I'm in DanMachi: Start A Simulator!

Chapter 173: Devil's Muscles! What Is It Like To Be A Follower? (Monthly Ticket Plus Update For

[Declaration, your body listens to my orders, my name is placed on your sword, if you follow the destination of the Holy Grail, follow this will, this reason, respond. 】

[I swear here that I am the one who accomplishes all good deeds in the world, and I am the one who punishes all evil deeds in the world. 】

[You are the seven heavens wrapped in the three spirits of words, descending here in the wheel of restraint, the guardian of the scales!]

[On the first day, with an explosion, you traveled to a new world. 】

[A girl wearing a red top and a black skirt appeared in front of you, and the black double ponytails behind her that almost fell to her waist immediately attracted your attention. 】

【The slender and slender legs are very sensual, instantly attracting your attention. 】

[When you see the true face of the girl in front of you, you know exactly where you are now. 】

[The name of the girl in front of me is Tohsaka Rin, and she is also known by a series of titles such as 'Red Devil', 'Devil Muscle Rin', 'Water Pump', etc. 】

【Looking at Rin Tohsaka's posture, you realize that you have come to the time node of the Fifth Holy Grail War, and you have replaced Red A as the girl's servant. 】

【You feel the restriction from the other party, looming, not particularly strong. 】

[Because the Fifth Holy Grail War also had different developments, you did not show any gestures recklessly, but just stood there quietly, looking down at the girl in front of you, admiring the Youth writing-breath of vitality]

[It seems that I was a little embarrassed by the gaze you showed, Rin Tohsaka quickly took a step back and made a skillful movement. 】

【Cheeks flushed slightly, subconsciously took a few steps back. 】

[The next moment, Tohsaka Rin suddenly showed a look like picking up trash, which made the expression on your face more playful. 】

Li Yiming: "...

Looking at the description of the system's white light curtain in front of him, he no longer knew what to say.

Slander, this system is slandering, it is slandering me!!!

He is not the kind of man who is looked at like garbage, and then becomes strange, definitely not that kind of man!

um, that's right!!!

"Ahem, the dog system always wants to persecute me, but now it can be considered to have figured out the specific time node, which is relatively lucky. The initial crossing position did not go to a place that is too outrageous, which is also a blessing among misfortunes.

Li Yiming coughed twice and quickly recovered from the systematic persecution.

But before he was happy for too long, his expression quickly collapsed again.

After all, although the Fifth Holy Grail War is like playing house, the degree of danger cannot be ignored. After all, the existence of a certain golden pickup can be described as quite dangerous.

Even though he was a little sloppy, if his brain twitched and he didn't want to be sloppy when facing himself, it would be a bit of a mess.

There is also a certain demigod Hercules, who is not so easy to solve.

Possessing the 'bug' ability of 'Twelve Trials', Li Yiming really didn't think that he had so many means to kill this guy more than ten times in a row.

What if in the end Hercules breaks through the boundaries again and breaks what he has achieved?

So, after being happy for a while, Li Yiming's expression became extremely distressed again.

"It's really troublesome, so the system can't directly distribute various abilities to me like the systems of other traversers? Who makes it difficult for so many bells and whistles! 11

He kept complaining, but Ji Yiming's heart was extremely bright.

In fact, he is very satisfied with the current system, that is, he complains occasionally.

"Forget it, keep reading!"

Li Yiming stopped thinking about it and refocused on the simulation process.

[You were scolded by Rin Tosaka, and realized that your behavior was inappropriate, you quickly looked away, coughed twice with guilt, and then returned to seriousness as if nothing happened. 】

【You ask: "Are you my Master?"】

[Although I feel uncomfortable with the way you offended me just now, when I think that you are a servant summoned by myself, I can only choose to swallow my anger and accept it with great reluctance. 】

[Tohsaka Rin takes you out of the basement and into the living room. 】

[The bright lights light up everything around, and at the same time, the appearance of you and Tohsaka Rin is fully revealed. 】

[Because of your handsome face, Tohsaka Rin was stunned immediately, he stood still and lost his voice, and his face became rosy for no reason. 】

[You feel baffled by this, and checked it carefully. 】

[After you realize that you have not activated the magic 'mole of love', you can only attribute everything to Tohsaka Rin's own brain problems, so you will be so irritable for a while, and blush for a while. Feel deeply worried about the future. 】

[On your initiative, you broke the awkward atmosphere of the scene. 】

[Tohsaka Rin, who came back to his senses, made the same coughing movement, and then remembered the situation at the scene, and asked for your basic information. 】

