I'm in DanMachi: Start A Simulator!

Chapter 182 Blackening Ten Times Stronger! It's The Girl, Not Jin Yingying! (Thanks To '13

[In the dark night, Gilgamesh stood on the roof with an indifferent face, looking at you with deep eyes. 】

【Regarding your arrival, the corners of the 'Oldest King''s mouth slightly outlined an obvious arc, and his eyes showed intense interest at the same time. 】

[Especially when I saw you and Artoria appearing at the same time, the smile on my face was almost beyond words. 】

[A large number of curses are still flowing from the sky, and these things have begun to spread in all directions with Liudong Temple as the center. 】

[So if you want to solve this problem as soon as possible, you must hurry up. 】

【To put it simply, you need to knock down the guy in front of you first!】

【You exchanged glances with Artoria and Medea, and then you saw the meaning in each other's eyes, and even attacked Gilgamesh from different directions. 】

[Gilgamesh responded, a large number of golden halos appeared behind him, and countless treasures poked their heads out. 】

【But before Gilgamesh can attack, you cross the space to come to him again, and swing the knife and gun in your hand towards him vigorously. 】

[As if he had noticed your actions a long time ago, Gilgamesh dodged calmly, and at the same time drew out an unknown treasure to fight with you in close quarters. 】

[As the 'Oldest King', even though his job title is 'Archer', his martial arts are still terrifying. 】

[Anyway, he is also the Ax King of Uruk. Even if his strength is not at its peak, it is still not particularly difficult to deal with. 】

【The Dumb Hairy King is finally killed!】

[You and the King of Silly Hair joined forces to suppress Gilgamesh, and you predicted the future through the arrogance of knowledge and arrogance. It seemed that you could take the lead, but you were also resolved by Gilgamesh's "omniscient and omnipotent star", and you couldn't get some substance at all. The result of sex.]

[In the end Medea also joined the battle, using various magic to support it from the outside. 】

【Suddenly, Gilgamesh seemed to be in a desperate situation. 】

"Is the Xingyue version of Sanying fighting Lu Bu? It really is...but the situation is not very optimistic!"

Li Yiming's eyes became extremely deep, looking at the words displayed by the system, he became silent again.

Even if his strength is strong, coupled with the help of King Dumao and Medea, the lineup can be described as unprecedentedly strong. Even if Hercules is not dead, he probably cannot stand up to such a battle.

It is a pity that the enemy in front of him is Gilga beautified.

And Gilgamesh who turned on the "Omniscient and Almighty Star".

Jin Glittering in full body state, coupled with not releasing water, is not so easy to deal with. Li Yiming's previous fighting style was almost completely suppressed by him.

Even if his knowledgeable arrogance can predict the future, and Artoria's 'intuition' can also predict the future, but in front of the all-knowing and omnipotent star, it doesn't have much effect at all.

It seems that 450 is suppressed for a short time, but this is only a short scene.

To defeat Gilgamesh in this state, Li Yiming has no good way yet,

"Perhaps, only after Artoria finds a way to 'liberate' Avalon with her real name, will there be a slight chance of defeating the golden glitter in front of her!"

"But having said that, it's too strange to travel through the simulated world this time. It doesn't look like a single timeline at all. The development is like several fusion versions. It's really elusive!"

"I hope I can really succeed, otherwise I'm really reluctant to give up such a powerful talent."

Li Yiming's eyes flickered with obvious pain when he thought that he couldn't choose the golden talent · pairing magic power as a reward.

If such a thing really happened, he would definitely cry!

So in order to avoid that kind of situation, you must go all out, even if you still lose in the end, at least you must not leave any regrets!

【Your cooperation has been praised by Gilgamesh. 】

【However, this situation didn't last for too long. Medea, who was providing magic support, suddenly stopped moving, and even King Dumao began to pant, and even all kinds of movements began to slow down. 】

【Gilgamesh's pressure was greatly reduced immediately, and he counterattacked suddenly. 】

【You anticipated this in advance, quickly grabbed Artoria's hand, and returned to Medea's side with a flicker. The latter had already fallen from the sky at this time, panting non-stop. 】

[You feel very strange about this. 】

【Medea solved the doubts in your heart for you. 】

[It turns out that there is a problem with the supply of magic power. Even Rin Tosaka, who is very talented in magic, needs a huge amount of magic power to support the actions of three servants at the same time, let alone such a high-intensity operation. fought. 】

[If you continue to fight, Tohsaka Rin, who lacks magic power, will probably be squeezed out of life force, so as to convert it into magic power to supply and follow the action. 】

[But if that happens, I'm afraid it will put the girl's life in danger. 】

[And because you are too special, you have magic power in your body and can recover by itself, so even if the magic power supply from Tohsaka Rin is insufficient, it will still not affect you. 】

