I'm in DanMachi: Start A Simulator!

Chapter 163 Chun: You Really Are A Scumbag! (Thanks For The Monthly Pass Of Xiaoguyu And Little Douz

Poor Bell, still doesn't know what to expect.

Because I was irritated by Li Yiming just now, and now I am angered by Loki, no one knows what will happen in the future, but the biggest possibility is to change into the shape of Freya.

After all, looking at Loki's smile now, it can be seen that there is no kindness at all.

It's a pity that Bell, who has never been beaten by society at all, can feel this, and at this moment, he is thanking Loki with excitement!

I don't know if he in the future will regret what happened today.

But thinking about it, that possibility is not very high. Maybe this "Holy Mother" Bell will not feel hopeless in her future life, and may even enjoy it!

The only downside is that the entire Olalie gods are very clear that the 'beauty god' Freya is a very possessive goddess. If Bell joined the Freya family from the beginning, then the possibility of leaving in the future is simply not enough One in ten thousand.

In the future, it will probably be completely reduced to Freya's hands, and become a slave under her skirt!

Li Yiming didn't know anything about all this, even if he knew, he wouldn't pay too much attention to it, anyway, even if he met Bell, he would do the same.

It's just that now it's Rocky who replaces him to accomplish - this kind of thing.

Even if he finally found out about this matter, his heart would not fluctuate in the slightest, instead he would feel relieved!

In the following time, Li Yiming took Kuina and Baixing to almost the whole of Ola Li, and the two newcomers from different worlds also got a general understanding of the basic situation of this world.

Although it was a pity that they didn't go to the dungeon, neither of the two women was too frustrated.

They will spend the next days in Orario, so the future will be long. Now that they have become adventurers, they can enter the dungeon at any time, and there is no need to be in a hurry.

However, this still couldn't stop the two little ones from looking forward to it.

Especially Kuina, after seeing the battle between Li Yiming and others, the girl who has a dream in her heart can't wait to see new things.

The sky darkened quickly.

After sending Kuina and Baixing back to their residence, Li Yiming asked Shangchun to leave the Tower of Babel and headed towards the direction of the 'Madam Mistress of Abundance'.

The celebration of the Loki family this time is actually not grand.

As early as the night when the expedition ended, all members of the Rocky family celebrated in the Rocky family residence, that is, the "Twilight Pavilion". At that time, Li Yiming and Chun were not called. This celebration banquet was also to thank With the help of Li Yiming and Chun, that's why I went to the tavern outside.

Of course, by the way, it also meant to settle the balance of remuneration.

In fact, Goddess He Faith was invited, but she was rejected by the red-haired goddess because she was unwell. Li Yiming still remembers He Faith's very sad eyes.

Sure enough, his strength should not be underestimated.

"Hey, you can do it, kid, you're so brave to take down Lord Shangshen so quickly! Why didn't I see that you still have this hand?"

Along the way, Chun suddenly pushed Li Yiming's arm with his shoulder, and joked with a full expression.

When she entered the room of Goddess Hettos before, as the head of the family, she naturally did not fall behind. Although she was not yet a human being, when she saw the reaction of her red-haired goddess, she instantly understood everything. After all If you have never eaten pork, can you still see a pig running?

As the first 'outsider' who knew about this matter, her mood was quite complicated.

It's just that Li Yiming's excellence is also fully recognized by Tsubaki. Although there are some minor flaws in other aspects, he can definitely be called the best adventurer and the best man in Orario. The most important thing is that in After witnessing the face of Goddess Faith with my own eyes, there was no fear or smoke, and I maintained my previous attitude as always

Such a man is also worthy of his own goddess.

But what should be ridiculed is still to be ridiculed, just like Goddess Faith, if you can see Li Yiming showing an embarrassed expression [Tsubaki will feel very new.

Maybe even she didn't realize this!

Looking at the sister Yu who was obviously watching the excitement, Li Yiming immediately rolled her eyes angrily.

Fortunately, he didn't expect to be able to hide this secret.

I can hide my relationship with Goddess Hettos from other people, but I definitely can't hide it from Tsubaki, the head of the family. Sooner or later, it will be exposed, so it seems that there is no problem with being known now, although the other party's current The expression is really awkward.

"Captain, how can you say that I won the things you love and I want? The main reason is that I am too good, and I have magical powers, so Her Faith will be afraid of me one day. I will leave the family, so I resorted to a beauty trick to keep me."

