I'm in DanMachi: Start A Simulator!

Chapter 87 Enter The Middle Level! Target From The Dungeon? ! (Thanks To ‘9479.’ For The Reward)

It is very novel for everyone to explore the dungeon for the first time.

However, other people don't have such leisure and elegance at all now, and obtaining the materials they need quickly is the most urgent thing for Yu Sui Tianyuan and others now.

If it wasn't for the lack of strength, he wouldn't continue to waste time on the lower floors.

Just entering the dungeon, Li Yiming deliberately slowed down the distance in order to let them feel the atmosphere here, and at the same time explained in detail the basic situation of all the monsters encountered along the way, including digging out the magic stones in the corpses, All are explained in detail.

All of them are talented and intelligent people, plus they have fought with evil spirits before, they are very strong in terms of adaptability and learning ability, plus the monsters on the lower floors are not very intelligent, and they have rich combat experience to deal with them It is simpler and quickly adapted to this rhythm.

After that, Tu Yiming subconsciously accelerated his forward speed.

With a good foundation and the blessing of the breathing method, ordinary monsters are not the enemy of this team at all, no matter whether they encounter killer ants, war shadows, orcs, silverback apes or young dragons, they cannot cause obstacles.

This level doesn't even need to use the matching combat skills of the breathing method to kill it easily.

Fast forward all the way, everyone soon came to the end of the twelfth floor of the dungeon, which is also the entrance to the thirteenth floor.

"Breath of sound·Shape of brilliance‧Soundless cut!!!"

The two sun wheel knives waved frantically in Yusui Tianyuan's hands, and the slashing strikes with ear-piercing sonic booms began to wreak havoc around the surroundings, quickly beheading all the half-orcs and silver-backed apes that surrounded them.

Such a huge number does feel a little stressful, but it is still within the tolerable range.

"Is this the dungeon? The monsters in front of me alone have the strength comparable to that of Xiaxian ghost, that is, the attack method and fighting style are too rough, otherwise it is not so easy to deal with. It is worthy of the suppression of the capital of the gods. I am surprised It's gorgeous!"

"Are you qualified to say that other people's fighting style is rough? Pay me a little attention. Every time I chop the magic stone into pieces, I have said that the more complete the magic stone is, the more valuable it is."

Show some respect to the fruits of labor of the supporters!!!”

Yushirou, who was so bitter, carrying a huge backpack and picking up magic stones on the ground, was always full of anger.

If it weren't for Zhu Shi's words to comfort him from time to time, which became one of the few spiritual food, I'm afraid he would have dropped his pick and ran away.

Such a dangerous place, I really don't know what's good about it.

It is completely unclear that it will be yearned for by so many adventurers!

"Well, don't bother with that kind of thing at all. We are not here to make money. The most urgent thing for 377 now is to improve its strength as soon as possible, and then collect various materials. Those magic stones will be broken when they are broken. At worst, don't just throw them in the On the ground, anyway, other people will see it and pick it up."

It is very rare for Yihei Xiaobane to say so many words, and it has also received amazing unanimous approval.

"Since you all said that, I don't want to waste any more time. I don't want to burden myself anymore. Just throw these things here!"

As he said that, Yushiro was about to throw the magic stone fragments in his hand on the ground.

However, before he could take any action, he was stopped by Li Yiming's words.

"No, everyone, only this is absolutely not allowed. The body of the monster that loses the magic stone will disappear completely. It may be recycled by the dungeon, but the magic stone will stay where it is, but adventurers who take away the magic stone are not It's just to exchange money, and to prevent abnormal situations from happening.

"After eating the magic stone, the monsters will become more manic, and the corresponding strength will also increase. If there are Lv.2 monsters on the upper level, it will be a devastating blow to the lower level adventurers."

"So we don't care what other people do, but we better not do it."

Hearing Li Yiming's words, everyone's expressions showed a slight look of horror.

Butterfly Chana Hui said with a little lingering fear: "So there is such a saying? Fortunately, Yiming, you follow us, otherwise it may lead to catastrophe!"

Everyone nodded in agreement, and Yushiro quickly collected all the magic stone fragments.

They are all kind people who have fought against evil spirits and sacrificed their lives to protect human beings. Even though everyone has slightly different personalities, they will never let their actions endanger the lives of others.

"It's good if you can understand, then move on, but please be a little more cautious in the future, since the thirteenth floor has been the middle-level area, the monsters born there are completely different from the ones encountered before. Even if we are not careful, we may be instantly killed."

"Also, Yushiro, there are some clothes in the bag, take them out and share them with everyone!"

"Okay, Mr. Li Yiming!"

