I'm in DanMachi: Start A Simulator!

Chapter 85 God Of Medicine Mihe, About Treatment

Misha's attitude is unusually respectful, probably because of Hestia!

The registration procedures for newborn family members are not complicated. Rather, the process is quite simple. You only need to fill out a form under the guidance of the guild staff, and this thing will be left in the adventurer guild headquarters for filing.

In addition, as the main god of the family, Hestia also needs to design a family badge.

Due to Li Yiming's intervention, Bell Cranel's rabbit has not come to Orario, and Hestia has already established her family in advance, so it is impossible for the family emblem to be "flame" plus "big clock" ’, but turned into a hearth bathed in flames.

This is probably the symbol of Hestia as the Kitchen God!

After doing all this, with the help of Misha, everyone registered the adventurer information. This is like an ID card, and it also means that everyone has completely settled in Olarie.

"Great, everyone, we will be family from now on, let's work hard together for the family!"


Different from Hestia's excitement, although Yoya Ubuyashiki and the others were happy, they were not so exaggerated. They just showed a little joy on their faces and responded softly in a symbolic voice.

"Then, God Hestia, do you need information about the dungeon and equipment for newcomers?"

Although he had already seen the Japanese sabers on the backs of Yusui Tianyuan and others, out of professional habits, Izuma still asked.

"Eh? This..."

Hestia, who was still in a state of excitement, suddenly became sluggish, with a look of hesitation on her delicate cheeks. She has just established a family, and she doesn't know anything about adventurers at all!

Whether it's information about the dungeon, or newcomer adventurer equipment, it's completely impossible to provide.

"With all due respect, God Hestia, although many of your followers have weapons, dungeons are very dangerous. A set of excellent armor will save the lives of adventurers in many cases. Information about dungeons , The Adventurer’s Guild provides it for free, but the equipment for newcomers needs to be charged.”

"But don't worry, the price is not expensive, and the fee will not be charged immediately. We will provide it first, and the fee will not be charged until the newcomers earn enough fare, so you don't have to worry about the price at all.

The girl's words were full of kindness, even if she heard them face to face, she wouldn't feel the slightest embarrassment.

Obviously, Misha probably saw Hestia's situation, so she explained patiently.

After all, the Hess 19 Tia family really has no money.

At least this loli goddess really thinks so.

After hearing Misha's recommendation, Hestia was really moved. Compared with the cost, she paid more attention to the safety of her own children.

Anyway, you don't need to pay now, so you can do it yourself!

"Okay then, I'll trouble the clerk to help us prepare..."

"Please wait a moment, God Hestia." Before Hestia could finish speaking, Li Yiming stretched out his hand to hold her arm, "Miss Misha, newcomer equipment is unnecessary, if you can If so, please get a few more copies of the map of the dungeon."

"You also know that I joined the He Faith family. The relationship between my Lord God and God Hestia is not bad, and I am also friends with them. The equipment problem can be solved by myself."

"I see, Li Jun, you have grown a lot! I know!"

Misha nodded with a clear expression, then turned and left the room.

After a while, she held a thick picture book in front of everyone again, and then handed the picture book to Hestia with her own hands.

"God Hestia, this is the specific information of all the monsters known in the dungeon, including various attack characteristics and attack methods. I also placed a few maps of the upper level of the dungeon in it, you can take them back Watch it carefully, but please return it after two weeks."

"Huh? This kind of book should not be allowed out of the adventurer's guild, right?"

Although Hestia is still a novice who doesn't understand anything, she naturally knows the preciousness of the book in front of her, and it shouldn't be possible for a small guild employee to rent it out.

Li Yiming's gaze also became serious.

Sure enough, when his and Misha's eyes met, the girl's eyes flickered with hesitation and worry, but soon became decisive, and he suddenly understood something.

This human girl is really kind to her, she should be doing this for her own sake!

"Miss Misha, thank you for the map, but there is no need for the monster atlas. The Faith family has experienced adventurers to guide them. I will also take them into the dungeon at the beginning. In addition, please do not If I do this kind of thing again, I don't want to affect your work, Miss Misha, because of my own affairs."

Reaching out to pick up the album in Hestia's hand, Li Yiming took out the map, and then put the album back on Misha's master.

This made Misha froze in place for an instant.

As if afraid of her thinking too much, Li Yiming explained with a smile: "But I still want to thank Miss Mi Xia for your kindness, so as a return, I would like to treat you to a meal when I have time next time to express my gratitude, and please be sure to give it a treat! "


Li Yiming's words obviously made Mi Xia feel overwhelmed. Is this inviting her on a date?

