out of thin air, quickly believing that it fell down, and Connor, Thor, and Lukoya were all shrouded inside!

The moment the shadow appeared, Thor and the others knew that things were not second, looked up at the boulders falling in the air, and immediately a giant dragon breathed out of a mouth, instantly evaporated the falling boulders, and at the same time adjusted his position in the air and fell firmly on the ground.

"Tai Chi Quan, I didn't expect it to really have an effect."

Lukoya, who fell to the ground, slowly opened his eyes, whispered softly, turned his hands into dragon claws, and rushed towards Wang Ye again on tiptoe.

The principle of Tai Chi, she has already spent a hundred years, although she can't believe it all, but knowing part is enough, the rest is good to perceive in actual combat!

"Although others can't reach this level, I can. Don't underestimate Tai Chi~"

Looking at Lukoya, who wanted to rush over by himself again, Wang Ye said softly, jumped off the Tuhe cart with a light point on tiptoe, and at the same time no longer carried Wang Ye's Tuhe car, and also directly thought of rushing over Lukoya crashed over!

The Tuhe cart is not used to hold 13, but to fight!



Two collisions sounded in succession, Lukoya smashed the Tuhe cart with brute force and continued to rush towards Wang Ye, and another sound came from Connor, Thor and Connor conna!

The battlefield was instantly divided, on one side was Lukoya, who was also using Taijiquan to face Lukoya, whose moves were all killing moves, and on the other side was the breath of Connor and Thor's two dragons!

On the other hand, Xiao Ai, who was lying on the ground looking at the clouds in the air, feeling the breeze and the aftermath that was not coming, and his eyelids began to fight gradually, finally because the impact was too small, and Wang Ye was around and felt very safe, lying on the grass and sleeping deeply.

On one side is the big hot king and the dragon, on the other side is the idle sleepy Xiao Ai, who has slept, and the blinding Wang Ye, there is no entity but an illusion.

"Although this world is an ordinary world, but your ability amazes me, you can develop such a way of fighting, so what will you do next? Dragon.. Spit out! "

Taking a deep breath, Lukoya said softly, but the voice clearly reached Wang Ye's ears, and then a breath thought of playing straight over!

"It's useless!"

PS: Book set sail: ask for tickets, ask for flowers, ask for collections, ask for tips!! _

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