For this man who rescued himself and Miss Zhushi, Yushiro was very respectful, and the other party did not show any intentions towards Miss Zhushi, which undoubtedly added to his goodwill.

Putting down the backpack behind him, he quickly found the so-called clothes from it.

The excellent texture, as well as the exquisite appearance, made the eyes of several girls on the scene start to sparkle involuntarily, and their eyes were full of longing.

Sure enough, no matter what age women are, they cannot avoid their love for beautiful clothes.

"Yiming, is this the equipment you gave us? It should be very unusual, right?" Butterfly Kanae showed deep affection on her face after taking over the loose clothes, and subconsciously asked.

After all, the outfit in her hand was more exquisite than all the clothes she had worn before.

And take it out now, think about the situation you will face later, then this dress is definitely not simple.

Sensing the gathering of everyone's attention, Li Yiming didn't hide it either.

"This stuff is really not cheap. It's called 'Fire Essence Weaving Cloth'. It's a piece of equipment made with the participation of fairy spirits. It doesn't feel any weight when worn, but it has high resistance to flames and heat flow. This is for Prepare for a powerful monster that you will encounter next, as for the price, it should be around six figures!"

The corner of Li Yiming's mouth twitched slightly when he thought that buying this thing had almost cost him all his money.

It is too expensive!

Now he can be considered to understand why the He Faith family is so rich, and the profits in the necessities of adventurers are so high that it is unimaginable.

Moreover, the highest digit of the six digits is not one, and this is still a discounted price, which is simply robbery!

"It's a lie, is it so expensive?"

Six figures, that is, the price of hundreds of thousands of fare, which is true, somewhat frightened Butterfly Chana Hui, even if she was once a style, she had never seen so much money.

Yusui Tianyuan, Yihei Xiaobanei and the others couldn't help being shocked, but they didn't say anything.

But they have already recorded this matter in their hearts, and they will definitely make up for this expense later.

"Okay, it's just a few Farleys, don't worry about it, let's focus all our attention on the moment, then I will explain to you the various monsters you will encounter and their characteristics, pay attention Listen."

Sensing a slight change in the atmosphere, Li Yiming changed the subject in order not to affect the next exploration.

The effect is really good.

"The vast majority of monsters in the middle level are comparable to Lv.2 level adventurers. In the true sense, they are comparable in terms of basic ability value. At the same time, their attack methods will be more diverse and flexible, and some are even more powerful. We will focus on teamwork, so be careful in the future.”

"One-horned rabbit, a rabbit that can jump upright, has strong muscles, and can hold a one-handed stone axe, its strength is about Lv. The number of people on one side is crushed.

"Cerberus, a monster that can spray flames, is powerful and fast, and its strength has truly reached Lv.2. It is rarely seen alone, and usually appears in groups.

"Hard armored rats are also called pangolins. Their strength is probably between Lv.1 and Lv.2. Their body surface is covered by hard leather armor. It is difficult for ordinary weapons to hurt them. Instead, their own weapons will be destroyed. Honkai, the favorite attack method is to curl up together, and then launch a charge at the adventurer, which is very powerful.

"There are also cave bats, which are almost always hidden in the dark. Only when the cave collapses will they suddenly appear and launch a sneak attack, catching you by surprise."

"Finally, the monster that requires the most attention before the 18th floor, the Minotaur, is a kind of strong-bodied bull-headed monster who likes to haunt alone, but is very powerful, equivalent to a Lv.2 upper rank, and can use weapons skillfully , the strength and speed are beyond imagination, and the defense is equally terrifying."

"The goal of our trip is to stay on the sixteenth floor and temporarily use the Minotaur to exercise the ability value. If it is too easy, then (bjbf) will continue to go deeper. If the effect is considerable, then stay there After a while, did everyone understand?"

In fact, Li Yiming has explained the specific situation very clearly, and it is hard for others not to understand.

In addition to fighting for hard power, there is also intelligence, and the winning rate of the party with more information is often several times higher.

Li Yiming's words did not make everyone feel nervous, but full of excitement.

They can't wait any longer!

"In order to ensure safety, the next step is to carry out alternate battles, that is, several people are responsible for solving the monsters, while others rest to conserve energy, and then exchange."

"Considering the problem of average strength, the first echelon is composed of Usui Tengen and Iguro Kobane, and the second echelon is composed of Mr. Zaomen and Kanae. Shinobu and Ms. Zhushi will clean up the monsters on the list according to the situation, and at the same time Release magic to heal or bless the state, Yushirou is responsible for picking up the dropped items, as a free man, I am ready to support you at any time, do you have any objections?"

"I don't care, I will kill all the monsters magnificently!" Yu Sui Tianyuan seemed full of enthusiasm.

