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Chapter 246 He Faith Toss Brand Magically Modified Mobile Phone (Thanks To The Monthly Pass Of &#039

"Leave this matter to me to solve!"

"It would be a pity for such an excellent child to be sacrificed by Ishtar." 1

"Since that guy doesn't know how to cherish himself, then let's give up the 'ownership' of that child. Other families really need this kind of existence with special talents.

With a wave of her hand, Goddess He Faith directly decided the future of Sanjoo Haruhime.

The incomparable strength gave her sufficient confidence.

If it was before Li Yiming joined the family, even if Goddess Faith knew about this kind of thing, she would not pay attention to it because of the probability.

It doesn't matter whether it's to win over Sanjoo Haruhime, or to reveal the news.

The He Faith family is indeed the most powerful artisan family.

Just for Tsubaki, whose adventurer level has reached Lv. 5, is already a gap that many adventurers cannot cross in this lifetime.

However, compared to the exploration family, the strength is still insufficient.

Therefore, it is undoubtedly the most sensible behavior to make money harmoniously and not to make enemies everywhere.

However, all this changed because of the appearance of Li Yiming.

The strength of her power gave Goddess He Faith a strong confidence to interfere with things she was unaccustomed to before, even if she was an enemy of other family members.

After all, in this world, whoever has the biggest fist can control the right to speak.

In terms of the resources that the family has now, no matter how many enemies they make, it seems that there will be no problems.

After all, even once hostile gods, if there is something that interests them, they will temporarily choose to put the festivities aside.

And having mastered the 'key' of another world, the Faith family of Faith fully possesses this condition.

"The god Ishtar is so pitiful!"

"I finally saw a little hope of defeating Freya's family, but it was crushed by you, Faith, in the blink of an eye.  …

"It must be very uncomfortable to feel hope vanished!"

A compassionate expression quietly appeared on Ji Yiming's face.

However, what he got in exchange for this move was only the pretty eyes of the goddess Faith.

"It's better for you, the culprit, to say less about such sarcastic remarks."

"If you didn't take the initiative to tell me, I wouldn't be able to discover the specialness of that child, so you should restrain the smile on your face a little bit!"


"Is it so obvious? It seems that my acting skills still need to be improved!"

Li Yiming didn't have the slightest embarrassment when her true inner thoughts were directly exposed by the Goddess Faith.

In fact, even if Goddess Ishtar knew about this matter, he would not feel the slightest tension or fear because of it.

After all, certain family members do such things a lot.

Forcibly include the members you like, as long as your strength is strong enough.

It is no exaggeration to say that this is almost the unspoken rule of Olalie's default.

Therefore, no matter how bad Apollo's methods were before, the gods would only complain in a low voice, and would not stop the development of the situation.

All the premise must focus on having fun.

The leak of Santiao Haruhime's news is undoubtedly the catalyst for the conflict.

At that time, all capable family members don't mind getting involved in this matter.

There is only one possible result in the end.

That is to say, the Ishtar family suffered this boring loss, and then reluctantly handed over Sanjoo Haruhime.

However, judging from Goddess Faith's current tone, it is obvious that she does not intend to join the competition.

I just don't want this excellent child to be sacrificed like this, so I want to use this method to give her a way out!

As for what will happen in the future, it depends on the other party's own luck.

"Then I don't care about these things anymore."

"However, if you encounter any trouble, don't forget to tell me, Faith, I will always be your most solid backing!"

The very sincere expression made Goddess Faith slightly taken aback.

Immediately afterwards, the smile on the face of the red-haired goddess became even stranger.

"Obviously this kind of words should be spoken by me, the main god, but now the target has changed, it really makes me a little uncomfortable!"

"But, I remember what you said today!"

"If there is any need, I will not be polite to you."

Considering the relationship between Li Yiming and Goddess Hettos, there is no need to say those polite words.

"By the way, there is one more thing I need to tell you."

"I have researched the electronic products suitable for Orari, by taking the electronic products of the moon world as the blueprint, and then incorporating various materials, magic stone fragments and magic into them.

In the end, the research was finally successful. After experiments, the function is very stable.

"Perhaps we can sell it sometime!"

Hearing the words of Goddess Hetos, Li Yiming was very surprised.

But soon, his mood regained his calm.

This kind of thing seems to be a reasonable thing for the forging goddess in front of her.

Even in Orario, the goddess Hettos sealed her divine power, but combining a lot of knowledge and experience, there is still no problem in creating electronic products that mention mobile phones.

In this way, certain plans can also be put on the agenda.

"That's really great, pass on this technology to the blacksmiths in the family as soon as possible, and carry out assembly line production!"

"If you have any needs, just tell me, and I can pull a production line from Model Moon World.

"In addition, this kind of production (Li Wangzhao) technology must be kept secret. This is the capital of our Faith family's take-off. Even if it is to be leaked, it can't be now."

Listening to Li Yiming's advice, Goddess Hess smiled and nodded slightly

"Don't worry, I know all of this.

"I will let the children learn the production process early.

"It will be more convenient for Yiming to invade your culture, won't it?"

The words of Goddess He Faith also happened to reach Li Yiming's heart.

Agreeing to accept Uranus' commission was not because he couldn't refuse, but because he could get more benefits from it, so he chose to agree.

Just imagine shaking.

With the strong support of the Adventurer's Guild, no matter what kind of new product it is, it can be circulated throughout the city in a very short period of time.

Li Yiming will not let go of the free promotional means delivered to his door.

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