[After learning this, your mood suddenly sank. 】

[However, for the safety of Tohsaka Rin, you have to temporarily withdraw the two of them from the battle. 】

[Otherwise, because of the high-intensity battle, Tohsaka Rin will be drained. After losing the 'Master', even if you can recover your magic power, you (bjfb) will not be able to stay in this world. 】

【Just when you were planning to send the two of you away, Gilgamesh didn't intend to let you go. 】

[The full activation of the Holy Grail requires more servants to provide magic power, so he does not intend to let go of servants other than you and Artoria. 】

【However, you who possess spatial abilities are not something that ordinary people can keep. 】

【You sent Arturia and Medea away from Ryudong Temple, then returned again, and decided to face Gilgamesh alone. 】

【The latter admires your courage and invites you again. 】

[There is no doubt that you still chose to refuse. 】

【Thus, Gilgamesh expressed the greatest degree of approval to you, and then the king's treasures were fully opened, and the overwhelming treasures shot out from the sky, attacking you at a fast speed. 1

[You don't hesitate anymore, you are fully engaged, and you plan to make a quick decision. 】

[It's a pity that you are not Gilgamesh's opponent fighting alone. His abilities completely limit you, and in the end you can only waste your physical strength and magic power in vain. 】

【You feel extremely tired, and you also have large and small scars on your body. 】

【But at the same time, you also left a lot of injuries on Gilgamesh. 】

【Your chest was pierced and your left arm was completely severed, but your fighting spirit remains undiminished, which makes Gilgamesh value you even more. 】

【He didn't intend to kill you, but he wanted to get a way to go outside the world from you. 】

[But you know very well that if you are captured by it, you will probably be kept in captivity, just like a pet lion that Gilgamesh kept in captivity. 】

【Obviously, Gilgamesh has this means. 】

【You glanced at the sky, the blood-like curse was getting bigger and bigger, you suddenly thought of something, and crazy colors flickered in your eyes. 】

【You smiled, then used the power of space to disappear in place. 】

【Appear again, you have plunged into the black mud curse. 】

【You feel severe pain in an instant, a lot of thoughts flood into your mind, all kinds of desires are killing your will, you feel like you are going crazy. 1

【However, 'bravery' and 'anti-magic power' are in full effect at this moment, and those curses that are extremely deadly to followers are not as terrible as you imagined. 1

[But you are still slowly being polluted by the Holy Grail. 】

[The link between you and Tohsaka Rin was broken, and your body was completely swallowed by the black mud curse, but you did not lose your mind, but there were also very obvious changes. 】

[You feel that your body has become stronger, the magic power in your body seems endless, and your 'Master' has changed from Rin Tosaka to the Holy Grail in front of you. 】

【You will be limited by it, but you can still act according to your own will. 】

[The magic power in your body gushes out instantly, you break free from the black mud, and your injuries have fully recovered. 】

【Stretch out your hand, and the 'Her Faith's Spear' that was sent flying before will return to your hand, and you will come to Gilgamesh again. 】

[Jin Shining felt the power emanating from you, as well as the endless darkness, he didn't feel the slightest trouble, and an incomparably bright smile appeared on his face again. 1

[This performance made the king feel extremely happy. 】

【So, seeing how desperate you are, he plans to bury you with his own hands. 】

【You have witnessed Gilgamesh take out the Deviation Sword from the King's Treasure with your own eyes. Its seemingly strange shape is covered with strange patterns of gold and red. 】

[After being liberated, the Deviation Sword formed a terrible wind pressure, and even the space was destroyed at this moment. 】

【You raised the black knife in your hand and slashed down violently. The domineering slash was wrapped in black magic power, and collided with the wind pressure formed by the Deviation Sword in the blink of an eye. 1

【Endless magic power sprayed out, and even resisted the attack formed by the deviant sword that had been liberated by the real name, and could not continue to advance an inch. 】

【Gilgamesh feels extremely surprised. 】

[You really brought him enough fun, so he no longer held back his hands, and released the Deviation Sword with all his strength. The terrible wind pressure almost enveloped the entire Fuyuki City, so he showed his strength without hesitation. Showing the true posture that belongs to Gilgamesh. 】

[Just as you were about to use the power of the 'Her Faith's Spear', two figures suddenly appeared in front of you. 】

[Surprisingly, it is Artoria and Medea who were sent away by you before. 】

[At this time, the feeling of weakness in their bodies has completely disappeared, and the fluctuation of magic power emitted from their bodies can be said to be several times higher than before. 】

[The hidden sword of the oath of victory finally revealed its true appearance at this time. 】

[The terrible golden light is shining, and the huge magic power is gathered on it, everything looks so warm. 】

