I'm in DanMachi: Start A Simulator!

Chapter 66 The Swordsmanship Competition With The Sword Girl, The Surprised Loki Family

Just as Tsubaki thought, Li Yiming caught Burt's words, but didn't care at all.

He doesn't care about the way other people look at him, and he won't be affected by other people's words. It's just words, and there is no way to affect his beliefs.

If it is just a few rumors that shake the thoughts deep in my heart, thereby completely changing my life, or becoming decadent, then it proves that he is just a man of this level, and others may Stronger than yourself, but it is impossible to be stronger than yourself forever.

Great people are not born great, but show their greatness in the process of growing up.

At this moment, Li Yiming's attention is all on Ai Si. If he had chosen to compete with Ai Si before because he had no way to refuse, then now, the thoughts in his heart have become extremely firm.

He wanted to see how big the difference was between himself and the real strong.

The overall combat effectiveness may not be as good, but will it be slightly inferior in other aspects?

"Miss Ais, do you want to have an overall sparring with me, or just a fencing sparring? If it's an overall sparring, I might not be your opponent.

Ignoring other words around him, Li Yiming asked softly.

He held his right hand towards the void, and the sun wheel knife placed in the system backpack reappeared. It only looks like a sophisticated weapon, but naturally it can't compare with the "Sword of Despair" in Aisi's hand.

After all, it was a weapon from the ancient platinum button family.

A rapier with indestructible attributes, even though its power is slightly lower than other first-level equipment, it is not comparable to the sun wheel knife in Li Yiming's hand.

But as a rookie, it is very rare to be able to own such a weapon.

Facing Li Yiming's inquiry, Ai Si was slightly taken aback, and then responded simply: "Then let's make a brief discussion."

"Just what I want, let's get started!"

The simple conversation stopped abruptly, and the expressions of Li Yiming and Ai Si became serious.

Riveria, Tsubaki and the others around heard the words, held their breath and stared at the two people in the center of the field, with a touch of expectation on their faces.

Li Yiming and Aisi looked at each other face to face, holding their respective sword blades with their left hands.

No verbal communication is required, both parties understand.

The girl couldn't hold back her temper, sheathed the sword of despair at her waist, and then rushed towards Li Yiming. It could be seen that she deliberately suppressed her speed, and she only showed a level of Lv.2, maybe it was Don't want to let this discussion end hastily!


There was a huge sonic boom as the blades collided.

Li Yiming drew his knife to hold Aisi's sword, even though the girl's strength was reserved, but the subconscious action was still extremely impactful, and the transmitted force still caused his feet to sink slightly into the ground.

Aisi didn't continue to move, but raised her head, and her eyes met Li Yiming's in the air.

The latter inexplicably understood the meaning in the girl's eyes, and seemed to be asking whether the strength was appropriate.

This feeling of being underestimated is really depressing, but the difference in strength cannot be ignored, so Li Yiming didn't force himself to hold on, but just raised the corners of his mouth slightly.

"Come on, Miss Ais, don't worry about hurting me. Although it's just a sparring session, it's not a joke. It's normal to get injured. Don't you want to know what I'm best at? Show off your sword skills, and I'll do the same. I will also respond with my sword skills."


The answer sounded from the nasal cavity.

Subsequently, golden and sharp flowers bloom quietly in this night.

These flowers are not real flowers, but formed by Aisi's sharp swordsmanship, the sharp slashes, under the decoration of this color, the opponent seems to be

As expected of a female adventurer who can be called a 'Sword Princess'.

In Li Yiming's eyes, Ai Si's swordsmanship is already superb, but it also contains many flaws.

Olalie's adventurers have a common problem. The strength is indeed strong, but there is a slight lack of skills. More fighting methods are all based on the enhancement of ability values ​​and powerful magic. The real skill There are very few masters.

This can be seen from Aisi's development ability "Swordsman".

The level is only 'H', but this is also reasonable, adventurers are not very good at fighting humans, they are better at fighting monsters in dungeons

More subtle techniques can only be of extremely limited help.

Compared with those huge monsters with strong defenses, strength and speed are more useful.

The moment he entered the battle, Li Yiming's basic attributes were doubled, and his bravery skills almost became his capital for leapfrogging battles. This is probably why he, a mere low-level adventurer, can make others feel that he is comparable to Lv.2 reason for the level.

Coupled with the blessings of breathing techniques, markings, and the penetrating world, this kind of increase is not just one plus one equals two.