【You didn't hide anything, you just said your name openly, and learned from some sources that your job in this Holy Grail War is an archer. 】

[An archer who doesn't know how to shoot arrows or shoot guns. 】

[Tohsaka Rin immediately searched for your relevant information in her mind, but there was no historical figure that could correspond to it at all. Even after investigating the information, there was no information at all, which made her feel very distressed. Being able to lament your bad luck. 】

【The awkward girl got annoyed and immediately demoted you to a cleaner. 】

[You protested against this, but under the impulsive behavior of the girl, you used the first command spell to force you to clean the room, so you temporarily lost control of your body, and started to clean the room honestly . 】

[Fortunately, the magic power of the command spell is not limited for a long time, and it is only one-time. 】

"So, does Rin Tosaka have a brain hole?"

Seeing the plot develop like this, Li Yiming took a deep breath immediately, his expression full of despair.

Sure enough, it is a very correct thing to worry about your future. Although Tohsaka Rin is a magician and has a pretty good talent, she is still an ordinary high school girl in essence. Even when it comes to magic power There were not many battles.

With her partner, it is too difficult to break through the Holy Grail War.

Even if it replaces the red A's qualifications and blends into the protagonist lineup, it's useless. Using a command spell just after meeting him is simply a big death.

"Is it still too late to replace the Master?"

Li Yiming has already begun to think about whether to change to a magician as his partner. He is really afraid that something will come out of Tohsaka Rin.

In this situation, it is really difficult to win the Holy Grail War!

"Hey, it's too late to show it off now, I just hope it will go a little bit smoother in the future!"

As he spoke, Li Yiming's gaze returned to the system's chromatic light curtain full of frustration.

[After a few minutes, the magic power of the Command Seal disappears, and you regain control of your body. 】

[You immediately dropped the broom and dustpan in your hand, and came to Tohsaka Rin in a flash, with a serious and annoyed expression. 】

[Similarly, the girl also showed a guilty expression. 】

[Even if you tell her the relevant information about the Command Spell, and briefly and concisely indicate that it is used to fight outbreaks, and at the same time you can call your name when you are in danger, you will instantly return to Tohsaka Rin It's definitely not for such a waste. 】

[This kind of accusation, which is neither light nor serious, immediately silenced Yuancheng. 】

[In the end, the girl realized her mistake, no matter how arrogant she was, she still apologized to you softly, and you reluctantly let this arrogant girl go. 】

[Time passes overnight, and the next day will come soon. 】

[As a student, Tohsaka Rin needs to go to class, and originally planned to let you follow, but because you can't transform into a spirit body, you can't hide your body shape, and you can still be seen by others. 】

[After learning about this, Tohsaka Rin could only give up this choice. 】

【However, you made an agreement with her that if you encounter danger in the school, you will immediately use the command spell to call your name and teleport you to her side. 】

[Tohsaka Rin agreed with this statement. 】

【So, you prepared a sumptuous breakfast, which was approved by Rin Tohsaka. 】

[After that, you personally sent Rin Tosaka to the school. After remembering this location, you watched the girl enter the school, and then left the school gate. 】

[The memory in your mind gives you a good understanding of the basic situation of this world, but because you don't know which timeline it is, you didn't act rashly, but wanted to go to other places to collect it before the Holy Grail War officially started. Information. 】

[After all, before the start of the Holy Grail War, there was still a lot of room for maneuver. 】

【Your enemies are the King of Silly Hair, the 'half-god' Hercules, and the 'oldest fat tiger of mankind' Gilgamesh, so any advantage must be in your own hands to enhance the final chance of winning . 】

[After asking passers-by, you found the location of Liudong Temple and successfully arrived here. 】

[You can clearly perceive the huge magical power contained in the ground veins buried deep under Liudong Temple, and through the arrogance of knowledge and arrogance, you have not perceived the breath of living things in Liudong Temple. 1

【In this regard, you subconsciously frowned, and even started to search around here. 】

[Finally, after your unremitting efforts, you successfully found a wave of magic power in a certain corner [Your power of using the space fruit appeared not far from the wave of magic power in an instant

[In a dark corner, a figure hidden under a black robe is leaning against the wall, with a throbbing chest and the obvious bloodstains on the ground

They are all explaining the situation of the person in front of him, who is obviously seriously injured. 】

[The familiar picture allows you to recognize the true identity of this figure immediately. 】

[That is, the 'Caster' among the Seven Knights of the Holy Grail War, Medea known as the 'Betrayal Witch'. 】

