I'm in DanMachi: Start A Simulator!

Chapter 229 Surprised Rey! The Future Of Heretics! (Thanks To '5951..' For The Monthly Pas

"Welcome to the new world, Miss Rey!"

With a gentle smile, Li Yiming slowly opened his arms, showing everyone around him.

Strange environment, strange building.

The salty sea breeze came oncoming, making Rey and Guros, who had never experienced such a scene, stunned involuntarily at this moment.

The singer-bird girl and the gargoyle stepped forward slowly, looking away.

I saw all kinds of buildings sitting on the ground, and dense figures coming and going.

"where is this place?"

"As I said before, another world, no adventurers, no dungeons, no monsters and gods, but an equally wonderful different world!"

Li Yiming gave a brief description.

But because of this sentence, Rey and Guros didn't know what to say.

No one can understand their emotions at the moment.

It's unbelievable!

"I know this kind of thing is hard to believe for a while, but then I just need to take you for a walk, and you will probably be able to understand it."

"Although this world is also very dangerous, at least no one will know the identity of your heretics."

"Besides, the humans in this world probably won't mind your identities, after all..."

When he said this, Li Yiming suddenly stopped his words, with a very strange expression on his face.

Although the identities of heretics are very special, in the world of pirates, there are quite a large number of such special races.

For example, the huge giants and the sky islanders with wings.

The whole body is covered with hair, the fur clan that looks like animals, the murlocs that live deep under the sea and looks like marine creatures, and so on.

In comparison, heretics do not seem to be as special as imagined.

Of course, many of them will still be very conspicuous.

After all, the upper part of the body is humanoid, and the lower part is a spider. "June 17" is quite weird.

But according to the characteristics of Pirate World's poor brains, these guys will feel surprised at most, but they won't shout and kill.

Anyway, today's world has stabilized.

Because of Li Yiming's intervention, the old world government has been destroyed and the new world government has been established.

Like the human trafficking that was prevalent in the sea, under the severe attack of the navy, it has reached the point where it is dying.

The safety of ordinary people has also been effectively guaranteed.

Therefore, this is also one of the reasons why Li Yiming intends to temporarily place heretics in this world.

"Then let's go shopping!"

In a novel world, there must be new things.

Everyone who came to Pirate World for the first time was already impatient.


Li Yiming paused suddenly, and then his expression slowly relaxed.

"It seems that we don't need to leave by ourselves. Someone has come to greet us personally. Let's go together and introduce some old friends to you by the way."

As soon as the voice fell, several breaking winds sounded instantly.

Because of the advance warning, Arturia and the others did not take precautions.

Several familiar faces immediately appeared in Li Yiming's sight.

"I didn't expect that it would be you who came to welcome me."

"Long time no see, Im, old man Sora, and Lieutenant General Gion!"

Looking at the few people in front of him, Li Yiming raised his hand and waved it lightly, and greeted them enthusiastically.

"Long time no see, Mr. Li, welcome to come again!"

Im and Gion didn't speak, but Steel Gu Kong on the side immediately responded with a respectful attitude.

No way, it's not polite!

As an existence who witnessed the tragic situation of the five old stars, Steel Gu Kong is very aware of the strength of this handsome man in front of him.

Even Master Im was conquered by him, which is enough to see how powerful he is.

Therefore, there is absolutely no harm in being a little respectful.

Although Steel Gu Kong has retired from the position of Admiral of the Navy for a long time, he has come to the Holy Land of Mary Joa to assume the post of the Commander-in-Chief of the whole army.

Although the strength has weakened a lot, it has improved in terms of human sophistication.

This kind of existence that can change the situation of the sea is of course to be confessed!

"How's the situation?"

"After the demise of the Tianlong people, most of the power should fall on your navy, right? Are you still used to dealing with the chaos at sea?"

It's rare to meet some old friends, and Li Yiming naturally doesn't mind chatting with them more.

By the way, also understand the situation of the sea.

After all, when he was conducting the real-life time travel simulation, he also sailed on this sea for a period of time, and left inextricably linked with many people.

Now that I'm here again, it's no problem to understand the specific situation a little bit.

Hearing Li Yiming's question, Gang Gu Kong couldn't help showing a touch of excitement on his face.