"Do you know how much effort she has put in and how much sacrifice she has made? For the He Faith family, it can be said that she has given her all and worked hard, so as the head of the family, you should be grateful to me, you know!"


Hearing such ridiculous words, Tsubaki didn't know what to say for a while.

Only now did she realize that she had underestimated the face of the young man in front of her. She was so shameless that she dared to put gold on her face like this.

"You boy, do you dare to say this again in front of Lord Shangshen?"

"Hmph, isn't this nonsense? I have been doing well all my life, and I have always said something, even in front of Faith, so what?"

Li Yiming snorted disdainfully, waved his cuffs pretendingly, and said very stubbornly: "I must dare not say these words!"

"Shout, I thought you were tough, but in the end you only dared to brag in front of me."

The sudden turning point didn't surprise Chun at all, on the contrary, the look in his eyes towards Li Yiming became even more contemptuous.

She is now doubting whether it is a wise decision for her to be optimistic about this relationship.

"Cough, well, don't be poor, let's hurry up. Although today's celebration banquet was invited by the Loki family, it is not particularly polite if we are accidentally late."

"You don't need to tell me, I also know that I stayed in the dungeon for so long before, and I was also forging when I came back. I was too tired during this time, so I just took advantage of this opportunity

Have a good meal, and besides, kid, you better prepare, I will definitely drink you down today!"

When he said this, Tsubaki's face showed a terrifying and fierce light.

I can't beat this guy, and the opponent's forging skills are already mature, even if he is slightly inferior to her, he is already considered an excellent senior blacksmith. He is obviously a rookie who has just become an adventurer. In just one or two months, she has caught up with her twenty or thirty years of hard work.

Even Tsubaki, who devoted herself wholeheartedly to forging, felt a little jealous at this time.

In addition, Li Yiming and Faith have developed into a couple relationship again. Although she is blessed in her heart, Chun has no intention of handing over her red-haired goddess to another man so easily, even if this person is also a member of the family of Faith. member.

Since other aspects are not comparable, then only in the field of the best!

As we all know, besides forging, the two most famous skills of dwarves are drinking. As a hybrid half-dwarf born of the combination of humans and dwarves, Tsubaki naturally inherited the talent of dwarves, and he is quite good at drinking. bold.

So, I must drink this guy down today, and let him know, don't try to bully Goddess Faith in the future, otherwise, I will definitely not let him go!

Hmm....I can only vent a little bit on this aspect.

"Since the leader wants to fight for wine, then I will sacrifice my life to accompany the gentleman."

Li Yiming was slightly taken aback, then shook his head with a smile, but did not reject Chun's proposal.

Although in his previous life he didn't really like the taste and taste of wine, Olali's wine is completely different from the wine in his previous life. It may be more appropriate to call it fruit wine, not only the alcohol content is very low, but even the taste Also lightly fruity.

At least it is acceptable for him now.

I don't know why Chun made this request, but at any rate, he is the leader of his own family, and he has helped him keep such a big secret. In the early days of joining the family, he also provided a lot of help. Li Yiming doesn't mind getting along with her Drink for a while.

But whether she can drink herself down depends on her ability!

In the evening of Olali, the sunset is still very beautiful.

The rich hostess is also extremely lively at this time. The adventurers who returned from the dungeon will basically come to this place to celebrate if they have a good harvest.

Actually, it's more about relaxing.

Of course, if the harvest is very small and the pockets are shy, then you can go home and eat potato balls.

Don't think this is a shameful thing. For some weak family members, the food is not particularly good. Even Bell Cranel, who is the protagonist of the original book, just came to Olalie, but Rejected by dozens of family members.

Even if he was picked up by Hestia by chance, at the beginning, the income was meager, and he could only eat some simple food. This is the normal state of adventurers.

But now Bell probably doesn't have to worry about anything.

Recommended by Loki to join Freya's family, Freya, who has 'eyes', can naturally see the brilliance in the depths of Bell Cranel's soul, so she cultivates it with heart.

However, perhaps when his soul shines the most, it will probably be the day when he is eaten up by Freya.

"It's still as lively as ever!"

Push open the wooden door and walk into it, look around, the lively atmosphere blows over your face in an instant.

It has been a long time since Tsubaki has been to the 'Mistress of Abundance'. She came to this place because of her breakthrough in forging. Otherwise, she would not waste time in such a place. But it's different today when someone treats you.