…………… Ask for flowers…

[Judging from the current situation of Medea, she did not meet Soichiro Katsuki, whose job agency is 'Teacher', which is undoubtedly good news. 】

[If you can pull Medea into your camp, it will undoubtedly increase the chances of winning in the end. 】

【Actually, you did the same. 】

【You took the initiative to walk forward, and Medea, who was in a weak state, also heard your footsteps, but she didn't intend to struggle, but sat there very calmly. 】

[I don't know if she lost her ability to move because of a serious injury, or if she really doesn't care about other things. 】

[In this regard, you took the initiative to come forward to chat and show that

You revealed your identity, confessed your purpose, and actively invited Medea to join your camp, but you were ruthlessly rejected. 】

[Medea unabashedly expressed her dislike for you, because your handsome face reminded her of Jason, that doggy man, if it wasn't for the fact that his magic power was about to run out

You can't stay in this world anymore, and you can't release magic either. She has already launched an attack on you. 】

【It never occurred to you that being handsome is sometimes a burden. 】

[Although this answer is too surprising, you did not give up, and still persistently sent an invitation to Medea, and expressed your kindness to the greatest extent,

At the same time, you put forward your own conditions. If you can finally win the Holy Grail War, you are willing to give up the Holy Grail. 】

[In this regard, you even did not hesitate to sign a magic contract with him to prove this matter. 】

【Medea was skeptical, but this time she did not directly refuse, but showed a hesitant expression. 】

[In fact, her desire for the Holy Grail is not particularly strong, but if she can get that thing, she naturally doesn't mind getting it. 】

[Even with her magical attainments, she can use the Holy Grail as a toy. 】

[However, due to being weakened, her strength has also been limited to a certain extent. 】

【Looking at the hesitant Medea, you suddenly sighed helplessly in your heart, it seems that it is a pity that your eloquence is not enough to persuade this magician of the age of gods to agree. 】

【You don't want to lose such a powerful helper, so you gritted your teeth, and immediately stepped forward to wrap your arms around Medea's waist, and hugged her easily, such an almost offensive gesture

This movement made the Magician of the Age of Gods feel very dissatisfied, and he tried his best to struggle out of your embrace. 】

【You suddenly showed an expression of impatience, and Dang even reached out and patted the rear light of the latter heavily. 】

【Recalling the way the domineering president handled it, you chose to keep a cold face, and said softly: "Woman, don't hesitate any longer, you will help her make a choice."】

[I don't know if it was because your words in the second grade had an effect, or the actions just now had an effect, Medea immediately stopped her actions, her face was rosy, her eyes

Staring at you blankly. 】

【Having achieved your goal, you nodded in satisfaction, and then disappeared in place with her. 】

[When you appear again, you have come to the rooftop of Rin Tosaka's school. 】

【You supported Medea with one hand, opened the different dimension with the other hand, took out a bottle of panacea, and then poured it into the latter's mouth not particularly skillfully. 】

[The powerful medicinal power took effect instantly, and Medea's injuries instantly improved, and even her magic power recovered a lot, and her weak state was instantly disintegrated. 】

[Even so, she still has no intention of leaving your embrace. 】

【You took the initiative to let go of Medea, and then softly put forward your thoughts again. 】

[This time, Medea didn't directly refuse, but after thinking for a while, she agreed to your proposal, willing to make Tohsaka Rin her 'Master' but

But he doesn't want the Holy Grail. 】

【You feel pleasantly surprised by this, and then express your thanks with a smile. 】

【Where you didn't notice, Medea's cheeks turned red again when she saw your bright smile. 】

"Ah this..."

The slightly dramatic development made Li Yiming, who had witnessed all this with his own eyes, not know what to say.

Is it true that you are traveling through a simulated world? Anything can happen.

Only when the time travel simulation is performed, is it possible for the characters in the plot to do something completely different from their personalities.

If it were a real-life time travel simulation, I'm afraid it wouldn't be so easy.

"So, can you really do whatever you want with your looks? The ancients really did not deceive me!"

Li Yiming shook his head helplessly, but he was very satisfied in his heart. At least letting Medea successfully join his camp was indeed a good start.

Next, no matter whether it is dealing with Hercules or Jin Glittering, they will be more confident.

As for a certain Dumb Hairy King, after Medea successfully joined, the Dumb Hairy King has lost the threat. After all, for a woman who can easily make it into a doll, it is

Even if he is a famous king in history, he has nothing to worry about at all.

- B one.

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