I'm in DanMachi: Start A Simulator!

Chapter 234 Break Through The Floor! Fallen Fairy Clone! (Thanks For The 'Realist' Monthly

inside the tent.

The main attacking team headed by Finn, Riveria, and Grace are all gathered here at this time.

You are about to enter the fifty-ninth floor, an unknown area, and you don't dare to be sloppy in the next step, otherwise you will face a bloody lesson.

Therefore, before the official start, preparations must be made.

Regardless of any link, it needs to be comprehensive.

In case of danger, even if you can't move on, at least you can do it with ease, and even retreat in time.

But none of this has much to do with Li Yiming.

We have already arrived at this kind of place, and all the equipment repairs that should be carried out have been completed.

Next, they probably don't need the support of these blacksmiths anymore, so they can stay on the fifty-eighth floor.

However, Li Yiming did not intend to really do that.

He also wanted to follow along to see what the so-called fallen fairy looks like.

There have been a lot of changes in the second expedition, and no one knows what will happen after that.

Maybe, when the time comes, there may be a situation that even the Loki family can't deal with, or even annihilation of the entire army is impossible.

Therefore, Li Yiming intends to follow along and provide some help within his ability.

At least he can't let his two little apprentices have accidents.

So after a brief rest, Tsubaki stayed on the fifty-eighth floor, taking care of other members of He Faith's family.

Li Yiming, on the other hand, followed the elite members of the Loki family and continued to go deeper together.

With Farley left behind by him, if he encounters any danger, he will be able to come back as soon as possible.

So there is no need to worry about the safety of Tsubaki and others.

Half an hour later, the team gathered at the passage leading to the fifty-ninth floor.

At this time, all the members of "267" looked solemn, and it could even be said that they were very nervous.

What follows is an unknown area. Although there are records in the documents owned by the Adventurer's Guild, no one knows the specific situation.

After all, dungeons are constantly changing.

At least compared to ancient times, there are already many new types of monsters.

Even Finn didn't dare to be careless at this time.

"Something's not quite right!"

"What's the matter, Finn?"

Finn's soliloquy immediately caught the attention of Grace and Riveria.

The two made inquiries almost at the same time, and this move naturally made other people in the team look over.

Seeing this, Finn didn't hide anything, and slowly told what he discovered:

"The temperature is not right!"

"According to the information we got from the Adventurer's Guild, the fifty-ninth floor should be the cold current layer. It's not too low, but at least it's almost the same as the fifty-eighth floor."

"But now..."

"Ah, there is no air conditioning at all at the entrance of the cave!"

Grace also looked serious, and silently clenched the ax in his hand.

"Finn, are you feeling in danger again?"

As an old partner who has worked together for decades, Riveria is naturally very aware of Finn's little habits.

The other party's right thumb, which was shaking slightly, already explained the problem.

In the next level, there must be a very terrible crisis.

"Ah, we will probably encounter unprecedented difficulties in the future.

Finn nodded lightly, without any shyness, but Li Yiming saw the unprecedented determination and confidence from his face.

In fact, other people's expressions are almost the same.

"But it's already here, and it's too late to retreat!"

"Explore the unknown, conquer dungeons, isn't it for this purpose that we become adventurers and go on expeditions?"

"So even if we know that there will be danger in the future, we must continue to move forward. This is an adventurer!"

The understatement of the words, but give people an unspeakable confidence.

After hearing this sentence, the others quickly calmed down.

"Then, all the staff check their equipment and potions, and let's go!"


There is no hoarse roar, but some understated low-pitched responses.

All the people present are basically senior adventurers, and they know exactly what kind of things to do in what kind of environment.

Therefore, it is obviously stupid to make too much noise on an unknown floor.

At least this kind of thing will not happen in the elite expedition team of the Rocky family.

The passage to the fifty-ninth floor can be said to be quite long, and it can be seen from here alone, this completely different feeling.

