.No wonder Li Xiangbin frowned most of the time .

.Zhou Weiyan looked at Wang Ze and said, ” Wang Ze , have you noticed something unusual ?”

.He could see the change in Wang Ze’s demeanor .

.Especially when it is known that all the deceased have suicide notes , and they are all handwritten ones .

.Hearing Zhou Weiyan’s question , Li Xiangbin quickly turned his head and looked at Wang Ze .

.This serial suicide case has already reached a deadlock .

.If there is no clue pointing to his murder, then the case can only be finalized .

.That’s not what he’s worried about .

.But in case new suicides continue to appear .

.ninth ?

.tenth ?

.By that time , things will get out of hand .

.Wang Ze took a cigarette and said , ” There is something wrong with the eight handwritten suicide notes . ”

.Li Xiangbin’s expression was shocked , and then he said , ” What’s the problem .”

.Wang Ze raised his right hand and glanced at it , ” Except for exams , I rarely use a pen . ”

.” How about you, Team Li , haven’t you written for some years ?”

.Li Xiangbin was taken aback .

.Next to him , Zhou Weiyan seemed to have thought of something , and said , ” Now is the age of electronic information . Everyone does not leave their mobile phones and computers without leaving their bodies . It is true that they rarely write . ”

.” Even if you need to write a document , you will choose the keyboard to input and the printer to print . ”

.Wang Ze nodded : ” Eight handwritten , this is the first doubt . ”

.” Second , all eight people have suicide notes , without exception . ”

.” I wouldn’t be surprised if one of the eight didn’t have a suicide note . ”

.” It’s kind of like , a standard production line . ”

.Li Xiangbin stopped breathing and said , ” Wang Ze , do n’t you mean to say that someone manipulated these eight suicide cases ?”

.Wang Ze found a wet wipe to extinguish the cigarette , threw it into the trash can , and said, ” I didn’t say that , I just thought it was a bit strange . ”

.”What is the specific situation requires more in-depth investigation . ”

.” For now , let’s wait for the results of the full autopsy . ”

.Li Xiangbin nodded : ” Okay . ”

.Wang Ze turned his head to look in the direction of the bedroom and said , ” By the way , the deceased’s belongings must be brought back . ”

.” Including cell phones , laptops and all written texts . ”

.Li Xiangbin : ” Of course , don’t worry , there will be no omissions . ”

.At this time , Zhou Weiyan looked at his watch and said , ” Since Wang Ze is involved in this case , I will go back to school first . ”

.With Wang Ze around , his role is already dispensable .

.Moreover , the curriculum at the school is still very tight .

.If it weren’t for the priorities , he wouldn’t have come .

.Li Xiangbin had no objection , and smiled : ” It’s hard work, Lao Zhou . ”

.In his heart , of course, he prefers Wang Ze .

.But this sentence will not be spoken .

.Otherwise , it can be if . ‘ : Water ‘ : Zi _ _ ? .Turn to “? Group .!’7,,;6’6::0,’1!;.8?:’3″2:0 is too unbecoming .

.Zhou Weiyan smiled slightly and looked at Wang Ze : ” After the case is over , I will wait for you at school . ”

.” You don’t have to worry about your studies , I’ll take care of it . ”

.Wang Ze nodded : ” Okay , thank you teacher . ”

.He has always had great respect for Zhou Weiyan .

.A teacher for a day, a father for a lifetime .

.Zhou Weiyan was considered to be his closest elder in this brand new world .

.” You are busy . ”

.Zhou Weiyan nodded with a smile , patted Wang Ze on the shoulder, and left the crime scene .

.Soon , the survey work of the technicians was over .

.Seemingly suspicious items and rubbing marks need to be brought back to the bureau for further inspection .

.” Okay , close the team . ”

.” Take the body back , be careful . ”

.” Also , inform the family . ”

.” Wang Ze , let’s go . ”

.After speaking , Zhou Weiyan turned around .

.” Wait . ”

.One of Zhou Weiyan’s words made Wang Ze puzzled .

.” Notify the family ? Did the deceased live alone ? Who called the police ?”

.Zhou Weiyan turned back : ” Her ex-boyfriend called the police . ”

.Wang Ze raised his brows : ” Where are the people ?”