Feeling the blade of the galloping sword, Li Yiming didn't panic at all. He could clearly see the grudge on Ai Si's body. While deliberately suppressing the strength and speed, the latter's attack was completely captured. No matter how sharp the sword technique is, it still doesn't pose much threat.

Li Yiming is like a nobleman traveling through the flowers, his footsteps move slightly in place, the range is not large, but he dodges all of Aisi's attacks.

The whole process looks very elegant, people can not help but shine.

During this process, Li Yiming was not idle. He tried to draw the sword while dodging, all of which took advantage of Aisi's flaws and went away. Unexpectedly, they were all resisted by the girl.

But the effect Li Yiming wanted was achieved.

His attacks made Ai Si very uncomfortable, and sometimes he even deliberately resisted, and even his own rhythm was disrupted. Although Ai Si still maintained a high-intensity attack frequency, as time went by, he still did not get what he imagined. achievements.

The two of them were in a stalemate like this, surrounded by all kinds of swords and swords.

However, anyone with a discerning eye can see that Li Yiming, who is too low in adventurer level, is more relaxed in comparison, and even his breathing rate is not too disturbed.

On the other hand, Aisi always gives people a very uncoordinated feeling.

"No, it feels like Aisi has been dragged into the opponent's rhythm..."

The so-called authorities are obsessed, but bystanders are clear.

The first-level adventurers of the Loki family and Tsubaki could see clearly that at the moment the battle started, Aisi briefly suppressed, but after Li Yiming defended for a while and started to counterattack, the situation changed completely. [Aisan's slight advantage is completely wiped out.

Obviously, in terms of ability value, even if Aisi is suppressed, she should have the upper hand.

But no matter how he attacked, he couldn't achieve any results. Li Yiming's sword net was impenetrable, perfectly resisting all attacks.

An attack that cannot achieve an effect is called an ineffective attack.

They had captured more than one flaw exposed by Li Yiming, but because they couldn't perceive the latter's aura, their fighting instinct seemed to lose its effect at this moment.

Even if Ai Si can sometimes discover subtle weaknesses based on experience, she will either be successfully avoided by Li Yiming, or interrupt Ai Si's offensive rhythm through attacks, and save the day from danger.

Under the ebb and flow, it even gradually showed a decline.

"If this continues, the physical strength consumed by the attacker will increase exponentially," Tione said sharply: "Although Ai Si's stamina is much higher than that of the opponent, if the opponent leaks through the physical loss, then This sparring is undoubtedly a failure, she must predict the opponent's actions."

"That's totally impossible!"

Tiona rested her hands behind her head, the surprise on her face was not hidden.

"It's simply amazing. The little brother is usually very kind, and people can feel his strength and aura, but once he enters the fighting state, he seems to be a different person, whether it is murderous or attacking. Regardless of the aura that came out, it all disappeared and could not be captured at all.”

"Even if I fight with him, at the same level, I probably won't be an opponent. In this case, I should only be able to crush him by virtue of the gap between strength and speed!

This is also what others want to say.

Without seeing it with their own eyes, they would never believe it. It is really unimaginable that someone can hide all their aura perfectly.

Li Yiming didn't feel like a human being to them when they were fighting, but like a dead thing.

"That being said, Ace is not the type to give up easily, if she can't attack for a long time, she will keep going.

As Essie's guardian since she was a child, Riveria has the most say.

Yao thought that when she was a child, Ai Si used to carry everyone's luggage alone. Even though her small body was overwhelmed, she still didn't choose to ask for help or give up. In the end, she made herself exhausted and fell into a coma for three days and three nights. This is such a strong girl.

Perhaps because of this strength, Ai Si became a first-level adventurer when she was thirteen years old.

But after such a long time, she has not grown further, which makes Aisi very annoyed, maybe it will become more and more urgent!

"In a sense, this little brother is really a strong man. He will definitely become a first-level adventurer in the future, maybe even surpass me and Finn. The Faith family has another 'Pillars' is really beautiful!"

"Hehe, thank you for the compliment, I think so too."

After hearing Li Yiming being praised by Riveria, Tsubaki smiled from the bottom of his heart, as if he had been praised.

To be precise, it is more gratifying than being recognized.

Sure enough, watching the cubs I cultivated become stronger day by day, the sense of satisfaction is indescribable in words.

I really look forward to the day when Li Yiming becomes the right-hand man of He Faith's family.

Seeing Tsubaki's smug smile, Riveria shook her head slightly, without continuing to speak, her eyes fell on Aisi again, and she easily caught the girl's firm eyes.

"I hope that Ais can learn something useful through this exchange!"

