I'm in DanMachi: Start A Simulator!

Chapter 20 He Faith Toss: "Did You Fall In Love With Her?" (Monthly Ticket Plus 22)

"Hestia, how long are you going to be lazy?!!!"

A deafening roar came from the room, and Li Yiming's hand froze in mid-air.


If he heard correctly, it seemed to be the voice of Goddess Hestia just now, so the Hestia in the other party's mouth should be the goddess Lolita in his impression, right?

Isn't the other party still living in the family of He Faith, and hasn't been kicked out by Goddess He Faith?

Olalie's current timing is really elusive!

However, Li Yiming was not as excited as he imagined that his favorite female god actually lived in the family of Faith.

Although she really likes Hestia, she can't do much at the moment.

Maybe you will be qualified to pursue the goddess Hestia when you become stronger in the future. If you don't have enough characteristics, you probably won't be able to win the favor of the goddess, let alone a pure virgin like Hestia.

As for now, it's better not to have too many other thoughts.

Boom boom boom! ! !

After taking a deep breath, Li Yiming gently knocked on the door.

The roar inside also stopped abruptly, and after about a moment of silence, the voice of Goddess Hettos sounded again: "The door is unlocked, come in!"

Hearing this, Li Yiming reached out and unscrewed the handle, opened the door and walked in.

Same as the last time I came here, Goddess Hettos sat behind the desk, with a dark cloud on her face, and it was obvious that she was not in a good mood.

As for the bed beside him, a petite figure in a long white dress was sitting there.

The holy aura similar to Goddess Het Faith, the childlike face, and the long twin tails behind the head, all the elements that can attract the attention of men are gathered together.

It has to be said that female gods are always so beautiful that it is even hard for humans to resist.

"Master Shangshen, I'm here to update the ability value, I don't know if it's convenient."

Trying to look away from Hestia, Li Yiming looked at He Faith with a respectful face, and explained his purpose of coming.

"Of course there is no problem. In addition, let me introduce you first. This is my god friend, Hestia, who is currently living in our family. Hestia, this is a newcomer who just joined the family today."

"Huh?! Faith, have you found a new child again? It's so enviable!"

The Goddess Lolita on the side was extremely excited when she heard this, and she looked at Li Yiming with envy and longing. She has not established a family at all now!

After all, probably no one wants to join a newly formed family.

"So I've said it all, you should go out more every day, maybe you can find the child you like, and build your own family. It's not good to stay with me every day and be a rice bug!"

He Faith Toss thought that these words could arouse Hestia's fighting spirit, but unfortunately, she still underestimated the laziness of her god friend.

"No, that would be too troublesome. How about this, He Faith, why don't you give me this child, so that I can establish a family?"

"This is the only thing that won't work, let me find it myself!"

The serious words were merciless, and it was rare to see Faith showing such an angry expression.

Seeing this, Hestia, who was thinking of taking a shortcut before, naturally didn't dare to continue skinning, but she also turned her head and puffed her cheeks, and kept muttering words like "He Faith is too stingy".

This kind of quarrel like a child also made Li Yiming a little bit dumbfounded.

"Forget it, Yiming, come and lie down, I'll help you update your ability value."

"Yes, Lord God!"

Finally thinking of himself, Li Yiming nodded quickly, and was about to take off his clothes, but He Faith held his hands down, and looked at Hestia beside him.

"Hestia, I'm going to update my ability value."

"Hmph, I see, what is there to show off, sooner or later, I will be able to find the child I like, train him to be the most powerful adventurer, and then become the most powerful family member in Olalie, you are optimistic Bar!"

After saying this ruthless sentence, Hestia immediately stood up and left the room.

However, the direction she left was not outside the blacksmith shop, but towards the backyard.

Apparently, the words just now were just for a moment. Hestia would probably never work hard until she was kicked out of the residence of He Faith's family!

Li Yiming withdrew his eyes thoughtfully, but directly met He Faith's meaningful eyes.

I don't know why, but in front of this look, Li Yiming always feels that he is completely seen through.

"Cough, Lord Shangshen, please help me update my ability value!"

"Take off your clothes and lie down!"

Taking off her shirt and lying on the bed, Faith sat down on the edge of the bed, took out the tools, and prepared to update Li Yiming's ability value.

While performing actions, the other side did not forget to start a small chat: "Yiming, I saw you caring about Hestia just now, do you like her?"

"of course not......"

Li Yiming was taken aback by the question that appeared in his ears. Just as he subconsciously refuted, he suddenly thought that gods can see through lies, and his voice stopped abruptly.

After a while, Li Yiming could only bite the bullet and nod, "Actually, I can't say that I like it. It's just that the goddess Hestia makes me very excited, so I... I'm sorry, Lord Shangshen."

"No, there's nothing to apologize for, Yiming."

Her Faith's eyes were extremely gentle, and she didn't mean to blame.


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