I'm in DanMachi: Start A Simulator!

Chapter 242 God Of Beauty Blocks The Way! A Brothel In Another World! (Thanks To '18824..'

Ace and others were thrown into the world of pirates.

To learn domineering, it is natural to let professionals teach it.

Although Li Yiming's three-color arrogance is terrifying, it would be a bit embarrassing for him to teach him.

After all, his domineering was not learned by himself at all.

When it comes to teaching, it is obvious that the teachers at the Navy Headquarters are more professional.

As early as after the destruction of the Tianlong people, the influence of the navy began to expand towards the entire sea, and now it can be said that it is very short of manpower.

Sending four good seedlings, Buddha Warring States is naturally happy before it's too late.

And with the teaching of the former admiral of the navy, "Black Arm" Zefa, he is naturally more professional than Li Yiming.

As for the progress, it depends on their own efforts!

After staying in Pirate World for a few days, Li Yiming returned to Olalie alone.

Medea and the others are having fun at this time, and Aisi and others also need to stay and study, so he can only return alone.

The familiar room layout comes into view.

With a thought, he exhaled the white light curtain of the system in his mind.

However, there is currently a cooldown for new sim world refreshes.

I don't know if I haven't found a new simulated world, or because of its strength, it has become difficult to find a comparable simulated world.

In short, Ji Yiming was a little disappointed.

"So, now we can only stay in Orario, or go deep into the dungeon?"

"However, if you enter the dungeon alone and engage in endless battles, it's boring to think about it!"

"It seems that we can only wait for a while, so let's take a break during this time!"

After making a decision, Li Yiming slowly stood up.

Since there is nothing else to do, let's go to Orario for a stroll.

By the way, go to the Hestia family to see the situation, and even exchange emotions with the goddess Hestia.

The initial foothold in another world has been completed, so next, it is time to consider the aspect of private life!

"Then go and have a look!"

"If you can, you can invite Hestia on a date. According to Hestia's generosity, you shouldn't mind.


Although his heart is full of uncertainties, Li Yiming still plans to face the difficulties.

After all, his red-haired goddess once said something, which undoubtedly gave him a lot of confidence.

In fact, Li Yiming's guess is completely correct.

Goddess Faith followed him to many different worlds, and she also had a tacit attitude towards the gathering of many outstanding women by his side.

Let alone 483's target is Hestia!

Just like that, Li Yiming turned around and left the room, and walked out of the Tower of Babel.

The hot gaze above his head, as always, disappeared for a long time, and reappeared today.

This undoubtedly made Li Yiming a little helpless.

"Obviously I already have that red-eyed rabbit, but aren't you satisfied?"

"It's really troublesome enough, but Freya, do you really love to play tricks on me?"

"A mere Oita, isn't it my opponent, or are you going to let this chosen hero deal with me after Bell grows up?"

After roughly guessing what Freya was thinking, a disdainful smile appeared on Li Yiming's face.

"A boring life also needs some special seasoning!"

"Teach that rabbit well, I hope that the next method will not disappoint me.

After murmuring these words softly, Li Yiming turned around directly, ignoring the naked and fiery eyes on the Tower of Babel.


"It's such an irresistible light!"

Above the Tower of Babel, a beautifully dressed white-haired goddess was leaning against the wall with most of her body at this time, her face was rosy, and she was panting continuously.

She had trouble even staying on her feet.

"Obviously the light of the soul is not pure, why is it so charming?"

"Even Bell can't compare to it, it's so curious, a kid like that, I'm definitely going to have her in my team."

"The taste of this complex soul must be very wonderful!"

"Grow up, Bell, and get that kid back!"

Weird voices echoed above the Tower of Babel.

However, Li Yiming, who is the target person, is rushing towards the Hestia family at this time.

But he was only halfway there when a sudden sound came from the alley next to him, which instantly made his sense of domineering react.

Obviously, the other party came to find him!

"Mr. Li Yiming, please stay for a moment."

Stop and turn around.

(caca) A standard Amazon woman came into view.