Li Yiming and Ai Si couldn't know what the onlookers thought.

In the middle of the field, Aisi, who was unable to predict Li Yiming's movement trajectory for a long time, and whose swordsmanship began to become a little chaotic, became obviously more eager.

Also because of this reason, she revealed more and more flaws.

In fact, Aisi's talent for fighting against people is very good, but due to Li Yiming's ability to hide her fighting spirit and the girl's self-restriction, it has been slow to achieve results

If there is no reservation, Li Yiming probably has no ability to fight back.

However, it is just a sparring of swordsmanship, if Aisi is the first to break the words she said before and unlock the reserved power, then there will be no doubt about the result of this sparring.

".||The Breath of the Sun · One Shape · Round Dance!!!"

Feeling the change in Aisi, Li Yiming no longer kept his hands, and the sharp sword skills were displayed in his hands.

With one blow, the sword of despair was shaken away, and then in the astonished eyes of everyone, the scorching sun's fire wrapped around the sun wheel knife, cutting forward with a dazzling light.

The sudden change made Ai Si a little dazed, but she still made a move subconsciously.

The wind pressure caused by the slash collided with Li Yiming's flaming slash, but Aisi, who was obviously bound by her own hands, was weaker.

"What is that? Magic?" Refia was full of surprise.

"No, there is no magic power output, it's not magic, it's just pure swordsmanship, but it can create flames out of thin air, which is a terrifying temperature.

As the strongest mage, Riveria looked at the scene in front of her with a serious expression, and her evaluation of Li Yiming was much higher.

This kind of swordsmanship is really terrible!!!

"It's a lie, can swordsmanship create an energy attack that is not weaker than magic? This is too stupid, and it doesn't need to consume magic power. "Is it based on physical strength?"

Tiona couldn't help but exclaimed.

They have never seen this magical method before, it is too unreasonable, if this kind of skill can be popularized, the status of mages will be greatly impacted in the future.

After all, if a warrior can rush into the pile of monsters with a big knife and slash wildly, the effect will not be weaker than the magic released by the magician through singing, and it seems to be instantaneous, then it is really a judgment. After all, this technique does not require spellcasting.

At this point, wizards will probably never be able to match.

Not all mages have the difficult parallel chant technique, and of course, not all warriors have this kind of swordsmanship that is comparable to the destructive power of magic.

"Is that all?"

Abandoning the advantages of strength and speed, Li Yiming did not feel too much pressure.

Then it's time for this swordsmanship sparring to come to an end!

"Breath of the Sun · Two Shapes · Biluotian!!!"

The circular slash from top to bottom with scorching flames once again caught Ais (good) by surprise, and the more powerful attack made people a little bit blindsided.

Unwilling to fail like this, Ais was very excited, and the power of suppression was gradually released to the level of Lv.3.


In addition, Esther spit out lightly and chanted the only magic she had.

With the fall of the chants, a gust of hurricane suddenly blew and entangled the girl's body, which also raised Ais's attack, defense, and speed to a higher level.

Li Yiming's attack was blocked by the wind [but it also made Ai Si kiss a "clothes" formed by flames and wind.

Ai Si stomped on the ground with both feet, and the ability value and magic effect after liberating part of her body made her instantly open the gap in her body foundation, and she also caught the flaw in an instant.

Clenching the sword of despair in his right hand, he stabbed out quickly, and the dense sword net enveloped Li Yiming.

Li Yiming accurately captured Ai Si's every move, and at the same time, by observing Ai Si's body structure, she could clearly see her weaknesses, which was where the battle ended.

"It's over, the breath of the sun, the shape of picking up one, the dragon head dance of the sun halo!!!"

The flowing body dodged all the slashing blows, and the sun wheel knife in Li Yiming's hand was wrapped in flames, and he swung the blade as he moved, making him look as if he had turned into Qiu Wei

A breath like a beast attack made Ai Si shudder, and her body froze subconsciously.

Almost instinctively, her power erupted uncontrollably, causing the expressions of the others to change slightly.

"Micro Wind!!!"

"Not good," Riveria, who was watching the battle, realized the change in the situation, and hurriedly raised the wand in her hand, "Wood spirit——fulfill my wish, Mori's clothes——my name is Al

The defensive magic was formed in an instant, covering Ji Jiming's whole body.

The next moment, a violent explosion sounded, and everything around was shrouded in smoke and dust.

PS: The new book is on the shelves, and I am looking for a wave of first orders. Readers who like this book, please support a lot, thank you very much!!.

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