.”The fibers of the clothes are also the same as the fibers of the clothes left in the fingernails of the deceased . ”

.” From your mobile phone shopping order , 930 also found the nail purchase record left on the spot . ”

.” Do n’t waste time , okay ?”

.Hearing this , Tang Hong’s expression still did not change much .

.As if nothing could make him excited .

.I don’t know if it’s mentally strong .

.Or the closed indifference caused by autism .

.After a long silence , he nodded slightly and said , ” I killed it . ”

.Seeing the other party admit it, Wang Ze leaned back and said , ” Where’s the motivation ?”

.Mentioning motivation , Tang Hong frowned slightly .

.For him .

.This may have been a more serious emotional external reaction .

.” He killed my friend . ”

.Wang Ze : ” Who is your friend ?”

.Tang Hong : ” Cat . ”

.Wang Ze : ” How did you know about this ?”

.Tang Hong : “I have less friends . ”

.Wang Ze said: ” What you want to say is that one day, you suddenly found that the stray cats you often feed are missing a few ?”

.Tang Hong : ” Yes . ”

.Wang Ze : ” Then how did you know that it was Bai Zhenghao who did it ?”

.Tang Hong : ” I heard it . ”

.(chfd) Wang Ze raised his brows : ” Where did you hear that ?”

.Tang Hong : ” Dormitory . ”

.Wang Ze : ” One day you passed by his dormitory and heard that he and Qin Hong were discussing the torture and killing of stray cats , right ?”

.Tang Hong : ” That’s right . ”

.Wang Ze : ” Why did you let Qin Hong go ?”

.Tang Hong : ” He didn’t kill my friend . ”

.Wang Ze nodded and said , ” From now on , I will describe the process of the night of the crime . ”

.” If there is a mistake in the middle , you can interrupt me at any time to correct it . ”

.” Do you understand ?”

.There’s something wrong with this guy’s ability to express himself .

.If he was asked to describe the killing process again , it would probably be very late .

.Tang Hong did not speak .

.Wang Ze didn’t care and said , ” Before ten o’clock that night , you came to the 402 dormitory where Bai Zhenghao was . ”

.” Because you are on the same floor , you know each other . ”

.” At least , I ‘ve had many face-to-face meetings , so it’s considered an acquaintance . ”

.” You made a random excuse to stay in the dormitory and didn’t leave immediately . ”

.” Then , taking advantage of Bai Zhenghao’s unpreparedness , he restrained Bai Zhenghao from behind with the prepared skipping rope . ”

.” He had a lot of strength and struggled violently . ”

.” Unfortunately , the final winner is you . ”

.” You , strangled him . ”

.” Is there a problem ?”

.Tang Hong lowered his head and said , ” No. ”

.Wang Ze continued : ” After strangling Bai Zhenghao , you returned to the dormitory and brought the nails you bought online , as well as the barbell plates that were already in the dormitory . ”

.When mentioning the barbell plate , Tang Hong glanced at him , but did not speak .

.Wang Ze said: ” You used the barbell plate as a hammering tool to firmly nail Bai Zhenghao under Qin Hong’s bed . ”

.” Not only to kill Bai Zhenghao , but also to let Qin Hong live in the shadows all his life . ”

.” So , you sent that text message . ”

.” Good friend , back to back . ”

.” Is there a problem ?”

.Hearing this , the corner of Tang Hong’s mouth showed a radian .

.seems to be laughing .

.But not like .

.He said, ” They are good friends . ”

.Listening to Tang Hong’s words requires brainstorming .

.Otherwise , you may not be able to understand .

.Wang Ze said : ” He was scared crazy . ”

.Hearing this , Tang Hong was obviously taken aback .

.Then , the curvature of the corners of the mouth became larger .

.It is now certain that he is indeed laughing .

.” Deserved . ”

.Tang Hong said two words .

.Facing the somewhat neurotic Tang Hong , Wang Ze really didn’t know how to talk for a while .

.After a while of silence , he said , ” What do those stray cats mean to you ?”

