I'm In Area 20: Start with Full Level Marine Six Styles

Chapter 59 My force exists only for me! (Third update 34)

Chapter 59 My force exists only for me! (Third update 3/4)

"How many of you are going there?"

After Tang Qing saw it, he didn't care at all about the guns aimed at him, but looked at An Pei Deren with great interest.

"Stop! Don't move!"

A commander said vigilantly at this time.

The more relaxed Tang Qing appeared, the more pressure he became.

Because of the attitude of the other party, it seems that they are completely ignored.

"Oh, if I were you, I wouldn't say such a thing in this situation!" Tang Qing said and took a step forward.


Just then, a gunshot rang out.

It was shot by a sniper not far away. However, even at such a close distance, Tang Qing's figure just moved 20 centimeters on the spot and easily avoided the bullet.

After seeing this scene, Amber Deren opened his eyes directly.

Dodging bullets is very common in this reality.

But like Tang Qing, this is the first time they have seen each other.

Because just now, Tang Qing's dodge just moved no more than 20 centimeters in place, and it was the kind of dodging method that just brushed past the bullet.

"It's useless, it seems that I can only kill the few people who are in the way!" Tang Qing said, and the figure disappeared again in vain.


The commander was okay, because he had already seen Tang Qing's speed and weirdness when he was just outside.

But An Pei Deren was frightened, Tang Qing's movement was like disappearing in place in an instant.

"Lead to death!"

Tang Qing's figure reappeared, and his voice sounded like a ghost.


In the scene, several streaks of blood splattered, and the entire corridor was almost dyed red. Just one shot, the remaining dozen or so guards were all dead.


After seeing it, Amber Deren stood there and shouted, his face was full of fear.

"Have the guts!" Tang Qing looked at a well-dressed woman after killing him.

This person is the secretary beside An Pei Deren, Tang Qing murdered, and from the beginning to the end, he didn't even see this woman wink.

And there was no trace of fear in her eyes, she seemed very calm.

"Interesting...why didn't you do it?" Tang Qing became more and more interested as he looked at the secretary and asked.

"My duty is to protect the Prime Minister. The lives of these people have nothing to do with me!" The secretary adjusted his glasses and said lightly.

"Well... Then do you think you can protect your Prime Minister?" Tang Qing said, took out the Desert Eagle from his waist, and pointed it at Amber Deren.

"No..." The secretary replied lightly.

"Haha... Then you dare to speak up!" Tang Qing sneered when he heard the words.

"Our duty is to protect the Prime Minister. Even if the enemy is very powerful, we will not take a step back. If we lose, we will die!"

The secretary said, she took off her glasses slightly, and then took off her high heels, just to be able to fight better.

"Very good, there is something. Compared to these wastes, you are a lot more qualified, and you are very calm in your work. It's a pity that it is not used by me!" Tang Qing applauded slightly when he saw it.


The secretary didn't answer, her He Bao was wriggling, and her right eye also showed He's eye. Only now did she realize that the secretary beside the Prime Minister was actually a one-eyed.

"Interesting... Even the secretary next to the Prime Minister is an SS-level ghoul!" Tang Qing was obviously a little surprised when he saw it.


At this moment, the secretary's Lin He waved and attacked Tang Qing overwhelmingly.


Tang Qing's figure flashed, and when the figure appeared again, it was already in front of the secretary.

"Finger Pistol!"

In an instant, Tang Qing's hand had penetrated the secretary's heart, making a fatal blow.

A bloodshot ran across the corner of the secretary's mouth. During the thought of life and death, she left a line of blood and tears, which was her unknown expression of death.


Tang Qing reached out to support her, and then slowly put it on the ground.

Because he admires the spirit of this nameless secretary, even in the face of death, he will rush to the powerful enemy without hesitation.

Each of these bodyguards staying by the Prime Minister's side has a patriotic spirit and is always ready to die for the country.

"These are all people who died for you. Before you die, there are so many people to be buried with you. You should be very content!" Tang Qing got up at this time and looked at Ampei Deren who had collapsed to the side. .

"Why... you are obviously a human, why do you do this!" An Pei Deren knew that he would be doomed, so he asked unwillingly.

"Why? This is the stupidest question I've ever heard, how do you know that I'm a human?" Tang Qing asked rhetorically.

"You have such a high level of force that you can be loyal to the country and protect the people. This is the correct way to use your force!" An Pei Deren tried to convince Tang Qing.

However, as soon as the words fell, Tang Qing laughed.

"Laughing to death, have you been sitting in this position for a long time, getting confused?" Tang Qing laughed.

"Although your father is a ghoul, the mother who gave birth to you is a human being, and you are also shedding human blood, so you should be on the side of the human beings!" Ampede Deren continued.

"Yeah, when I use force to protect the sheep from harm, then this kind of force... is destruction for wolves, because they will starve to death, is that fair? Isn't this the world!"

"If the sheep don't die, the wolf will die. Either they starve to death, or the weak sheep are bitten to death. Maybe this world is too cruel!"

"If I don't have strong force, once it is found out that I am the son of SSS owl, whether I am half ghoul or half human, do you think CCG will let me go?"

Tang Qing looked at An Pei Deren and asked line by line.

Hearing Tang Qing's questioning, An Pei Deren was at a loss for words.

"My force doesn't exist for anyone, it only belongs to me. If I want to change the world, I will use this force to change it. Unfortunately, by then, you will no longer be able to see it!" Tang Qing said, holding the desert in his hand. Eagle pointed at Amber Deren and fired several shots without hesitation.

"Bah ah!"

After a few shots, Amber Deren also fell to the ground.

Tang Qing stepped forward, held his gun, aimed at the dying head of Amber Deren, and fired another shot.

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(Ask for flowers!!! Ask for a monthly ticket!!! Ask for an evaluation ticket!!!)

(Ask for flowers!!! Ask for a monthly ticket!!! Ask for an evaluation ticket!!!)

(Ask for flowers!!! Ask for a monthly ticket!!! Ask for an evaluation ticket!!!)*

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