This **** source of all evil.

Bai Xiyue was very confused.

Is there any debuff in her world, the kind that looks like bad luck.

Although the first world is a bit memorable, it doesn't seem to be memorable yet.

"Are you going out today?"

"Well, go meet a friend."

Bai Xiyue nodded and kept calm.

The reason why Yu Rongjiang is here is nothing more than to go to work in City H. She should not be able to meet her. Just be careful not to go to public places that are easy to encounter in restaurants.

Bai Xiyue remembered the fear of being dominated by the Western restaurant in the first mission world, which was simply a disaster site.

"To teach vocal music too?"

There was a bit of joking in Yu Rongjiang's voice, as if it had something to do with it, and it seemed that there was nothing.

This was the reason Bai Xiyue used after returning to the file for the first time. Although it was nonsense, she did not allow anyone to question this reason.

Yu Rongjiang now came out and said, he didn't know if it was just a joke, or he was already suspicious.

"No, I accept students all the time, just meet and play with friends."

"When to go back?"

Yu Rongjiang remembered that her parents were still at home, he should be able to go back tonight.

"Tonight, maybe it's tomorrow morning. My parents are not gone. I can't, and it's just right for me not to go back. I don't have to sleep together."

Bai Xiyue stretched her hands and relaxed.

When people lie, they can’t help being tight or doing some small movements. Sometimes the more they deliberately don’t do these movements, the more obvious they are. Bai Xiyue’s lie is also a lie and he is not afraid at all. of.

Yu Rongjiang raised his eyebrows noncommittal. He originally wanted to work overtime tonight instead of going home.

"Well then, pay attention to safety."

Yu Rongjiang did not force it, Bai Xiyue nodded, indicating that she knew.

The plane arrived at the airport in City H in 40 minutes. Bai Xiyue arrived at the terminal and walked towards the exit.

"Where are you going? Do you need me to give you a ride?"

"No, my friend will come to pick me up, so go to work."

Bai Xiyue shook her head, goodbye to you.

After confirming that Yu Rongjiang had left, Bai Xiyue waited for the taxi to report a place name.

She went to a Starbucks, and when she got there, she sent a message to Huo Xinghan.

The system told her that Huo Xinghan was still on his way to H City.

Why bother this is.

[Bai Xiyue]; Tongzi, please check Huo Xinghan to see if he has any house or something in H City.

Bai Xiyue was inclined to have something of Huo Xinghan here, otherwise Huo Xinghan would not need to come here to meet her.

[System]: Okay, we are checking.

[System]: I found it, and the information is sent to you.

Bai Xiyue took a look, her heart sank.

She knew it, as expected.

She only knew where Huo Xinghan was from, but she didn't know that Huo Xinghan was so familiar with City H.

Huo Xinghan was studying at the university in H City. This is also the starting point of his career. He also has real estate here. For him, this place should be a familiar place.

People will always have a lot of confidence in the places they are familiar with. Bai Xiyue is a "self-injection", no wonder Huo Xinghan will come.

Bai Xiyue went to order the cold drink just ordered by herself, sat in the position, and let the system integrate the birthplace and habitual place of several other mission targets, secretly remembering that those places cannot be visited, they may go there. It's a bad thing.

Bai Xiyue waited for a long time before Huo Xinghan returned the message, saying that there was still something that had not been dealt with on her side, and that she could go to meet with her as soon as it was dealt with.

Bai Xiyue thought that Huo Xinghan should have just got off the plane, and sighed, a little worried.

Half an hour later, Huo Xinghan arrived at the door of Starbucks, his hair was moist, and he was very anxious.

"West Moon."

Huo Xinghan saw her at a glance and walked towards her place.

Huo Xinghan was wearing a plaid shirt, with long hair tied behind his head, and his eyebrows wet with sweat gave a warm feeling.

Huo Xinghan has long hair, but it doesn't make people feel feminine.

His facial features are not very exquisite when taken apart, but together they make people look very comfortable.

Huo Xinghan paints traditional Chinese paintings, and he is also quite accomplished in calligraphy and other aspects. Perhaps the ink has been contaminated with more scents, and it seems to have a sense of immortality.

This is different from Cheng Xingyi's kaolin flower, Cheng Xingyi is cold that refuses to be thousands of miles away, but Huo Xinghan is a gentle and elegant gentleman.

"Have you waited a long time?"

Huo Xinghan's attitude was familiar and natural, and it didn't look like he had come to break up at all.

"Fortunately, what do you want to tell me?"

Bai Xiyue upholds the idea of ​​a quick battle and a quick decision, straight to the point, and he doesn't get muddled.

"You seem to be anxious."

Even if he was broken up, Huo Xinghan was so unhurried.

"It's not anxious, but I like to get things done quickly."

"Am I just a thing to you?"

Huo Xinghan's brows and eyes were a little self-deprecating, and he still spoke softly.

Yes, even if you have a flourishing beauty!

"I want to know the reason."

"There is no reason, I don't feel it anymore, I don't like it, then I can break up."

With Huo Xinghan's gentle and gentle attitude, even if he asked, Bai Xiyue couldn't make any gestures, but said calmly.

