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Chapter 49 Arriving In The Middle Area, Danger Is Hidden In The Beauty (Review Vote Plus Update)

Meeting adventurers in need of rescue is just one episode.

As Li Yiming knew in advance, adventurers are indeed a very high-risk occupation, especially adventurers who join the exploration family, the dangers they need to face every day are unimaginable.

Even with the help of your teammates, you never know whether there will be monsters appearing from the corner and biting your head off.

Therefore, exploring the dungeon is not only a kind of destruction to the body, but also a kind of destruction to the spirit.

Often encountering adventurers who are alone in danger, Li Yiming doesn't mind helping out. This is not a saint, it's just doing it casually.

His actions today are destined to be spread among Orario.

Then, as a member of He Faith's family, the whole family will naturally benefit from it, and the reputation will become better and better. In a world where news is blocked, word of mouth is very important.

This is also one of the few things that Li Yiming can do for the family!

In just half a day, with Li Yiming and Chun sweeping all the way, they quickly reached the dungeon record that surpassed Li Yiming's.

After crossing the tenth floor, the remaining two floors are no longer an obstacle.


After beheading a young dragon with a knife, Li Yiming took out the magic stone inside the young dragon's body. The monster's body was quickly swallowed by the dungeon, leaving a scale in place.

This is a special drop item belonging to monsters, and it is also an excellent material for making equipment.

"It's good luck. Along the way, I have already obtained ten baby dragon scales. At this speed, the harvest of this dungeon exploration is really unimaginable!"

Chun quickly stepped forward to pick up the young dragon's scales, and skillfully put them into his pocket.

This kind of scene has appeared countless times, and Li Yiming never thought that his mature team leader would show such a money fanatic appearance. The contrast between before and after is really cute enough.

However, only when there are special dropped items, Tsubaki will rush to put them away.

"Yiming, I doubt your luck very much. The probability of special drop items appearing is too high!"

I have been surprised by Li Yiming's strength for a long time, and Chun has experienced what is called underground city sightseeing in this half-day.

In just half a day, the gains of the two were terrifying.

He obviously didn't stay there intentionally, but even if it was just a group of monsters that were eliminated during the journey, the fallen magic stone fragments were of different sizes, but if the size of the magic stone fragments in the half-orc's body was used as a standard, there are probably a total of five hundred pieces as much.

In addition, the slime of killer ants, the bones of lizards, the scales of young dragons, etc.

Even for a team of senior adventurers, it is not easy to achieve this kind of achievement, but now it is so easy to do it with Li Yiming alone.

The main reason is that the 'Brave' skill is too powerful, and all attributes will be doubled during the battle.

Counting the blessings of other skills, Li Yiming has completely surpassed Lv.1 adventurers, and some weak Lv.2 adventurers may not be his opponents.

Even though the monsters in the dungeon have special powers and vary in strength, at least the upper-level monsters are absolutely impossible to pose a fatal threat to Li Yiming, and they are completely unrepeatable adventurers.

"Leader, let's go deeper!"

"Your interest is really high! Then keep this momentum and move on!" Tsubaki's face showed curiosity, "I also want to see where your limit is!"

The two continued to walk forward quickly, and soon passed the stairs.

The terrain of the white grassland labyrinth from the tenth to the eleventh floor also changed back to the appearance of a dungeon cave with the arrival of the middle floor.

However, there are still significant differences between the middle and upper levels.

The upper floor of the dungeon is a flat labyrinth passage, a large number of passages are intertwined in such a dense way that you don't know exactly where it will lead.

In the middle area, the environment can be said to be more three-dimensional.

Not only does it cover a larger area, but you often have to climb up and down hills, and sometimes you can even see cliffs several meters high. This sudden change in painting style makes it difficult for many adventurers to adapt.

Even Li Yiming was deeply attracted at first glance.

Right above the cave, there was a blue magic stone light, and the stalactite cones hung above their heads, shining like a chandelier.

If it weren't for the danger that exists all the time, you would even think it would be a very beautiful tourist attraction.

"Starting from here is the middle layer of the dungeon. Unlike the upper layer, most of the monsters in the middle layer have the strength to match the third-level adventurers. Of course, this is not static. Compared with adventurers, the strength of monsters It is even more uncertain, and there are special individuals among them, so be vigilant at all times."

"Of course, if you really encounter a monster that you can't fight against, it's not lifeless. Some places in the middle area can directly lead to the eighteenth floor, which is the safe floor. Keeping track of the location of that place is also one of the compulsory courses for adventurers. .”

After setting foot in the middle area, Tsubaki's expression became slightly serious.

There is no way to stay relaxed. Although Li Yiming's strength has exceeded her expectations, if she encounters danger, she needs timely support.

Therefore, you must maintain a high degree of concentration!


PS: The evaluation vote will be updated, thank you readers for your support! ! !

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