Everyone didn't relax in the slightest, and they were always alert to the surrounding situation.

After reaching the second half of the passage, the cold wave had completely disappeared.

Instead, it was a very warm feeling.

Finally, the passage came to the end, and the new floor suddenly became clear.

Completely different from the imagined cold layer, what appeared in front of everyone was actually a tropical rainforest.

The environment here is not much different from the big tree maze, at least as far as the eye can see, it is all green and lush, giving people a sense of vitality.

However, in the dense forest, the empty surface can still be seen.

This feeling is as if the workers who laid the ground were so hasty that they left in a hurry before they could finish the work.

Even though the temperature is quite comfortable, no one dares to be careless.

After all, the truth here is too weird.

"All staff, move forward alternately, and always pay attention to the surrounding situation."

"Grace, lead the forwards to prepare for the defense!"


Even if the environment is unknown and the situation is unknown, this is not a reason to stop everyone from moving forward.

However, it was completely different from the dignified look of the others.

Li Yiming stood at the end of the team, looking at everything around him calmly, and then swept towards the surroundings without any concealment.

Under his enormous spiritual power [the fifty-ninth li can be said to have nothing to hide.

"The area has not increased significantly, and there are no monsters around!"

"However, isn't the guy in the center a little too disgusting, can even that wriggling bug be eaten?"

In the middle of the floor, a 'tragic' event is taking place.

A monster with a terrifying aura is staying here quietly at this moment.

Around it, there are a large number of insect monsters crawling densely, wriggling their bodies non-stop, but they don't seem to be struggling, just twisting their bodies.

I saw that special monster stretch out its tentacles, roll up the bugs on the ground, and eat them.

"Corpse king flower?"

"It's also the clone of the fallen fairy spirit, so I met it!"

Regarding the situation on the scene, Li Yiming did not show the slightest surprise, and remained calm on the surface.

The direction the team is heading is exactly where the monster is.

It seemed that even if he didn't remind him, he would meet up eventually.

"There is a situation!"

After the team moved forward for a certain distance, Riveria was the first to notice the strangeness directly ahead.

All the other adventurers were almost ordered to stop, and stopped at the same time, holding the weapons in their hands tightly, and their faces were full of indescribable tension.

"What happened, Riveria?"

Finn turned around and asked immediately.

This elven beauty was looking serious at this moment, her eyes filled with horror.

"There is a terrifying wave of magic power ahead, even stronger than me, it should be a very powerful monster!"

"The owner of the floor?"

The people who didn't know the following situation took the lead in guessing.

After all, the monster that can shock Riveria, the "Nine Magic Princess", is still in terms of magic power. Apart from the floor master, they can't think of other existences.

Li Yiming, who heard this, shook his head in his heart.

He also didn't know if the Fallen Fairy was the floor master, but he was sure that this thing was definitely not born from the dungeon.

Naturally, it does not necessarily have rebirth.

From this point of view, the body of the fallen fairy may not live on the floor.

However, it does have the power of a floor master.

A single avatar can make the Loki family in the original work flustered, and in the end they can only narrowly win, let alone the main body that has not yet appeared!

Perhaps, the body of the fallen fairy is hidden somewhere in the dungeon.

"No matter what is in front of you, you need to go and see it now, if it is really the owner of the floor..."

Having said that, Finn's voice suddenly stopped.

The eyes of other adventurers also gathered at the first time, and everyone's expressions were full of solemnity, and at the same time mixed with a touch of excitement.

If they can find the new floor master and defeat it.

There is no doubt that the Loki family will resound throughout Orario!

"Is that really the case?"

After hearing Finn's words, Riveria sighed helplessly, obviously having anticipated this answer in advance.

"Everyone, be more careful next time!"

After finishing speaking, Finn clenched the spear in his hand and strode forward.

Passing through the nearby jungle, everyone came to a barren hilltop with few plants growing.

In the middle of the barren slope, a super huge plant with a height of tens of meters is embedded in the ground and grows tenaciously.

