I'm in DanMachi: Start A Simulator!

Chapter 268: Extremely Aggrieved Loki! Riveria's Question

Goddess He Faith looked very calm.

However, that plain look made Loki a little unbearable.

Just now, the "God of Trickster", who was planning to take advantage of the situation and incriminate Li Yiming to a certain extent, restrained his thoughts in an instant.

Jokes should be moderate, if it exceeds the limit, it will not look good!

The more important point is that the current Hettos family is really too powerful, even the two kings of Olali are not opponents at all.

So no matter how dissatisfied Loki is in his heart, he still can only endure it.

"Hmph, we are indeed here to find this brat."

Loki's eyes fell on Li Yiming, the murderous intent in his eyes was undisguised, wishing he could kill this man on the spot.

If it wasn't for being reluctant to part with those interesting things in the lower realm, it would have exploded with divine power and killed them long ago.

It is a pity that no matter whether it is a human being or a god, as long as there are concerns in the heart, they will become restrained in doing things and cannot do whatever they want.

"God Loki, what do you want from me?"

Having seen enough of Loki's funny performance, Li Yiming took the initiative to ask.

He doesn't have so much time to continue entangled with this guy in front of him now.

Get rid of it early and go to the world of "One Punch Man", this is what Li Yiming wants to do most now.

"What are you looking for? You bastard kid, what have you done, don't you know yourself?"

"Where did you hide our Ai Si carbon, hand it over to us quickly!"

Loki instantly leaned in front of Li Yiming, reached out and tugged at Li Yiming's collar, as if he wanted to pull him to the same level as himself.

It's a pity that the god who proclaimed himself a god has completely lost his power.

Even if Rocky tried his best, he still couldn't shake the tall and burly Li Yiming.

This looks more embarrassing!


Riveria, who watched this scene, patted her forehead helplessly, and opened her mouth to help her main god relieve the embarrassment.

"Quickly answer our question, where did you hide our Aisi Carbon?"

"Whether it's in Olalie or in the dungeon, there's no trace of Aisitan or the other children.

"You guy, didn't you do something to them?"

Calmly let go of his hand, Lu Ji questioned again.

She stared closely at Li Yiming's cheek, as if she wanted to see some clues from the change in the latter's expression.

But obviously, the situation is destined to disappoint Loki!

Li Yiming's face remained the same as before, and there was no difference at all.

"With all due respect, Lord Loki, do you have persecution paranoia?"

"To put it bluntly, if I wanted to, I could justly and honestly wipe out all members of the Loki family by myself during the expedition.

"Even if you are called one of Olalie's 'Double Kings', you still can't stop me.

"So I don't need to take Ace and Tiona alone at all, no need!"

The understated words slowly came out from Li Yiming's mouth.

This unceremonious behavior of Zhang Yang immediately made the three goddesses including Faith slightly surprised.

They also didn't expect that Li Yiming would actually say such arrogant words in front of Loki.

It's really embarrassing enough!

Especially the smile on Goddess Hestia's face has become more and more obvious.

As Loki's 'old enemy', Goddess Lori was often oppressed before, and every time she fell behind because of the gap in the strength of the family members.

Even in the "battle" between the gods, because of the gap in the wingspan, how many times have suffered a big loss.

There is nothing more gratifying than being able to see Rocky deflated now.

If it weren't for the scene and it wasn't particularly suitable, the goddess Hestia would have wanted to speak in person and mock Loki fiercely.

Use this to relieve the hatred in your heart.

As if aware of her thoughts, Goddess Artemis stretched out her hand in a timely manner, and held Goddess Hestia's slender hand to stop her behavior.

The conflict did not intensify.

However, because of Li Yiming's arrogant and unusual words, Loki, who was already very annoyed, became even more angry at this time.

0 for flowers...

"You bastard, you're so irritating!"

"Can we beat you up?"

"God Loki, if you can do it, I don't mind at all, or you can go back and ask Finn and Grace for help to see if they are willing to help you fight.

"I will accompany you anytime!"

Facing Loki's impotent rage, Li Yiming was still very polite.


"Okay, Loki, enough is enough!"

Riveria's opening directly killed the impending noise in its cradle.

Looking back at the stern expression of his 'mother', all the swear words Lokina was about to say got stuck in his throat.


The goddess glared at Li Yiming viciously, and then looked away.

"Leave the rest to me, no problem, Loki?"

"Then let 'Mom' handle it!"

Naturally, Riveria's words would not be opposed by Loki.

However, her words still made the elf royal frowned subconsciously.

"Say it again, Rocky, I'm not your mother!"

Her own way of doing things obviously annoyed Riveria, but now is not the time to get into trouble with her own god.

Riveria can still distinguish the priorities of the matter.

What's more, as the single-handedly nurturing Aisi, she is also very concerned about the situation of several girls.

Even if Riveria knew very well that with Li Yiming's character, she would not take action against Ais, Diona, Dione and Refia.

But for some things, it is more reassuring to ask clearly.

"Yiming-kun, if it's convenient, can you let Aisi and the others go back to the family?"

"It has been more than a month since I left for special training, all of us are very concerned about the current situation of Aisi and the others, and if possible, we also need to update the grace.

"We won't delay your training plan!"

Riveria made such a request very sincerely.

No matter from which aspect, this proposal is quite reasonable.

One beg one.

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