Wang Ze said:"From previous cases, there are generally three ways to cause a person to fall into a coma."

"Liquid medication injection"

"Cover your mouth and nose for inhaled medication"

"Oral medications and diet"

"Judging from the location of the deceased, the second method has been ruled out"

"You are right. If the target is two people, the injection is too dangerous."

"But it’s not impossible to operate"

"This is one of"

"Second, the disposal of syringes is a problem"

"The clues we have so far tell us that the murderer has never left this apartment building."

"So, how to deal with the syringe will become a problem for the murderer."

"The third and most decisive point is"

"Where the chopsticks are scattered"

"The two deceased apparently dropped their chopsticks unconsciously when the drug suddenly took effect while they were eating."

"It is caused by internal factors, not external forces."

"Based on the above three points, the possibility that the victim was drugged is very high."

After listening to Wang Ze's analysis, Li Xiangbin hesitated for a moment and nodded:"Yes, that's right."

Wang Ze smiled and said:"It's meaningless to discuss this matter"

"Sister Song will give you a definite answer."

"The test report cannot be faked."

Li Xiangbin said,"That's right."

After the two chatted for a while, there was a cry outside the door.

It was the boy's cry.

Li Xiangbin turned his head and sighed,"It should be the child's grandparents."

The death of the couple was not only a huge blow to the child. It was also a blow to the child's grandparents.

The former lost their parents.

The latter lost their son and daughter-in-law.

I don't know what the murderer's motive was to brutally kill the couple.

Seeing that Li Xiangbin did not move, Wang Ze said,"Don't you need to go out and take a look?"

Li Xiangbin said,"I have arranged it. Someone will send them away."

"Don't let them see such a bloody scene."

Wang Ze nodded.

It's best not to watch it.

If they watch it, they will only be more devastated.

""Let me in!!"

There was a noise at the door.

It was probably the victim's father who wanted to rush in.

Several police officers were trying to persuade him to leave and prevent him from entering.

The noise lasted for ten minutes before the sound gradually faded away.

At this time, Li Xiangbin suddenly said:"Wang Ze, you said that the victim's children went out to play at the time of the crime. Is it a coincidence?"

Wang Ze raised his eyebrows:"Are you trying to say whether the murderer wants to kill the whole family ?"

"Yes. Li Xiangbin nodded and said,"If the child was at home at the time, would he have been killed as well?"

Wang Ze:"It's hard to say."

Did the murderer deliberately avoid the child?

Or was the child's departure a coincidence?

Now, there is no way to verify it.

This question can only be answered by the murderer after he is caught.

Not long after, the search near the crime scene made a breakthrough.

Ma Haoyu walked in holding something

"Captain Lee, found this"

"These should be the gloves the murderer wore when he committed the crime.

Li Xiangbin took a look.

They were a pair of gray gloves with blood stains on them.

"Where did you find it?"

Ma Haoyu pointed to the master bedroom and said,"It's right under the window of the master bedroom."

"When they were found, they were casually thrown into the bushes and were easy to find."

Wang Ze took a closer look and said,"Gloves made of chemical fiber materials are very common and should not be of much help in solving the case."

It does not mean that all gloves can avoid leaving fingerprints.

Leather gloves and latex gloves may have fingerprint residues.

And chemical fiber is chemical fiber.

It refers to fibers made from natural or synthetic polymers.

Gloves made of this material are impossible to leave fingerprints inside.

Li Xiangbin was surprised:"Why did the murderer throw the gloves out of the window of the master bedroom?"

"Where can't I throw it?"

"It's OK to stay at the scene."

Ma Haoyu couldn't answer this question and looked at Wang Ze.

Wang Ze frowned and said,"It's really... strange."

Li Xiangbin:"The victim's children may come back at any time, so we can race against time."

"In this case, the murderer could actually go around and throw the gloves in the master bedroom after killing someone."

"What are you thinking?"

Wang Ze said:"Not only that, the murderer also calmly wiped the murder weapon with the victim's clothes, completely ignoring the passage of time."

"It's a bit weird."

This question also stumped him.

If no one disturbed them when the crime happened and there were no worries, there was no need to delve into the murderer's behavior.

But the victim's children could come back at any time.

Once they found their parents were killed and cried loudly, the murderer himself would be in great danger.

How could he be so calm?

Ma Haoyu said,"Could it be that the murderer didn't know that the victim had children?"

Li Xiangbin turned his head and said,"It's a unit building. You can see them everywhere. How could he not know if there are children?"

Ma Haoyu was embarrassed and didn't say anything.

Wang Ze thought for a while without any results and said,"Captain Li, let's start from the beginning. There's no point in thinking about these things."

For some reason, he began to feel that there was something weird about this case.

Li Xiangbin said,"It's OK"

"After the on-site investigation is completed, we will go back to the bureau."

"By the way, the entire apartment building is monitored, and no one of the thirteen families can leave Yuncheng"


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