The thick branches like a tree trunk are extending outward with countless tentacles.

"What are these situations!"

"Hey, it's too scary!"

There were clear exclamations one after another, especially obvious in this silent environment..0

If there is only this huge monster, it may not cause too much reaction from everyone. After all, there are many monsters of this size among the monsters I have encountered before.

However, the most shocking thing is the ground beside the plant monsters.

Dense worms are lying there, clustering the super plants in the center.

If the picture in front of you is seen by someone with intensive phobia, it will definitely cause discomfort due to nausea.

"This is the corpse king flower!"

As an elf who has lived for decades, Riveria is not only powerful and excellent in magic, but also famous for her knowledge.

After a quick glance, she immediately recognized the big guy in front of her.

"How did it get so big?"

"Enhanced species?"

"Wait... This guy is actually eating magic stones!"

I saw the huge super plant waving its vines, entwining the bugs on the ground, taking out the crystal nuclei in the body and devouring them.

And those bugs instantly turned into puffy black mist and dissipated in sight.

Without the death of a single worm, the flower buds on the top of the super plant swelled at a speed visible to the naked eye, as if something was about to conceive.

with this

At that time, even the sense of oppression on his body became even more terrifying.

Such a strange scene naturally made everyone on the scene feel terrified.

But because they didn't encounter similar insect monsters on the fortieth floor, nor did they encounter strange people, so everyone didn't understand what was going on in front of them.

However, everyone is also very clear.

You must not let the super plants in front of you continue to devour it!

Otherwise, when the flowers bloom and something inside is born, it will definitely become more troublesome!

"Rivelia, covered by magic!"

Finn gave the order immediately, and he raised the spear in his hand.

The reaction of the mage troops was very quick, almost at the moment when Finn's words fell, they took action immediately.

The mantra is chanted, and the magic power fluctuations are also gradually expanding.

But before the magic was completed, the super plant, which had been eating silently, seemed to be stimulated by some kind of stimulus, and broke away from the quiet state.


All the vines of the super plant rolled around, and all the remaining bugs were instantly wrapped by it, and a large number of crystal nuclei were swallowed and digested by it.

The flower bud that swelled to the limit suddenly began to age rapidly, and then split from the middle.

The shell shattered, and an equally huge but extremely beautiful female upper body slowly unfolded.

The naked body, the scarlet lips are slightly opened.

The next moment, the cry sounded like a newborn baby.

It is a pity that this is not a beautiful sound, but full of disasters.

In an instant, the world changed color.

The originally clear sky was suddenly covered with a deep purple color of 0.1.

The cries kept coming in like waves, and at the same time became more and more sharp, like steel needles, crazily piercing everyone's foreheads.

The air began to freeze amidst the cries, matching the sky, as if the end of the world was coming.

"Damn it, how could it be so scary!"

Even Lv. 6 adventurers felt unspeakable pain from this cry, and even covering their ears didn't help much.

This kind of sound is as effective as hitting the soul directly.

"Quickly think of a way, Riveria!"

As hard as Grace, he also let out a pain in this howl at this time, and hurriedly shouted in the direction of Riveria.

Now, all the hope can only be pinned on this companion.

However, Grace's voice did not spread at all, and was completely covered by the cry of the fallen fairy clone.

Fortunately, this sound wave didn't last for too long, and it stopped completely.

But before everyone breathed a sigh of relief, the newly appeared human monster's sight had already fallen to where they were, staring fixedly at this direction.

To be precise, he was staring at where Ais was.

The girl also looked over at this time, and the eyes of one person and one monster met.


The huge half-length female monster spoke out, and called out a name that made Aisi feel very strange, but very familiar.

This weird sound was mixed with joy and madness.

Immediately afterwards, even the eyes completely changed.

"Arya, my sweet Arya!"

"You are finally back, I have been waiting for you, always!!"

"Let me devour you so we can be completely one, Arya!!!"

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