It wasn't that no adventurers had sent invitations to her before, but they were all rejected by Misha without exception, but now this boy's invitation made her cheeks flush and her heart beat.

Should I agree directly, or be a little more reserved?

"Well, I'll save time."

In the end, he couldn't help but agree.

The matter was perfectly resolved, the Hestia family was established, and the adventurer information was registered, so Li Yiming did not stay too long, and left the adventurer's guild with Hestia and others.

Only a human girl with ruddy cheeks and moist eyes was left at the gate.

Misha didn't recover until their figures completely disappeared into the crowd.

"When are you going to see it again? Hurry up and help, today is a busy day, don't try to be lazy for me!"

"Don't worry, Aegina, I can't wait to devote myself to work!"

Ignoring his friend's ridicule, Mi Xia flexed the muscles on his arms, and then rushed into the hall with great vigor, rummaging through a large number of documents.

Aegina, who had a panoramic view of everything, couldn't help but shook her head, and was also very emotional.

It was the first time she saw her good friend have such a reaction!

"Does that boy really have such magical power?"

Muttering to herself, Li Yiming's face appeared in Aegina's mind. He was indeed more handsome than ordinary adventurers, and his friendly personality made it easy for people to like him.

I really want to know what kind of charm the other party has that can turn Mi Xia into this appearance.

"Hey, Aegina, hurry up and help!"

"Got it, here we come!"

The crisp voice responded to the shouts from the hall, and Aegina shook her head to look away, then trotted into her work with the documents in her arms.

Li Yiming, who was already far away on the street, didn't know at all that there were two girls paying attention to him.

After leaving the Adventurer's Guild, under the leadership of Hestia, everyone walked in the direction of the Azure Pharmacy.

'Tianqing Pharmacy' is the place where the family of the god of medicine is outstanding.

The commercial family that was once the most prosperous in Orario was even able to compete with another commercial family, the Dean Kite family, in its heyday. Pick up some leftovers.

However, ever since Naza Erichs of the Mihe family was seriously injured in the middle of the dungeon, and even lost his right hand, the Mihe family has completely declined.

It's not because Nazha is the pillar of Mihe's family, but because God Mihe is very kind.

He did not abandon Nazha who lost his arm, but spent a lot of money to buy a newly developed prosthesis from the Dean Kite family, which almost used up the family's savings, and even reached the point of debt. There is no doubt that this It also caused dissatisfaction among other members of the family.

The number of Mihe family members who originally had a solid power has dropped sharply, and no one is willing to pay off debts for others. Now only the Mihe family members are left in the Nazha district.

Therefore, the Mihe family has changed from Olali's backbone family to a small family.

There was even one pharmacy that once opened all over Olalie, but now there is only one left, and because of the shortage of funds, it has been moved to a place like the end of Adventurer Avenue.

It should be said that he is Hestia's god friend, and he is simply a difficult brother.

There is also a Jianyulei family, who is also a representative of the Poor God. The size of the family is not bad, but like the future Hestia, they are also clerks at the branch of the street vendor "Fried Potato Balls"

From here, it can be seen how desolate these three gods are.

However, they might also have fun!

According to Hestia's narration, everyone probably understood what kind of god Mihe is, especially when they heard that he was willing to dispose of the family's assets for the sake of his children, a sense of awe appeared in his heart almost at the same time. God is so worthy of respect!

Soon, everyone came to a very old wooden store.

As Li Yiming, who had seen the Dean Kate family pharmacy before, and compared it with the Tianqing pharmacy in front of him, this huge gap really makes people feel desperate!

It's hard to imagine that this place was really the residence of the middle family.

On the beam of the door hung the badge of the family with healthy limbs. The area inside the pharmacy was not too big, and you could see the kanban lady sitting behind the counter just by standing at the door.

Brown hair, with a pair of brown ears, this is Nazha Youren.

The girl was wearing a blue and yellow dress. The left sleeve was short, but the right sleeve was very long, reaching almost to the wrist. Unlike the exposed white left arm, the right hand not only had a longer sleeve, but also wore a dark scarf on the palm. Brown gloves, the dress looks very different.

This is probably also to cover up the reason for the right hand prosthesis!

"What do I need to buy? 1,000 to 50,000 mana for the healing potion, 15,000 to 60,000 mana for the potion, 2,000 to 100,000 for the spirit recovery potion, 3,000 to 100,000 for the antidote, and 600,000 for the potion.