.Tang Hong : ” Friend . ”

.Wang Ze : ” Is it just a friend ?”

.Tang Hong thought about it and said , ” Family . ”

.Wang Ze : ” Don’t you have parents and friends ?”

.Tang Hong : ” It doesn’t count . ”

.Wang Ze : ” If you are good to animals , animals will also be good to you . There is nothing too complicated , right ?”

.Talking here , Tang Ruo !?” Water .”” Zi’.Source ! ” : Group.6 . , 5;6″,6;:’1,,;8:”8!?9’6, Prepare : Using ‘?:?”: transfer..group “!7!.:6::6″0;?”1″!?8:::3’;;2;.0 Hong ‘s eyes brightened and said : ” Do you have friends too ? ”

.Wang Ze smiled : ” Not now , maybe in the future . ”

.Tang Hong : ” My friend , take care of you . ”

.Wang Ze was surprised : ” You asked me to take care of those stray cats ?”

.Tang Hong nodded : ” Parents are dead , they are all children . ”

.Wang Ze was silent .

.He remembered .

.The five I met that night were all kittens .

.Bai Zhenghao , is this killing all the adult stray cats in China University of Science and Technology ?

.Seeing that Wang Ze didn’t speak , Tang Hong became anxious : ” Poor !”

.Wang Ze said: ” Isn’t there someone else to take care of it ?”

.Tang Hong : ” Don’t worry . ”

.Wang Ze looked at him deeply for a while and said , ” Okay . ”

.Tang Hong rejoiced : ” Thank you . ”

.Looking at the joy and sincere gratitude on the other’s face , Wang Ze was a little dazed for a while .

.Very few .

.The lives of animals will be placed at a higher level than human lives .

.He saw it today .

.After killing Bai Zhenghao , Tang Hong didn’t care at all .

.He is not afraid of his own fate in the future .

.On the contrary, up to now , he is still concerned about the survival of those kittens .

.In the eyes of normal people , Tang Hong is not normal .

.In the eyes of the police , Tang Hong was a murderer .

.But from a certain point of view , it may be said that Tang Hong is an abnormally good person .

.At least for those cats .

.Tang Hong is a warm light that illuminates their wandering lives .

Chapter 105 _ I have only been employed for three months [ 2 ]

.Interrogation room .

.Wang Ze asked the last question

.” How many cats did Bai Zhenghao torture and kill ?”

.Tang Hong replied : ” Nine . ”

.” I’m missing nine friends . ”

.Wang Ze got up and left .

.” You guessed it right , it really is nine . ”

.Li Xiangbin came over and said as he walked .

.Wang Ze lit a cigarette , handed it to Li Xiangbin , and said , ” It’s just a guess ~, there is no basis . ”

.Wang Xiaotong and others also gathered around . .

.She said, “I always feel that there are no bad guys in this case . ”

.Wang Ze’s interrogation of Tang Hong just now silenced everyone .

.It’s not too bad to be able to treat small animals as friends , right ?

.Li Xiangbin took the cigarette , looked at Wang Xiaotong and said, ” Everyone has been strangled to death , and they are still nailed under the bed , aren’t they bad people ?”

.Wang Ze let out a breath of smoke and said , “What she means is , consider the problem from Tang Hong’s point of view . ”

.” In Tang Hong’s eyes , those cats are his friends and family . ”

.” Friends and family members were tortured and killed one by one , and no one could bear it . ”

.” As for Bai Zhenghao . ”

.” His morbid mentality is caused by Zhang Enyi , don’t blame him . ”

.” And Zhang Enyi thinks that everything is for the good of his son . ”

.” Although the way is wrong , at least the starting point is not wrong . ”

.” Qin Hong was not killed , so he must not have done too much . ”

.” Looking at the whole case , I really can’t say that someone is too bad to be forgiven , and the crime cannot be punished . ”

.Li Xiangbin glanced at a few people and said , ” What do you want to do so deeply ?”

.” We are criminal police , and our duty is to catch criminals . ”

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