【'EX Curry Stick'!!!】

【The golden light creates a path of brilliance, and at the same time, it also contains a large-scale magic belonging to Medea. The two light cannons collide with the wind pressure created by Gilgamesh, forming a terrifying energy shock. 】

【The entire Fuyuki City began to tremble. 】

[Artoria and Medea, who have been strengthened by the Command Spell, are now displaying the power to destroy the world, and with the support of the other treasures in the King's Treasure, the power of the Deviation Sword is also terrifying. 】

【Three beams of light cannons of different shapes collided together like this, and a terrible magic power reaction was formed at the contact position. At the same time, with the continuous output of magic power, this magic power reaction became more and more terrifying. 】

[If you continue,

I'm afraid that this terrifying energy will completely get out of control and swallow up everyone present, including the entire Fuyuki City. 】

[However, you seized this opportunity. 】

【You leap high, the 'He Faith's Spear' in your hand is already clenched tightly, the black magic power is wrapped around it, and the overlord-colored arrogance is also fully blessed on it at this time, the whole body

All the strength is concentrated on this blow. 】

[Suddenly, a figure appeared in the middle of the battlefield. 】

[Jeanne reappears. 】

[At the same time, the spear in your hand was also thrown out by you. 】

【"My Lord is here!!!"】

[A familiar voice sounded, Joan of Arc launched defenses, trying to block your blow, but at the moment when the ‘Her Faith’s Spear’ was about to touch the area protected by the flag, there was

The long spear with terrifying power suddenly disappeared, disappearing abruptly in mid-air. 】

【The next moment, the spear appeared again, and it was already in front of Gilgamesh. 】

[The latter didn't even have time to react, her chest was pierced by the spear, and the terrible magic power cut her arm apart, and her whole body was under tremendous force.

Fly out backwards. 】

[A path is created instantly, but Gilgamesh has already arrived in the ruins]

【He was seriously injured, but he hadn't completely passed away at this time, a lot of blood flowed from his body, but there was still a faint smile on the corner of his mouth. 】

【Even when he was on the verge of death, Gilgamesh still didn't feel afraid. 】

[This magnificent performance has already made him feel happy, but unfortunately, he has not really seen the elegance outside the world. 】

[Accompanied by a clear sound of glass shattering, Gilgamesh's earrings shattered. 】

【The smoke dissipated, and the Jin Xingxing, who was extremely handsome before, has returned to her concrete appearance at this time, and she has suddenly turned into a girl. 】

【Everyone felt extremely astonished by this situation. 】

[However, Gilgamesh didn't pay much attention to this, but looked at your place with burning eyes, showing a fanatical look in his eyes. 】

【Mother Shining left a sentence: "We will see you again!"】

【Then, she died completely!】

[You have defeated the greatest enemy, but because you have been polluted by life, and coupled with the appearance of Joan of Arc, this 'Ruler' intends to kill you,

But was blocked by Artoria and Medea. 】

[At the same time, Rin Tosaka rushed to Liudong Temple with Ilya. 】

[The situation today is very complicated. Logically speaking, Rin Tohsaka had the last laugh and became the winner of the fifth Holy Grail War, but now he cannot make a wish. 】

[Even in order to solve the cleansing of human beings by the Holy Grail, it must be destroyed. 】

[And you who have been polluted by the black mud will also die when the Holy Grail is destroyed. Neither Artoria, Tohsaka Rin nor Medea are willing to do this. 】

[However, Joan of Arc chose to leave the country without hesitation. 】

[At the same time, she also used her ability as a 'Ruler' to control Artoria and Medea with Command Spells, and even Sasaki Kojiro to attack together,

I intend to kill you and destroy the Holy Grail at the same time. 】

【However, with the help of Medea, Rin Tohsaka, who transplanted the Command Seal on Kotomine Kirei's arm, issued an order at the same time, canceling the control from Joan of Arc. 】

【You made a sudden move and killed Sasaki Kojiro instantly. 】

[All the girls showed expressions of surprise, but you showed a faint smile. 】

[You take the initiative to provoke the two sides to fight, either kill you, and then destroy the Holy Grail to prevent its cleansing of human beings, or be killed by you and the Xin Cup will destroy the whole world

destroy. 】

[I realized that you were not joking, and everyone's expressions became extremely dignified. 】

[Afterwards, Arturia and Jeanne fought with you. 】

【Your magical power is endless, and after being blessed, your strength has become unprecedentedly powerful. Even if two powerful followers besiege you, you are still able to handle it with ease. 】

【Medea did not choose to make a move. 】

【Under your full strength, Artoria and Joan of Arc soon began to retreat steadily, and then you threw the terrifying magic power of the 'Her Faith's Spear' directly distorting the control

between. 】

[At the critical moment, the situation suddenly changed. 】

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