.This is called humanitarian help !

.Seeing Wang Ze reaching out for money and being serious , Jiang Ying’s face darkened .

.She slapped Wang Ze’s hand off and said, ” If you want to be beautiful , where is this going ?”

.” They will definitely keep it in mind and ask from time to time . ”

.” Your mission is not over yet !”

.Wang Ze suddenly had an ominous premonition : ” You don’t really want to take me back , do you ?”

.” I solemnly declare that I will not do it !”

.Jiang Ying squinted at Wang Ze and said, ” You ‘re scared , do n’t worry . ”

.” It’s not a fact to take it home ?”

.” If you want to go , then make me fall in love with you , come on . ”

.Wang Ze whispered to himself , ” Fall in love with me ?”

.” How many nursing homes did I have to blow up in my last life ? ”

.Jiang Ying stared : ” What did you say ?!”

.Wang Ze raised his head and said blankly, ” No … I didn’t say anything . Are you hallucinating ?”

.Jiang Ying gritted her teeth .

.Every time she meets this kid , she always has the urge to strangle him .

Chapter 35 _ I am married , where will the money come from ?

.Lunch lasted forty minutes .

.Jiang Ying wiped her mouth , looked at Wang Ze and said, ” Have you finished eating ?”

.Wang Ze stared at Jiang Ying , pointed to the empty plate and said, ” I finished eating half an hour ago !”

.Speaking of this , Jiang Ying couldn’t help laughing .

.” You eat filet mignon as a bun . ”

.” Sincerely funny isn’t it ?”

.Wang Ze’s eyes trembled .

.If only the buns would be fine .

.You can eat for ten bucks .

.Now what ?

.You can’t come down without three thousand .

.You rich people are so delicate .

.He was not envious , but rather sighed .

.Wang Ze’s spiritual pursuit is much higher than material pursuit .

.But then again .

.Money is not everything , no money is everything !

.So Jiang Ying will settle the bill for him one day , it is necessary !

.How many years of struggle ?

.” Waiter , pay the bill . ”

.Jiang Ying waved .

.Seeing this , Wang Ze’s eyes lit up .

.This is without paying for it !

.That feeling is good !

.Made me worry for an hour in vain .

.If I knew this earlier , I should have eaten more .

.Haven’t eaten yet !

.Soon , a waitress came over , smiling like ‘” Water . Capital .”” Source ? Group :6;?;5′”?6:6,?1.!.8?.8?:9.6, Prepare .” Use ,: Middle ! Turn .”” Group ;7:!’6.:,6:0’1.8.3.,2.,0 said : “A total of three thousand two . ”

.As she spoke , she handed the list directly to Wang Ze .

.After Wang Ze was stunned for a moment, he was instantly dumbfounded .

.You girl , are you looking for something ?

.It’s not what I called to pay !

.” Sir , how do you pay ?”

.The waitress smiled .

.Jiang Ying also looked at Wang Ze .

.She wanted to pay , but she didn’t expect the waiter to give the order to Wang Ze .

.It seems that it is the habit of men to pay the bill .

.” How to pay ?”

.Wang Ze looked at Jiang Ying subconsciously .

.Why should I pay ? !

.Jiang Ying seemed to understand Wang Ze’s eyes , found it interesting , turned her eyes away , and pretended not to see it .

.Wang Ze suddenly had a black line on his face .

.OK .

.You wait for me .

.” Sir ?”

.Seeing that Wang Ze didn’t speak , the waiter repeated .

.At the moment , Wang Ze hugged his arms and said in a low voice , ” I’m married , where did the money come from ?”

.” I’m going to get mad when I mention this !”

.” Since I got married , I haven’t seen money , it ‘s all cards !”

.” Supermarket card , bus card , gas card , stored value card …”

.” I have a stack of cards in my pocket !”

.” Look what I do , find her !”

.Jiang Ying was stunned , her eyes widened , and she looked at Wang Ze in disbelief .

.She never thought that Wang Ze would come out like this .

.Who is so married to you ? !

.The waitress was stunned , and then apologetically said, ” Sorry sir . ”

.After speaking , she handed the list to Jiang Ying and said , ” Are you cash or ?”

.Jiang Ying stared at Wang Ze , gritted her teeth and said, ” Swipe your card !”

.The waiter smiled and said, ” Okay . ”


.The two walked out of the western restaurant .

.Wang Ze deliberately stayed away from Jiang Ying .

.A little afraid to look at her , very guilty .

.At a certain moment , Jiang Ying stopped .

.Wang Ze didn’t notice it and continued to walk forward with his head down .

.” Wang Ze !”

.Jiang Yingjiao shouted .

.Wang Ze was startled suddenly , and quickly turned around and smiled : ” What’s the matter ? You have something to say !”

.” Do what you can do , and if you can’t do it, I have to do it for you !”

.Jiang Ying pointed at Wang Ze and said, ” What did you just say ? Repeat it for me !”

.Wang Ze pretended to be stupid : ” What ? Just now ?”

.” Did I just say something ?”

.” Oh yes , I said , there is something you ordered , what can be done , what can’t be done …”

.” Wang Ze !!”

.Jiang Ying interrupted angrily .

.” Am I referring to this sentence ?”

.Wang Ze wondered : ” Then what sentence are you referring to ?”

.Jiang Ying was very angry and strode over .

.Wang Ze was so frightened that he quickly stepped back , stretched out his hand and said, ” Don’t, don’t, don’t !”

.” Miss , I’m just joking , you won’t destroy me !”

.Jiang Ying said : ” I tell you , this matter is very serious , very serious !”

.Wang Ze was confused by Jiang Ying’s seriousness , and said cautiously, ” How much … how serious ?”

.Jiang Ying said coldly : ” You have to pay the price . ”

.Wang Ze sneered and said , ” What’s the price …”

.Jiang Ying said word by word: ” Today , you have to listen to me . ”

.Wang Ze was stunned : ” Why ?!”

.Jiang Ying stared : ” Huh ?”

.Wang Ze raised his hand and surrendered : ” Okay , okay, I’m wrong, okay ?”

.” In the future , no more nonsense . ”

.” Go ahead . ”

.Jiang Ying nodded with satisfaction. After looking at Wang Ze, she said , “The clothes are too ugly . ”

.” By my side , of course, the clothes should not be too bad , or it would be shameful to lead them out . ”

.” Go shopping with me . ”

.Wang Ze was surprised : ” Go shopping ?”

.” It’s that simple ?”

.Jiang Ying looked up and said , “The hairstyle should also be changed . ”

.Wang Ze understood , and was immediately unhappy .

.” What the hell ? Am I not handsome now ?”

.Jiang Ying raised the corner of her mouth and said, ” I will make you more handsome . ”

.Wang Ze : “.?”

.” Why do you put this private order ? I’m a big living person !”

.Jiang Ying’s eyes turned cold : ” You already agreed just now . ”

.” Otherwise , I’ll go to the city bureau and tell everyone , you’re a hooligan !”

.Wang Ze blinked , the threat effect was a little weak .

.But he naturally won’t be serious with the other party .

.” Where ?”

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