"Thanks to you, under the leadership of Master Im, the Navy has re-issued a new system, whether it is a member country of the world or other countries, it must abide by it."

"There was indeed resistance at the beginning, but it was quickly suppressed by us."

"I believe that the day when the entire sea is cleared and the people can live a stable life will not be too far away!"

When he said this, Steel Gu Kong's tone was full of pride.

Hearing this, Li Yiming also nodded slightly.

In fact, he is not particularly concerned about the survival of the navy or pirates, as long as he does not cause the death of a large number of ordinary people because of himself, that is enough.

As for where the future of Pirate World will go, it depends on how these guys do it.

"Cough cough."

Im's sudden light cough brought Gang Gukong back to his senses in an instant.

The elderly man hastily shut his mouth, stepped aside nervously, and left the stage empty.

I was too excited just now, and it was a little overwhelming.

Fortunately, Lord Im didn't care too much, otherwise, his old bones would not be able to bear the terrible anger!

Thinking of some of the previous scenes, Steel Gu Kong subconsciously shrank his neck.

In order to stabilize the sea as soon as possible, Im did his best during this time.

When encountering a situation that the navy could not solve, this lord even took the initiative to leave the holy land of Mary Joa, and beheaded those stubborn people with the force of thunder.

Steel Gu Kong can still remember that kind of picture.

"Long time no see, Mr. Li Yiming."

Finally having a chance to speak, Yim took the initiative to say hello to Li Yiming.

However, that look of scorching eyes made the corners of the latter's mouth twitch subconsciously. This kind of enthusiasm is really unbearable.

The impulsiveness at the beginning caused indelible consequences.

Sure enough, the effect of the 'mole of love' is really too scary.

"Take the liberty to bother me, Miss Im, I just came here this time to check on the situation and solve some problems by the way. It shouldn't be too embarrassing for you, right?"

"Of course not, this is your world, you can come here anytime and do anything!"

Without hesitation, Im gave the answer directly.

If this kind of exaggerated response is heard by other people in Pirate World, they will definitely feel very dissatisfied.

But whether it's Steel Gu Kong or Gion, they don't express much.

"If that's the case, then I won't be polite."

"It's like this!"

So and so, so and so.

Li Yiming was not polite, and directly sent Aim and Noda.

After learning the purpose of his trip, Im became more and more curious about Olalie, and his eyes subconsciously fell on Rey and Guros.

Obviously it was just the gathering of eyes, but both of them took a step back subconsciously.

It comes from the instinct of creatures, making them feel the terrible sense of oppression originating from Im.

"So that's why, Mr. Li Yiming, are you planning to send these 'heretics' into this world and settle there?"

"That's right, for the time being."

Li Yiming nodded without hesitation, "This is indeed the solution at this stage, but sending the heretics out of the dungeon is not a long-term solution."

"After all, heresies will continue to be born in dungeons, and the current solution can only temporarily relieve the urgent need, and cannot solve the problem from the root.

"So specific matters, we still have to wait until later to discuss slowly."

This is Li Yiming's plan.

It is not such a simple matter to solve the problems of heretics.

Even if all the heretics can be sent to the Pirate World, as long as the dungeon exists, heretics will continue to be born.

Therefore, this method is only a temporary thirst in the final analysis.

To completely resolve this contradiction, we still have to start with the adventurers of Orario.

When adventurers truly accept the existence of heretics and completely distinguish them from ordinary monsters, then they will be able to let heretics walk in the streets openly.

Even if they could be sent to Pirate World, after all, it would be too troublesome.

During this period, no one can guarantee the safety of some newborn heretics.

But at least so far, sending the known heretics to Pirate World first is considered a more appropriate method.

If Olalie's behavior doesn't work, there is still a way out to make up for it.

"I see, there's no problem, I'll have someone take care of them."

After hearing Li Yiming's plan, Yim nodded without hesitation, and made a promise softly in front of everyone.

However, Li Yiming shook his head slowly.

"Don't be so troublesome, I don't mean to ask you to take care of them."

"The reason why I want to arrange them in this world is mainly because of the racial compatibility of this world, where all races can coexist peacefully."

"As for the others, no special care is required."

"I think you think so too, right? Miss Rey!"

Hearing this, Rey also nodded slightly obediently.

"That's right, Master Li Yiming, we are already very satisfied with an equal living environment, we don't need any privileges, we heretics can take care of ourselves!

