In the classroom,

Wang Xiaotong, Li Xiangbin and others stood aside, quietly watching Wei Yingxia and Wang Ze.

The computer was already in Wang Xiaotong's hand.

At this time, Wang Ze was face to face with Wei Yingxia.

""Hello, Teacher Wei."

Wang Ze spoke slowly.

Wei Yingxia glanced at Wang Ze, then turned to look at Li Xiangbin and the others.

"Who are you?"

"Why did you take my computer?"

Wang Ze said,"Teacher Wei, why do you ask when you already know the answer?"

Wei Yingxia's eyes wavered for a moment, and she said,"I'm afraid you really need to explain."

Hearing this, Wang Ze nodded and said,"Okay, the Criminal Investigation Team of the Municipal Bureau."

Wei Yingxia gathered her ten fingers together and said,"Criminal police? What do you want to see me for?"

Wang Ze did not answer the question directly, and said,"Teacher Wei, you are sick, right?"

Wei Yingxia's expression did not change, and she said,"Yes, is it related to your Criminal Investigation Team?"

Wang Ze said,"I'm afraid it is directly related."

Wei Yingxia frowned,"My young comrade, if you have something to say, please speak directly, there is no need to hide it."

"If there is nothing important, I will leave."

"Please give me back my computer."

Wang Ze:"Teacher Wei, I just want you to stay in this classroom for a few more minutes."

"Do we have to go to the interrogation room to talk?"

Wei Yingxia was silent for a while, and said:"Okay, you go ahead."

Wang Ze smiled and said:"You are a psychology expert, I have a question to ask you"

"What do you think of people who don't cherish their own lives?"

Wei Yingxia's eyes trembled and she replied,"Life is the only wealth. It carries all the bits and pieces of life."

"Life is the reason for today"

"Everything exists only because of today."

Wang Ze nodded:"It seems that Teacher Wei has a unique understanding of life."

"Since you cherish life, why don’t you respect it?"

Wei Yingxia said calmly:"What do you mean?"

Wang Ze raised his right hand:"Eight young lives died because of you."

"Shouldn't you be ashamed of what you just said?"

Wei Yingxia:"I don't know what you are talking about."

Wang Ze chuckled:"Teacher Wei, since we are standing in front of you, it means that everything has been checked out."

"You are a professor, a senior psychology professor, respected by all students"

"Although suffering from a terminal illness, he is optimistic and still active in the front line of education"

"In this respect, I respect"

"But your profound knowledge has become your tool for killing people."

"Through psychological suggestion, the despair of life was imposed on them little by little, leading to eight suicides."

"Now, should I call you a gardener or an executioner?"

Wei Yingxia remained calm:"You may have made a mistake."

Wang Ze said:"All the evidence is in your computer. You can't erase all the traces."

"Moreover, our technical team can recover data"

"Compared to real traces, network traces are the most difficult to hide."

Wei Yingxia's expression changed and she remained silent.

Wang Ze waited for a while and said,"I still want to ask, why did you kill them?"

Wei Yingxia looked up and said,"I didn't kill anyone."

Wang Ze said,"Inciting others to commit suicide is the same crime as intentional homicide."

"You can discuss this issue with the judge and the jury in court."

"See how they will answer you."

Wei Yingxia gritted her teeth and said,"Don't they deserve to die?!"

This sentence indicated that she had admitted what she had done.

The reason for her confession so easily was simple.

The evidence was indeed in the computer.

She could not deny it.

Wang Ze's eyes turned cold:"Wei Yingxia, your words completely exposed the darkness in your heart."

When he asked this, he changed his address.

Teacher Wei became Wei Yingxia.

You became you

"You hate people who waste their time, don't you?"

"You hate people who feel sorry for themselves, don't you?"

"Do you think they deserve to die?"

"No, that's just your excuse."

"You just want to kill people. What you hate is not them, but the injustice of God."

"Choosing people with suicidal tendencies is just to increase the success rate."

"If there is a better way, you will even kill indiscriminately!"

"A cancer breeds your antisocial personality"

"What does this mean?"

"This shows that you are essentially a demon."

A series of words made Wei Yingxia's face turn extremely pale.

Wang Ze continued:"You can't live by yourself, and you want others to die with you."

"I didn't know where the extreme of selfishness was before, but now I seem to know it."

Wei Yingxia became excited:"No, it's not!"

Wang Ze said calmly:"Whether it is or not, you know it in your heart"

"I'm sorry to tell you"

"Wei Yingxia, you are suspected of instigating others to commit suicide"

"You are under arrest."

As soon as the voice fell, Ma Haoyu came over and took out handcuffs.

At the same time, he took out the arrest warrant.


The cold handcuffs locked Wei Yingxia's wrists.

It foreshadowed that the murderer behind this serial suicide case was brought to justice.

Wang Ze turned around and looked at the empty classroom, and said:"The three-foot podium stores the sun and the moon, and a piece of chalk writes the Spring and Autumn Period"

"You are worthy of respect."

"But if those students who respect and admire you one day find out that their revered teacher is a murderous demon"

"I don't know what you will think."

These words shocked Wei Yingxia, and she stood there in a daze.

In her mind, she suddenly recalled her youth.

Offstage, there were eyes thirsting for knowledge.

Onstage, there was her youthful self.


After a while, she sighed deeply.

"What's your name?"

Wei Yingxia���

Wang Ze turned around.

"Wang Ze"


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