"No problem!" Yihei Xiaobanei returned to his taciturn state again, but the white snake 'Dyrium Wan' on his shoulder uttered a 'hissing sound', as if responding.

As for the other few people, naturally there is no problem.

"Very well, let's move on!"

Li Yiming roared sharply, which was considered as a final boost to morale.

At this time, he probably also realized the importance of being a team leader. Walking alone in the dungeon is far less easy than a team.

At least in terms of efficiency, individuals are far inferior to teams.

But from some perspectives, team leaders are not so easy.

Walking in the mist, everyone quickly touched the location of the stairs. Li Yiming stood at the forefront and walked into it first, entering the area on the thirteenth floor.

The originally thick fog dissipated completely, and the field of vision instantly became wider.

Coming to this familiar 'cave maze' again, Li Yiming's heart has been calm. He has been upgraded to Lv.2, and his strength has not improved as much as imagined. The many abilities that can be obtained from the system allow him to have

Have enough confidence to walk in the middle layer.

Even if he encounters a 'monster feast', he is confident that he can escape unscathed.

I just don't know how these people around me will react when they deal with the Minotaur. It's really exciting!

"All the fog has disappeared, and even the space has opened up a lot, which is really good!" The corners of Yu Sui Tianyuan's mouth curled up slightly, and the whole person seemed even more excited.

The feeling of being completely shrouded in fog and unable to see the surroundings at all is really unpleasant.

The rocks on the cave are covered with phosphorescence, which provides limited lighting for the adventurers coming and going. Even in this dark environment, they can still see the surroundings not far away.

"Everyone, don't stay here for a long time, the monsters will gather more and more, so run quickly!"


Everyone echoed one after another, and then everyone including Yushiro started running at high speed.

The huge backpack on the latter is very heavy, which greatly limits Yushiro's mobility. In order to avoid falling behind, the second echelon Kamado Tanjuro and Butterfly Kanna

Hui took the initiative to help share a lot, which made the team's advancement speed smoother.

However, due to the uneven strength, Li Yiming and others still chose to release water.

After all, if they go at full speed, Zhu Shi and Yu Shirou, who have completely changed from ghosts to humans, have lost their once powerful physical fitness, and after all, they are just two ordinary people.

It's just an ordinary person, and it's very dangerous to come to the middle level with a group. If you consume a lot of physical energy because of traveling too fast, you may face danger.

Therefore, in order to cope with emergencies, it is better to have reservations.

A rule that all adventurers must abide by, never release all your strength, that may put yourself in danger.


An obvious low growl echoed in the cave.

"Have they come? It really is exactly the same as the reaction of the wild beasts. The number is really amazing, but I will give them a gorgeous curtain call!"

Yu Sui Tianyuan stopped and looked around confidently.

On the rock wall, countless pairs of scarlet flames flickered slightly. When I looked closely, I realized that it was actually a unicorn rabbit hiding in the dark, poking its head out and looking in their direction.

Those scarlet eyes are particularly obvious in this dim environment.

"This amount... is too exaggerated..."

Li Yiming was a little bit tongue-tied, and roughly estimated that there were at least 20 or 30 of them. Did this poke a rabbit's nest? Neither he nor Chun had encountered so many before.

Or, is this a special care of the dungeon?

If you think about it this way, the frequency and number of monsters encountered in the upper layer before are very problematic, and the probability of encountering them is higher than that of ordinary adventurers. This is to repel yourself and others.

In other words, is he rejecting Kamado Tanjuro and the others?

The specific reason is unknown to Li Yiming, and perhaps there will be an answer later.

"Everyone, get ready to meet the enemy!"

"Hey, look at these strong muscles, they are really a group of gorgeous cuties, let me see if you can match the gorgeousness in my heart!"

Without Li Yiming's reminder, Yu Sui Tianyuan had already drawn out the double knives on his back, connected by two chains, and kept waving them rapidly in his hands.

Leaving aside the combat effectiveness, this combat method is indeed gorgeous enough.

"It's about to go, here!"

"Ah, you don't need to remind me!"

The two stood side by side, looking at the group of unicorn rabbits in front of them, their faces showed different expressions, but the surging fighting spirit on their bodies did not fade away at all.

In order to let Yashiki Yaoya recover, no matter how difficult they encounter, they will never back down!

"Breath of Sound·One Shape‧Boom!!!"

"Snake's Breath·One Shape‧Snake Cut!!!"

The two of them instantly turned into streamers, rushing into the group of monsters at a speed that is difficult to catch with normal eyesight. The sharp sun wheel knife with terrifying swordsmanship instantly caused a huge reaction.


A terrible explosion was formed in an instant, and the sky was filled with flames, illuminating the entire cave.

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