With a hot figure, there are only a few pieces of thin clothes covering the body, and the purple tulle is looming, giving people endless room for imagination.

It has to be said that being stopped by such a dark-skinned beauty would make any man think wildly.

Unfortunately, Li Yiming is not on this list.

The moment he saw the person's appearance, he probably already guessed the person's identity.

Amazon is a race that only exists for women. At the same time, this race advocates strength, and its dressing style and acting style are particularly bold.

However, in Orario, there is probably only one family adventurer who can dress as cool as the Amazon woman in front of her!

"Battle whore of Familia Ishtar? What's the point of stopping me?"

"Excuse me, allow me to introduce myself."

Sensing Li Yiming's slightly puzzled and impatient expression, the visitor didn't dare to delay the slightest [hastily choose to speak.

"As you can see, this is a member of the Ishtar family, Aisha Belika."

"We're meeting for the first time. My God wants to invite you to Happy Street to discuss matters related to cooperation. We've already prepared a banquet. Please be sure to show your face."

As she spoke, Aisha took out an invitation letter from nowhere and handed it to Li Yiming.

Looking at the red invitation letter in front of him, the latter's expression became very strange.

He was followed by a beauty god just now, but before he had gone far, he was followed by another beauty god, and he really became a fragrant bun, right?

And it's still such a time, it really makes people don't know what to say!

"Istar the god?"

"I'm sorry, I don't have much time these days. I'm afraid I will disappoint God Ishtar's kindness. Please tell her that I will take the initiative to visit when I have time."

He said the same thing, but Li Yiming didn't intend to really go there.

After all, he has no interest in the so-called 'beauty god'.

Whether it's Freya or Ishta, they are not within the scope of Li Yiming's friendship, so even if the other party comes to invite him, it will not help.

Even the two goddesses are very beautiful.

"I still have something to do, so I'll leave first, and Miss Aisha can take care of herself!"


Aisha, who was just about to say something, didn't have time to make a move, Li Yiming turned and left without hesitation, leaving her standing alone with embarrassment and decadence on her face.

If you haven't completed the task sent by the main god, you will definitely be scolded when you go back.

However, Aisha couldn't force Li Yiming either.

Being able to defeat the existence of Apollo's family alone, she doesn't think she has the capital to force the other party to act.

"I can only go back and let Lord Ishtar decide!"

Aisha shook her head with an ugly expression, then she could only take back the invitation letter in her hand, and hurriedly turned and ran towards Happy Street.

The little episode didn't make Li Yiming have unusual thoughts.

He rushed towards the direction of Hestia's family on his own, but when he arrived here, he found that Goddess Hestia was not at home.

I learned from Yoya Shiki, the loli goddess, that she is selling potato balls again.

Even though the family has become prosperous now, Goddess Hestia still hasn't given up on this hobby and is working hard every day.

Perhaps, the experience of being almost kicked out by Goddess Faith at the beginning woke up this loli goddess!

But either way, it's a good thing.

"That would be such a pity!"

Li Yiming sighed helplessly, he could only lament his bad luck.

Since Goddess Hestia has other things to do, there is no way for him to come to her door again, force her to give up her job, and then go shopping and date with him.

There is no way, Ji Yiming can only choose to go back home.

As a result, after walking so many places, in the end, it seemed that I was still alone.

This feeling of loneliness is really unbearable.


But before he was immersed in this emo state for a long time, the sound of complicated footsteps entered his ears.

Judging from the number, there are probably only two people.

Feeling the familiar atmosphere, Li Yiming realized something immediately, couldn't help sighing softly, and turned to look in the direction where the footsteps sounded.

"Is it necessary to be so persistent? Miss Aisha."

"Hehe, for outstanding children, it's worth my doing this!"

In the shadows, an incomparably beautiful black-skinned Yujie slowly walked out, with a delicate smile on her face.

The rosy lips, embellished by the sun, looked extremely seductive.