Rey's heart is extremely excited by the brand new world unfolding in front of her eyes..0

Even going to other worlds in person still makes people feel extremely shocked, but this singer and bird girl can't control so much now.

Even in other worlds, it is the dream of all heretics to obtain a habitat and ensure the safety of their companions to the greatest extent.

If so, what else can we force?

"It's good if you can agree."

"You have seen the current situation. Compared with Olalie's hostility and dangerous dungeons, although there are dangers in this world, it is still relatively safe."

"At least

In my opinion, it is a good living environment.

"If you don't mind, you can temporarily move to this world, and wait for me and the god Uranus to reveal the heresy in its original form and be known by others.

After being accepted by the class and the gods, consider returning to Orario again. "

"What do you guys think?"

Since Rey can also accept this method, then the next step will be much easier.

It is not an easy task to solve the safety and living environment of heretics.

Even in the original book, Bell didn't solve this problem perfectly, and in the end he could only send all the heretics back to the dungeon.

Therefore, it is a long way to go to complete this commission.

In Li Yiming's opinion, before things stabilize, it is undoubtedly the best way for heretics to come to One Piece World and stay away from dungeons and adventurers.

In fact, Rey thought so too.

Even though she doesn't know the specific situation of this world, but out of trust in Li Yiming and Uranus, her heart is full of hope.

"Master Li Yiming, thank you for your help!"

"Personally, I would like to live in this world, but I can't make decisions for other companions, so I want to go back and discuss it with everyone."

"I don't know if it's too much trouble for you..."

The singer-bird girl's voice can be said to be full of caution.

However, when he got this answer, the smile on Li Yiming's face became extraordinarily bright.

He waved his hands slowly, his expression full of gentleness.

"You don't have to be so polite, since I promised the god Uranus to help you, no matter how difficult it is, I will carry it through to the end.

"What's more, during the short period of contact with you, you and Reed are quite appetizing to me. I believe we can become good friends."

"It's also good for you to discuss it, but it will take a while."

"We plan to stay in Pirate World for a few days, and by the way, we will also take you around the world to learn more about it, and it will be more convincing by then.

"What do you think?"

Hearing this, Rey and Guros looked at each other and nodded without hesitation.

"Master Li Yiming, you can decide!"

"Okay, we're off now!"

After getting everyone's unanimous approval, Li Yiming is ready to leave the holy land of Marie Gioia.

Shirahoshi and Kuina finally came back, so they naturally wanted to return to their hometowns to visit their relatives.

Im naturally will not miss this opportunity.

Although she decided to stabilize the world of Pirates, she followed Li Yiming to Orario in 3.6.

But now that the latter has appeared, Im will naturally not stick to his post obediently.

After all, he is also the boss of the New World Government, so what’s wrong with occasionally being a shopkeeper? Do other people in the World Government and the Navy dare to say anything?

In this regard, although Li Yiming was very helpless, he did not stop it.

Just as everyone boarded the steel-framed boat and left the holy land of Maryjoa downstream, Cu Chulainn suddenly spoke.

"I said Archer, is there someone strong where we are going next?"

"It's hard to come to another world. The monsters in the previous dungeon are really disappointing. I want to fight the real strong!"

"So can't you bear with it a little bit?"

Hearing Cu Chulainn's words, Li Yiming seemed a little helpless.

But he is also aware of this guy's temperament, it is very rare to be able to be idle for so long, but it is a waste of time to deliberately find the strong man in the pirate world

If this is the case, then get rid of the big dog and give it to others.

It just so happens that there are many strong people in the navy, right?

Thinking of this, Li Yiming's eyes suddenly fell on the steel bone Kong beside him, and then he smiled.

However, it was this kind of smile that made Gang Gukong feel a chill down his back, always feeling that something bad would happen next.

"Old man Kong, my friend wants to experience the strength of the navy, why don't you help me receive it, just in time for everyone to discuss and exchange ideas.'

"Appropriate fighting can also promote the improvement of each other's strength, right?"

When he said this, the smile on Li Yiming's face became brighter and brighter.

Steel Gu Kong remained silent for a while, and the corners of his mouth twitched uncontrollably, intending to refuse, but seeing Im's clenched fist, he finally could only nod in agreement.


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