Coincidentally, Tsubaki also wants to take a good rest for a while.

"Don't worry about it, just sit down and talk!"

Li Yiming pulled Chun's arm and walked along the aisle towards the center of the tavern. On the way, the noisy adventurers on both sides saw their arrival, and their expressions were full of surprise.

However, he didn't mean to pay attention to these guys.

"Mr. Yiming, welcome. Are you and Ms. Chun here for dinner?"

Seeing Li Yiming, who was serving other customers, had a bright smile on her face. She quickly put the food in her hand on the table corresponding to the customer, and then quickly walked up to her.

That kind of joy from the heart made the adventurers around them stunned for a moment, and soon afterward, jealousy from the heart emerged.

You know, Xier is very popular in the group of adventurers.


Just like Aegina from the Adventurer's Guild, the two women are highly admired by those male adventurers, and naturally someone will pursue them.

Unfortunately, neither Aegina nor Xier has accepted anyone's invitation.

Only now, showing such an expression to a man made all the male adventurers on the scene unable to accept this fact at all. They looked at Li Yiming fiercely, wishing they could

Peel it and cramp it.

However, under the disparity in strength, they dare not act rashly at all.

The fierce men who can kill Udaios alone, they are still very self-aware, so they won't have the kind of behavior of being hot-blooded and angry.

"You boy, it's really yours!"

Chun's eyes were narrowed together, with a cold smile on his face, and he looked at Li Yiming with contempt, as if looking at a scumbag.


The latter rolled his eyes angrily, and didn't want to get entangled with this guy anymore.

If you misunderstand, let her misunderstand!

"Good evening, Miss Xi'er." Li Yiming greeted with a smile.

"Mr. Yiming, are you and Ms. Chun here for dinner?"

"Yes, but we were invited by the Loki family to come here for dinner. Have the people of the Loki family come here? I don't think I saw them.

I looked around before, but I really didn't see the location of the Loki family.

It seemed that he was a little too anxious. He was afraid that he would be late, but now it seemed that he had come early.

"Eh? So that's the case? God Loki and the others have indeed booked a seat, but they haven't come yet, so it's better like this. I'll bring you and Miss Tsubaki to the seat first."

Regarding this situation, Xier first showed an expression of surprise, and then quickly made a suggestion.

Hearing this, Li Yiming turned to look at Xiang Chun, wanting to ask for her opinion.

However, in return, it was Miss Yu's contemptuous eyes.

Li Yiming's head was full of black lines, he shook his head helplessly, and replied with an apologetic smile: "Then I'll trouble you, Miss Xi'er." We'll go to the seat and wait for them first.

"Then please come with me!"

Xi'er smiled sweetly, and brought the two of them to a big table.

This is one of the few large tables in the 'Mistress of Abundance', and the Loki family always sits at this position every time they come here.

Basically, this position has become exclusive to the Loki family.

Li Yiming and Chun took their seats one after another, Xier bowed slightly, then turned and left with a look of reluctance.

Although she really wants to stay here, it is obviously unrealistic. The tavern is so busy now, and the other shop assistants are already busy. It is impossible for her to be willful.

People are fishing here, so in desperation, the girl can only reluctantly leave.

However, even in the process of working, her eyes still vaguely looked towards Li Yiming's direction.

Tsubaki noticed this, and the disdain on his face became more obvious.

"You guy, it's really too much. With Lord Shangshen, you are still messing around outside. Is your behavior worthy of Lord Shangshen?"

"Let me say, head, which eye of yours saw that I was messing with women? Did my actions just now have the slightest overstepping? It's completely normal communication.

Is it something that I can control? After all, I can't keep other people from getting close to me, can I?"

Li Yiming showed an innocent expression, which can be described as quite aggrieved.

When he said this, it was completely from the heart.

If possible, he didn't want to be targeted by Freya. He asked himself that he was not honest, and he didn't have much to show off, so why would he still be targeted?

What a hassle!

"Hehe, you'd better not do anything to hurt Lord Shangshen, otherwise I won't let you go!" Chun gritted his teeth ferociously, as if giving a warning.

Li Yiming sighed helplessly, he could only shrug his shoulders, and hastily made a promise.

As for whether he will do that, only God knows.

Not long after the two sat down, the wooden door of the tavern was pushed open again, and the diners at the scene suddenly stopped making noise.

son one.

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