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Chapter 45 The Ascension Of Terror, The Last Hero Of Humanity? (Thanks To The Monthly Pass Of "

"So, you just entered the tenth floor alone?"

In the room, Goddess He Faith's face was extremely calm, but everyone could hear the blame in the other party's words. Li Yiming, who was a little happy because she became stronger, became very embarrassed again at this time.

It seems to be a little carried away...

However, there is no way to do this. After all, adventurers cannot lie in front of all the gods, and even malicious thoughts will be noticed by the gods. Even if they want to hide it, it will be useless.

"Master Shangshen, I'm fine, and I've killed several half-orcs, at least in the upper area, even if they can't beat me, I can escape."

"Have you ever defeated a goblin?"

It was another surprising remark. If Hertos hadn't sensed that Li Yiming was lying, she really couldn't believe that a newcomer who had just been an adventurer for two or three days was able to go deep into Li Yiming by himself. In the area of ​​the tenth floor, the orcs were defeated.

This kind of brilliant record has never been seen in the whole Olarico.

"You are still a child who is too good to be too good. It seems that it is a very wise decision to let you join the family on a whim!"


In the end, was it because of the goddess' whim that he was able to join the He Faith family?

This answer really made Li Yiming feel a little frustrated.

"Okay, don't feel frustrated. I was just joking. At the beginning, I thought you were very sincere, and the family members really needed fresh blood. I just didn't expect that I would find the treasure."

"Lie down first, let me see how you will change after defeating the orc, take off your clothes!"

In a slightly quiet room, there are lonely men and widows, and this speech is a bit like a wolf and a tiger.

However, this is also what Li Yiming is looking forward to.

Becoming an adventurer, being bestowed with the favor of the gods, has the possibility of becoming stronger, but it must be renewed by the corresponding head god of the family.

Therefore, the secret that Li Yiming has a lot of skills is absolutely impossible to hide for a long time.

Instead of being persecuted there and delusional, it would be better to be generous. Goddess Faith is also a very good god, and she is very gentle to her children, so there is no need to create barriers.

Li Yiming hummed, walked to the bed, and lay down on the bed.

She didn't seem to feel that there was anything wrong with it. The red-haired goddess was also sitting on the edge of the bed. Since she came hastily and didn't bring any tools, she could only bite her fingers with her teeth.

A drop of divine blood dripped onto Li Yiming's back, like a pebble falling into a calm lake.

The blue sacred text appeared, and every character in the status bar was floating and changing. In addition to the rapid increase in the basic ability value, new sacred text appeared in the skills and magic bars.

"Your growth is really..."

He Faith slowly opened his eyes wide, looking at the constantly changing final value in surprise, and then slowly freezing the final value.


Li Yiming


Strength: h158→e453|Durability: i85→f362|Delicacy: h120→e420|Agility: i139→e411|Magic: i0→g289

"Development Ability"

Forging B


[Mole of Love D]

·Use the magic mole to charm the opposite sex

·Women who come face to face with him will have strong loving feelings towards him


[Almighty Man]

·Sometimes can get unexpected improvement

[Breath of Flame]

·Enhance physical ability

・Slash can emit extremely scorching flames

[Transparent World]

·Conceal your grudge

The ability to predict actions and dodge attacks will be greatly improved

· Able to see the opponent's body structure clearly

[Breath of the Sun]

·Enhance physical ability

·Slash can carry the terrifying solar fire

·Increased damage to evil enemies, when fighting with evil enemies, the full ability is greatly increased


·Increase heart rate and oxygen supply capacity, greatly enhance combat ability

·Able to help recognized people to open stripes

[Brave C]

・Nulliate mental interference such as coercion, confusion, and confusion

·Basic attributes are doubled during the battle


Entering the dungeon for the second time, this kind of growth is really unbelievable.

too fast!

In just one day, or less than a day, all the basic ability values ​​have broken through to three digits, and there are so many more comprehensive skills, He Faith doesn't know what to say.

Especially the extra skills, any one of them is enough to greatly increase the strength of a certain adventurer.

But when these skills are all gathered together, no one will know exactly what kind of improvement will be obtained.

The only thing that is certain is that that person will definitely be very strong.

In addition, the additional levels of skill suffixes and the newly added magic all made He Faith feel refreshed, which had never happened before.

I don't know how to explain it at all, so I can only attribute all the credit to the 'Almighty Man'.

Her Faith's expression became extremely solemn.

Could it be that Li Yiming is a descendant of a certain hero who took over the duties of the last hero and was born to crusade against the three major commissions?

If this is the case, it can probably explain why she has so many rare skills, and her growth rate is so unbelievable.

Coupled with the introduction of Zebra, it can help people around you to open up the same skills.

The situation became more and more serious, and the last hero of mankind became her child!

Thinking of this, the corners of Her Faith's mouth slightly outlined a pleasant arc.


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