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Chapter 248 The Strange Emotions In Rey's Heart

Sensing Li Yiming's sight, the heretic with long blue hair hurriedly hid.

Looking at this appearance, it is obviously a very fearful existence.

However, Li Yiming felt that the girl's appearance was very familiar.

It's as if I've seen it somewhere before.

"Don't worry, Lord Yiming is a good man, he won't hurt you-."

Rey first opened her mouth to comfort the girl behind her, and only after the latter calmed down completely did she choose to turn around again.

The singer-bird girl had a deep apology on her face.

"Sorry, Lord Yiming, Wei Ni didn't mean it."

"She was born not long ago, and she was attacked by adventurers before, so she has a little hostility towards humans. Please don't be as knowledgeable as her.


Hearing Rey's words, Li Yiming immediately reacted.

No wonder he thought the blue long-haired girl in front of him was very familiar, but he didn't expect him to be an old acquaintance!

One of the protagonists in the original book?

"It's okay, I don't care about such small things."

"So are you in trouble? Another adventurer is attacking you?"

After knowing the specific identity of Wei Ni, Li Yiming nodded clearly, and then withdrew his gaze.

"No, that's not true."

"I found Winnie not long ago, and saved her from the adventurers, and have been living in this place ever since."

"But this is not a long-term solution, after all, Wei Ni is not strong and has an active nature.

"If I am accidentally discovered by an adventurer again when I am not here, I may be arrested or even killed."

"So, I want to ask Master Yiming to send her to another world."

"With Reed and the others taking care of them, there is no need to worry about Winnie's life."

Without the slightest hesitation, Rey directly confessed her thoughts.

Hearing this, Li Yiming has also fully understood Rey's purpose.

In this regard, he did not choose to refuse.

Now that he has started to do something, he must stick to it from the beginning to the end, and strive to make it the best. This has always been Ji Yiming's style.

And it is not troublesome to open the door of the world, so there is nothing to refuse.

Thinking of this, Li Yiming nodded directly.

"Of course there is no problem. As I said before, you can come to me anytime."

"I will open the door of the world for you now!"

After speaking, Li Yiming waved and snapped his fingers.

The dark portal descends again.

Although Rey has seen the scene in front of her countless times, when this portal reappears, she will still feel a touch of shock.

This magical power is really unbelievable.

"Thank you so much, Lord Yiming!"

"You've said these words many times, and I didn't do anything special. If you have to thank me, wait until I really solve your situation and then come slowly!"

A gentle smile appeared on Li Yiming's face.

Seeing this, Rey was no longer polite.

She knew that no matter how much she said now, words would be powerless.

The man in front of me has helped the heretics... no, it should be the current Demon Race, it can be said to be very huge.

It is so big that all the devils have no way to repay.

The only thing I can do is to keep this kindness in my heart.

After everything is over, I will always be by Master Yiming's side, and use the rest of my life to repay the other party's kindness!'

Rey thought so in her heart.

Ah Chi!!!

Li Yiming, who was maintaining the gate of the world, sneezed abruptly.

"Why did you sneeze suddenly? It seems like I haven't had this kind of reaction for a long time. Could it be that someone is talking about me behind my back?"

"Is it Freya or Ishtar?"

"Or, is it another god?"

After thinking to no avail, Li Yiming shook his head and gave up thinking.

Soon, half an hour passed.

Rey, who personally sent Winnie to One Piece World, returned and sincerely expressed her gratitude to Li Yiming again.

The two also chatted briefly for a while.

All the demons known in the dungeon have left this place, leaving only Rey here alone, searching for newborn companions in the dungeon every day.

This kind of work can be described as quite boring and lonely.

0 Seeking flowers……………

Therefore, after finally coming to the dungeon, Li Yiming didn't mind chatting with Lei Yi more.

It can also be regarded as dispatching the loneliness in the other party's heart!

This is because he has not mastered the magic of imitating others, otherwise, he could completely transform Rey into a human form, and then bring it back to the ground.

At least he doesn't have to endure this kind of tension and loneliness alone in the dungeon.

However, the happy time is always short.

Li Yiming can't stay here forever, he still has his own things to do.

The understanding Rey naturally also saw this, and after a few hours, she stopped the conversation on her own initiative and proposed that she would go to the known maze area.

So, after saying goodbye, the two chose to leave separately.

Looking at the gradually receding figure, Li Yiming's mood is quite complicated.

If it were him, it would probably be impossible for him to be alone in the dungeon, working hard for those people who had never been masked.

But he doesn't hate such existence.

"Sure enough, only with such a comfortable existence can you be more motivated to help.

"It seems that we need to be a little more serious!"

"Even if it's because of Rey, we must announce the existence of the Demon Race as soon as possible, and at the same time let humans and gods not reject them.

"As for those family members who want to sell the demons in exchange for profit..."

"Ha ha!!!"

There was a sneer on Li Yiming's face, and his eyes were unusually cold.

No matter which world he is in, what he hates the most is always the human traffickers, those disgusting guys can never be regarded as human beings.

If you really let him meet, then don't blame him for being rude!

After saying this, Li Yiming turned around.

Following a burst of space fluctuations, his figure disappeared into the dungeon.

Those family members and adventurers who knew about the existence of the Demon Race and intended to plot against them did not know what kind of crisis they were about to face.

Because of the appearance of this man, the original development has been changed.

Orario is destined to be caught in a turmoil!

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