"If you don't feel it, you can cultivate, and if you don't like it, you can like it again..."

Huo Xinghan got close to Bai Xiyue and stared at her.

Huo Xinghan didn't believe that feelings can disappear if they can disappear, and they can be obliterated if they can be obliterated.

He felt that he should have done nothing that disgusted Bai Xiyue, and that they hadn't been in love for a long time. Even if they were tired, they should have a fresh-keeping period.

He likes her very much.

The sunlight came in from outside the window, reflecting half of Bai Xiyue's face in light gold, looking like a sweet orange, making Huo Xinghan want to take a bite.

He looked at those eyes, and he was reflected in them.

"I don't think so."

Bai Xiyue leaned back and opened the distance between them.

In fact, breaking up is a matter for both parties, but the contact can be cut off by one party.

Otherwise, there are so many broken relationships and being dumped, not all of them broke up peacefully.

This is also particularly troublesome.

If this is not a task, if these people are not potentially sick, and if she does not step on a few boats with her identity, then she will be very happy to have a relationship with these people.

It's a pity that there is no if, it is true.

"If you must say goodbye to me, then before that, I think you can fulfill my wish."


"Let me draw a picture for you. After the drawing, if you want to leave, just leave."

Huo Xinghan's eyes were obscure, and he couldn't see the joy or anger.

Bai Xiyue sounded the alarm in her heart.

"Where to paint?"

"My studio."

Bai Xiyue hesitated a little, if Huo Xinghan is sick, then this is definitely not going back.

"If I were..."

[System]: Please note that the host is about to approach the third target, there are still 20 meters.

? ? ?


Talk about it?

"My studio is not far from here, and it doesn't take a long time to draw a picture," Huo Xinghan's voice was soft, as if he was afraid of disturbing something, "Isn't you willing to agree to it even if this is the case?"

The sunlight fell on Huo Xinghan's long fingers, like a butterfly flapping its wings to fly.

[System]: There are still 15 meters.

Ah ah ah!

Bai Xiyue tried to stabilize herself, but her fingers twisted her clothes tightly.

[System]: Ten meters.

[System]: Please pay attention to the host, there is still 20 meters away from here on target 4, please respond as soon as possible.

? ? ? ? ?

This Starbucks is not big, please let me go!

After the western restaurant, will Starbucks also fall?


Huo Xinghan was still waiting for her answer.

Oh Shet, what should I do!

Save the child!

Going out now will definitely bump into peace talks.

But why did Cheng Xingyi come? Wasn't he still in S city yesterday?

Ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah!

Bai Xiyue's mind was in chaos.

Now it is one, three, four, all come, but it doesn’t matter, the source of all evil is not there, there should be hope of salvation.

The sound of the system in her mind seemed to obliterate her last hope.

[System]: Yu Rongjiang is still 20 meters away from this place, but he came by car and is not sure if the destination is here.

[System]: Target number three is seven meters.

[System]: Target No. 4 is 12 meters.

Who did I kill! Who killed me again!

"I'll go to the bathroom first."

Bai Xiyue stood up and walked to the bathroom.

Huo Xinghan looked at her back and touched her cup on the table.

The ice has already turned into water, leaving a trace of water on the glass table.

Tan Yi opened the door. The heat and stickiness of summer made him a little uncomfortable, and the air-conditioning blowing on him made him more comfortable.

With a guitar on his back, he looks trendy and cool.

After ordering, his eyes stopped in one direction in the store.

He has seen a lot of men with long hair, and it is the first time he has seen such a good-looking man.

Looking at that person, Tan also smiled, and continued to wait by the bar.

As soon as Cheng Xing passed the traffic lights, he opened the door of Starbucks, and he made an appointment to meet here.

He has recently changed his job. After reading the documents of several universities, he has decided on a university, and his old classmates are also here.

Yu Rongjiang's car stopped on the side of the road. He sat in the car with a look of fatigue.

A meeting that was supposed to be 20 minutes long, the other party wanted more profit, and forty minutes of discussion with the other party was made before a contract that both parties could accept was made.

The secretary got out of the car and went to buy coffee for him. Yu Rongjiang pressed his eyebrows and waited for him to come back.

Bai Xiyue is now on the front wall of the toilet facade.

It's not that she didn't want to go in, but that there was already someone inside.

The scale of this Starbucks is not particularly large, there is a bathroom in the innermost.

But now there are people in this bathroom!

Have! people! Up!

Her safe haven! ! !

At this moment, everyone has gathered outside.

She didn't dare to probe, she might be beaten as a Muggle when she went out.

The good thing is that Rong Jiang is the secretary, not himself, so the pressure will be less, but it's not too small!

In case the secretary yells "Madam", oh hurry, finish the ball.

Bai Xiyue can only hope that this group of people will leave as soon as they buy a drink, or that the dear friend who goes to the toilet inside can hurry up.

"Well, how are you?"

Bai Xiyue knocked on the door and asked quietly.

"Sorry, old girl, my stomach hurts."

A rough voice came from inside, which abruptly pinched Bai Xiyue's hope.

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