"It's our first time meeting, Mr. Li Yiming. I heard that you rejected my invitation, so I came to invite me personally. I hope you will be kind to me."

While speaking, a burst of invisible spiritual power emerged.

Li Yiming felt the blessing of that power very clearly, but it didn't affect him at all.

"God Ishtar, you are too polite."

"However, if you can, please don't use the 'charm' power. Although that thing doesn't have much effect on me, since it's a face-to-face conversation, this kind of behavior is undoubtedly too impolite."

"Oh? What a surprise!"

Hearing Li Yiming's words and seeing the latter's calm demeanor, Ishtar was quite surprised.

It's so exciting that someone can ignore her charm ability!

Sure enough, only this man is a special existence.

He is completely different from other children, even most of the gods can't compare with him in this respect, the idea of ​​wanting to suppress him is getting heavier and heavier!

"Sorry, I was rude!"

"However, Mr. Yiming, you are wrong. I did not deliberately use the power of 'charm'. This is originally my power as a god of beauty."

"But since it is your request, Mr. Yiming, I will naturally not refuse."

The words on the mouth can be said to be quite beautiful, and the spiritual power has indeed disappeared.

This kind of behavior, similar to showing favor, immediately made Li Yiming more vigilant.

He didn't think that the "beauty god" Ishtar in front of him would definitely have bigger schemes just because he admired his personality and strength.


As for the so-called control of the power of 'charm', it is even more ridiculous.

Even if Ishtar didn't do this, it would have no effect on him at all.

Now he is just using something useless to win Li Yiming's favor, no matter how he looks at it, he will not lose money.

Really smart enough!

"There is no need to say more after a few words, God Ishtar, what exactly are you looking for me for?"

There was no intention of continuing to beat around the bush, Li Yiming went straight to the point.

However, his reaction did not make Goddess Ishtar feel any offense, and the black-skinned goddess still had a beautiful smile on her face.

"I have explained my purpose before."

"Mr. Yiming, I like the heroic event you made in Olali, so I want to invite you to the happy street to attend the banquet I prepared for you."

"I have a good relationship with Faith Faith, so it doesn't mean that Mr. Yiming should not refuse.

The invitation was made again, but this time it was Goddess Ishtar who came to the door in person.

To be honest, this kind of face is already enough.

In the absence of an open conflict, the gods took the initiative to issue such an invitation, which can be said to have given great tolerance.

If you refuse again, it is not a good thing for anyone.

After all, Goddess Ishtar didn't show rich demons on the surface.

It's really troublesome!

Li Yiming frowned, looking at the goddess Ishtar and the Amazon girl Aisha in front of her.

Anyway, there is nothing too important, let alone a little boring, why not go to Happy Street to see the situation.

It is easy to dodge an open spear, but it is difficult to defend against an arrow in the dark.

Let's see what Goddess Ishtar is going to do.

By the way, let's go and see, this other world... ahem, it's the land of love and moon in this world, what's the difference!

"Since you are applying for the invitation, God Ishtar, I dare not continue to refuse."

"That's really great, this banquet will definitely not disappoint Mr. Yiming!"

"Please come with me!"

Li Yiming's "compromise" brought a bright smile to the face of Goddess Ishtar.

The goddess stretched out her hand to make an invitation gesture, but Li Yiming didn't stretch out her hand, but just lagged behind one person, one god, and a half body distance.

Seeing this, the black-skinned goddess didn't say much, she smiled charmingly, turned around and walked straight ahead.

A few people walked towards the direction of Happy Street without haste.

Along the way, many adventurers have noticed their existence.

The eyes of the vast majority of adventurers almost stay on the goddess Ishtar, that obsessive demeanor is barely concealed.

In the eyes, even a pink heart appeared.

The charismatic power originating from the gods is so daunting.

At this time, the time is in the afternoon.

It's not yet the business hours of Happy Street, but the whores still woke up early from their sleep, dressed themselves up, and prepared to welcome the coming guests.

Even if it hasn't been officially started, you can still feel the rotten smell in the air.

This is heaven of desire!

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