
The surrounding police officers took the order and hurried on.

The atmosphere within the criminal investigation team has always been good, but now there is a murder case, it is not the time to joke.

Zhou Weiyan smiled knowingly.

In terms of the number of times he assisted the police in solving cases, he was much less than Wang Ze.

It can be seen that the name Wang Ze has long been accepted by everyone in the Municipal Bureau.

Moreover, the evaluation is not low.

This is good.

After joining the company in the future, there is no need to re-adapt to the new environment and new interpersonal relationships.

""Wang Ze, what do you think of this case?"

Li Xiangbin asked at this time.

From the time he met Wang Ze today to now, the other party has not made a positive analysis of the case.

Although he has not read the file yet.

But Li Xiangbin knows Wang Ze's ability.

Subtle clues may be extended from points to surfaces and extend to infinite possibilities.

Wang Ze did not answer Li Xiangbin's words immediately, but subconsciously took out a cigarette.

Seeing this, Li Xiangbin was surprised:"Wang Ze, when did you learn to smoke?""

As far as he could remember, he had never seen the other party smoke a cigarette.

Wang Ze put a cigarette in his mouth and smiled:"I learned it in the mental hospital."

"One day I suddenly discovered that cigarettes can speed up the thinking process."

Zhou Weiyan was unhappy:"Those old men taught you that, right?"

"I didn't learn the good things, but I learned to smoke."

I was unhappy on the surface, but I didn't really care.

Smoking is harmful to health.

But there are too many men who smoke.

"Teacher, don’t you also smoke?"

"You are so old, it is you who should quit smoking."

As he spoke, Wang Ze lit a cigarette.

Zhou Weiyan laughed and scolded:"You little bastard, you haven't improved in a year, and now you are controlling me!"

Li Xiangbin glanced at the two of them and said speechlessly:"I say, you two masters and apprentices, can you stop talking about the issue of cigarettes?"

"Can we investigate the case first?"

"The case is clear, I will give you five packs!"

Hearing this, Wang Ze's eyes lit up and he turned around and asked,"What five packs of cigarettes?"

Li Xiangbin:"……"

"You're making me angry!"

Wang Ze grinned.

The next moment, he slowly restrained his smile and said,"Eight suicides in two months is far beyond the normal level."

"My opinion is the same as the teacher's, it may be artificial."

Li Xiangbin glared:"Wang Ze, can you tell me something I don't know?"

Wang Ze spread his hands and said helplessly:"Captain Li, I just came to the scene, smoked two puffs, and didn't read a word of the file."

"At most, Sister Song told me the autopsy results."

"What do you want me to say?"

"You really think I'm a god."

Li Xiangbin's tone choked:"Then you have to……"


Before he could finish his words, he was interrupted by a police officer.

Li Xiangbin stopped talking and turned his head and asked,"What are you shouting for?"

The police officer trotted over, handed a piece of A4 paper to Li Xiangbin, and said,"It looks like a suicide note."

"Suicide note?"

Li Xiangbin took it quickly.

On a piece of white paper, there was a lot of beautiful handwriting.

There was no title.

After reading it, Li Xiangbin frowned again.

That's right.

Judging from the content, it was a suicide note. The reason for suicide was clearly written: emotional problems.

The deceased, unable to accept the reality of a broken heart, finally chose suicide.

"Are there still people committing suicide because of a broken heart?!"

"What are you thinking?!"

"There's something wrong with your brain!"

Li Xingbin was very angry.

Life is so precious.

Committing suicide for love is ridiculous!

What's the problem?

There are so many good men in the world. If you lose one, you can find another one.

Wang Ze put on gloves and took the so-called suicide note from Li Xiangbin.

After reading it carefully, he was thoughtful.

There was nothing wrong with the suicide note.

The handwriting was smooth and there was no deliberate imitation.

"Let me take a look at the other words of the deceased."

Wang Ze looked up and said


The police officer had already prepared it and immediately handed it to Wang Ze.

Wang Ze compared the two documents and then returned them to the police officer.

It was the same person.

No problem.

Zhou Weiyan said:"Wang Ze, do you find any suspicious points?"

From the beginning of his contact with this case, he determined that the deceased was most likely not a suicide, but he could not find definite evidence.

Not to mention evidence, there is no clue or basis.

All traces indicate that the deceased must have committed suicide.

Therefore, until now, he can't help but have doubts.

Could it be that all eight people really committed suicide?

If it was homicide, how could the murderer do it eight times in a row without leaving any flaws?

Is there such a perfect killing process?

Facing Zhou Weiyan's questioning, Wang Ze took a puff of cigarette and shook his head:"No..."

"There is a suicide note, and the autopsy points to suicide, which is consistent with……"

At this point, he looked at Li Xiangbin and said,"By the way, Captain Li, how were the drug tests for the seven suicides?"

Li Xiangbin said,"Very normal. No special drugs were found before the suicide."

Wang Ze:"What about the method of suicide?"

Li Xiangbin:"There are many different methods, including jumping off a building, taking sleeping pills, and cutting wrists."

"Cutting of wrists accounts for a large proportion."

After hearing this, Wang Ze pondered for a while and said,"Are there any clear common points in the eight suicide cases?"

Asking this question shows that Wang Ze has substituted the case into the hypothesis of a serial murder case.

Assuming that the eight suicide cases are homicides.

Then, finding the common points of the deceased is the key to solving the case.

Generally, the murderer of a serial murder case seems to choose the target randomly, but there are certain characteristic orientations.

For example: a child who has been abused by his stepmother since childhood, if he grows up to kill people because of psychological distortion and revenge on society, he will basically choose middle-aged women as his target.

This is the characteristic orientation brought about by psychological suggestion.

He will hate this kind of people

"Common points?" Li Xiangbin thought about it and nodded:"Yes!"


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