Hearing the sound of footsteps, Nazha read out the price proficiently and formulaically without even raising her head.


Others probably don't know what this concept is, but they have learned about the prices of various potions, but it is obvious that the price that Nazha said is much higher than the price sold by the Dean Kite family, so Is this cheating consumers?

This is already a black shop!

"Long time no see, Nazha, we're not here to buy things, I'm here to look for Mihe, is he at home?"

"Oh, is it God Hestia?" Nazha, who was originally very lazy, suddenly got excited and stood up quickly, "I'm very sorry, God Hestia, I was a little neglected

Master Shangshen is currently working in the studio inside

Buy the potion, I will call him for you, please wait a moment.

Knowing that her god has a good relationship with Hestia, Nazha naturally dare not neglect her.

"Then I will trouble you." Hestia nodded with a smile.

Nazha bowed slightly, and then planned to walk into the studio behind the pharmacy to convey the news to God Mihe, but just as she walked to the door, the naturally hanging curtain suddenly

When it was opened, a man with a very handsome appearance, no matter in appearance or temperament, came out like a nobleman.

Although he was wearing very ordinary clothes, which looked like cheap cloth made up of one color, the similar sacred aura exuding from his body couldn't be faked.

This is Mihe, the god of medicine!

"Hey, what kind of wind is it today that brought you here, Hestia? What can you do to find me?" God Mihe patted Nazha on the shoulder and brought her back to Hess

In front of Tia, he also noticed the people behind Hestia, with a slightly surprised expression on his face, "Are these children your family?"

"That's right, but not all of them, some of them are the children of Hettos's family. Now I have established the god of the family, hehe!"

In front of old friends, Hestia can be said to have completely released her nature.

She directly pulled two little devils, Kamado Nezuko and Kamado Tanjiro, to 450. One was eight years old and the other was nine years old. They were not as tall as her, a loli goddess. The three of them

Standing together is very joyful, and Hestia's own cuteness is more and more highlighted.

"Well, my baby is cute, isn't it?"

"Well, congratulations, Hestia, you have finally realized your dream, not only established a family, but also have such an excellent child, and finally you don't have to be

Stors scolded. "

There was still a gentle smile on Mihe's face, and some only had blessings.

However, his blunt words still froze the smile on Hestia's face slightly, and her expression began to become a little unnatural.

"It doesn't matter, I will be able to move out of Faith soon, and I will never be disgusted by her again!"

"Then I wish you all the best. By the way, you came to me in such a hurry, what's the matter?"

"Ah yes, I almost forgot the business!"

Reminded by Mihe, Hestia remembered the purpose of this trip, not just to talk about this kind of thing, there are more important things to be done.

"Yaozai-kun, Tanjurou-kun, come here!"

Greeting Yashiki Yoya and Kamado Tanjuro to come to her side, Hestia introduced to Mihe: "Mihe, they are also my children, because of some minor physical problems,

So I can only come to let you help to see if there is any way to solve it.

"It's the first time to meet you, Lord Mihe, it's a great honor to meet you!"

Ubuyashiki Yoya and Kamado Tanjuro bowed to Mihe very respectfully and piously. As neon people, they all have the highest respect for the gods.

This can be seen from the number of shrines owned by Neon.

Although the two of them didn't know which god Mihe was, but according to Hestia's description just now, they knew that it must be a god who was willing to disperse his property for the children of his family.

Venerable gods.

"It's really energetic. You don't need to be too polite. Get up. Is this kind of clothing from the people of the Far East?"

Mihe's gaze stayed on Yuya Ubuyashiki and Tanjuro Kamado, talking to himself, and then his expression suddenly became very serious.

"This is the trace left by the curse. It seems to have been lifted, but the body is still severely damaged, and it is far weaker than normal people."

"As for this child, his vitality is slowly decaying, and it has even been damaged to the root, which is very serious."

Mihe didn't say some words, in his sight, at this speed, Kamado Tanjiro would not live for a few years.

Similarly, Yuya Ubuyashiki's vitality was also consumed due to the curse. Although the curse has been completely lifted now, it will still affect daily life and lifespan.

For human beings, this is already difficult to cure, no wonder Hestia came to him for help.

Human doctors can't cure such problems at all, because they are not diseases at all, but forces that tend to be on the mysterious side. Even now, he needs to create some magic

Drug assistance is required, but we are not 100% sure.

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