.Zhou Weiyan said : ” Scared away , I have already called someone to look for it , I should be in the bureau now , what’s the matter ?”

.” Oh . ”

.Wang Ze nodded and waved his hand : ” It’s okay , just ask , let’s go . ”

Chapter 9 _ Did he kill ?

.Cloud City Bureau .

.Li Xiangbin led the team back and also brought Wang Ze .

.Everyone in the criminal investigation team is familiar with Wang Ze, a young genius in solving crimes .

.Surprised , they all came to say hello .

.” Wang Ze ?”

.” You kid , what’s wrong with you , why did you go to the mental hospital by yourself?”

.Obviously everyone in the criminal investigation team knows about this .

.Possibly , not just the criminal investigation team .

.Wang Ze turned his head .

.A man in his 30s and 40s walked up to him , holding a thermos cup in his hand .

.The color of the tea in the cup is very dark .

.It was strong tea .

.A refreshing strong tea .

.” Old money , long time no see . ”

.Wang Ze smiled and said hello .

.Qian Tai , the pre-trial of the criminal investigation team , is a well- rounded character .

.The pre-trial work requires staying up late for a long time , so Qian Tai’s teacup has been brewing strong tea .

.There are also obvious dark circles under the eyes .

.It’s rather hard work .

.Well-rounded and exquisite here is not a derogatory term , but to describe Qian Tai’s comprehensiveness and experience in reception .

.Therefore, in addition to the pre-trial work , he is basically responsible for receiving the families of the victims .

.Seniority , very old .

.Unfortunately, the position has never been up .

.If you want to be promoted in the criminal investigation team , the fastest way is to be in the front line .

.That is the detection rate .

.As long as you can solve the case , your promotion path will be very wide .

.Because of this , everyone in the city bureau has always been very polite to Wang Ze .

.They know that Wang Ze’s future is limitless .

.Once hired , I am afraid it will be a rocket-like jump .

.” Haha , welcome back !”

.Qian Tai laughed and patted Wang Ze’s shoulder hard .

.” By the way , when will you graduate ?”

.Seeing that the two were about to chat , Li Xiangbin hurriedly said, ” Oh, it’s okay , I have to go to Lao Liu , stop first , and there will be opportunities in the future . ”

.After he finished speaking , he took Wang Ze and left without waiting for Qian Tai to respond .

.Wang Ze was helpless , so he turned around and waved at Qian Tai , indicating that he could talk again when he had time .

.office .

.Li Xiangbin pushed open the door and entered .

.Behind the desk , a middle-aged man in a police uniform raised his head and said dissatisfiedly, ” Li Xiangbin , how many times have I said that before entering the door … eh ? Wang Ze ?”

.After the man saw Wang Ze behind Li Xiangbin , he stopped talking and stood up .

.” Why are you here ?”

.” Recovered ?”

.Regarding Wang Ze’s question , he once communicated with Zhou Weiyan .

.The answer is : self-adjustment is required .

.Now it seems that it is adjusted ?

.He values Wang Ze far more than Li Xiangbin .

.If it wasn’t for the other party’s studies , he would have dragged Wang Ze to the bureau long ago .

.” Liu Bureau . ” Li Xiangbin smiled : ” I just called him back from the mental hospital , and the doctor said he has fully recovered . ”

.Hearing this , Liu Guanghai looked overjoyed , left the table and said , ” Everyone sit down . ”

.Wang Ze politely said : ” Thank you Liu Bureau . ”

.After a few people sat down , Liu Guanghai looked at Wang Ze and asked , ” How did you deal with your academic problems after taking a year off ? What did Lao Zhou say ? Do you need help ?”

.Wang Ze said with a smile : “The teacher said that it will be treated as sick leave , as long as you pass the exam . ”

.Hearing this , Liu Guanghai waved his hand : ” That’s easy . ”

.” With your ability , it’s not easy to pass the exam ?”

.” Let me tell you Wang Ze , even the most talented police academy student I know has never passed the exam . ”

.” You are unprecedented , and no one will come since . ”

.Wang Ze coughed lightly : “The hero doesn’t mention his bravery back then . ”

.Full score ?

.How long ago was that .

.” Haha , okay , let’s look back . ”

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