I'm in DanMachi: Start A Simulator!

Chapter 97 The Human Race Has Infinite Possibilities (Subscribe)

The golden portal opened, and several figures walked out one after another.

Passing through the door, the environment changed instantly, and it was almost the same as when we left last time. It was still in the mansion of the Ubayashiki family, the former headquarters of the Demon Slayer Squad.

Now, because of Onimai Tsuji's complete death, the evil spirits under his command have also been wiped out, and the existence of the Demon Slayer Squad is no longer needed. In comparison, the number of people has dropped sharply.

The number of members who are still here today is less than half of what it used to be.

However, the half-disbandment of the Ghost Killing Team is not a bad thing. At least the Hestia family can't absorb so many people. After all, the number of the family can be hundreds, but it needs good financial support.

"Is this a different world? It's completely different from Orario!"

Just after walking out of the gate of the world, Hestia looked at the surrounding environment curiously.

The architectural style is completely different from Olalie, whether it is Hestia or Hefaith, I have seen it in the relevant materials that record the land of the Far East, but I have never seen the real thing with my own eyes. But it really appeared before my eyes!

"The existence of another world, it seems that it is not as far behind as imagined!"

He Faith, who was on the side, also turned her eyes, looking around, looking for something that interested her.

And Tsubaki, who is going to follow anyway, is enduring the throbbing in her heart at this time. She is a special material in the world of Demon Slayer: Blade, that is, the material for making round knives.

It is a material that absorbs sunlight, 'Gorilla Crimson Sand Iron' and 'Gorilla Crimson Ore'.

In addition to the hard texture, it can also present different colors according to the different attributes of the user's body. As for whether there are other effects, it is not very clear.

Tsubaki originally planned to go looking for it directly, but at any rate, she couldn't be too rude in front of Goddess Hetos.

"Welcome to this world, Lord God, Lord God Faith, please follow me!"

Back at home, Yuya Miyayashiki looked respectful, and solemnly invited the two goddesses to walk towards the inner courtyard of the mansion> It seemed that he wanted to entertain them warmly.

Before he could respond, several bursts of wind rang out.

"My lord!"

When he came back to his senses, several figures had already appeared in front of everyone.

The leader Yan Zhu mourning Yu Xingming, Feng Zhu Immortal Kawa Minami, the future Yan Zhu Purgatory Xing Shou Lang and several people who have never seen before appeared in the courtyard one after another.

When seeing Yuya Shiki and the others, there was a look of joy on his face.

"Children, don't be disrespectful," Yoya Yashiki stopped everyone's actions with a serious face, and then quickly continued: "These two are Lord Hestia and Lord Hestia. It is also my god, we have joined the 993 Hestia family.

After the voice fell, the others looked in that direction subconsciously.

next moment.

With a 'plop', several people fell to their knees in an instant.

In addition to the people who came back with them, even Yanzhu Beimingyu Xingming also knelt on the ground, facing the direction of Hestia and He Faith, his face full of reverence and devotion.

The reason why they fell to their knees so neatly was because of the existence of He Faith and Hestia.

This is God!

God is not just an identity, but also a symbol.

Just like when people see a tree, they know it is a tree, and when they see a bird, they know it is a bird. As long as people have a little common sense, it is impossible to recognize a tree as a bird.

So when they saw the two goddesses, they knew they were gods.

There is no reason, just like when Li Yiming first met the Goddess of Faith, they have a kind of temperament that ordinary people do not have, and that is the most obvious status symbol.

In front of the two goddesses, there is no thought of offending at all.

God's grace is like the sea, God's power is like prison!

These are probably the words that ordinary people can think of when facing the gods. At this moment, even Li Yiming feels great pressure.

Sure enough, these two goddesses have unlocked the seal of divine power!

The gods in the lower realm have sealed their own divine power, but this seal is not imposed by others, but a self-seal. If they are in danger, they can unseal the seal at any time.

It's just that if you use divine power in Orario, you will be discovered and sent back to the heavens.

However, there are exceptions. For example, during the war game, in order to facilitate the gods to better watch the specific details of the war game, after obtaining the consent of Uranus, use a power called 'magic mirror' to have clairvoyance The ability is also the only privilege recognized by almost gods in the lower realm.

However, now that the two goddesses have completely unsealed their divine power, it will often be even more terrifying.

"Are you the ones Mr. Yiming mentioned? You really are a good group of kids!"

Hestia looked at all the people lying on the ground with her beautiful eyes, and then said softly: "Get up, there is no need to be so serious, just treat us as ordinary people.

Hearing these words, Beiming Yu Xingming and the others subconsciously glanced at Yoya Ubuyashiki, who also nodded slightly in agreement.

"Everything must be obeyed by the Lord God."

"Yes, Lord God, we know!"

After answering, everyone stood up subconsciously, but their attitudes were still very respectful and reserved, and they didn't dare to act as Hestia said.

After all, what they are facing now is a real god!

"I'm really sorry, Lord God, Lord God Faith, these children made you laugh."

"No, I like these children very much. I can feel that they respect me and Faith, and also respect you from the bottom of my heart. I like it very much.

They will be their own children soon, and Hestia will naturally not have any objections.

After recovering her divine power, she can naturally see the potential of everyone in front of her, which makes the goddess Lori, who has never seen the world, almost drooling.

With so many high-quality talents, her Hestia family will definitely be able to become one of the top families of Orario in the shortest possible time, and then she won't be afraid that Loki will mock her!

Thinking of this, Hestia felt a rush of fighting spirit.

"Hey, Hestia, hold back a little bit, it's really embarrassing!"

He has been friends with Hestia for many years, and He Faith could tell what this guy was thinking just by looking at him, and the red-haired goddess immediately rolled her eyes angrily.

But forget it, this guy has been suppressed by Loki for so long, and finally has some hope, let her be happy for a while!

Anyway, two naive guys can't really fight each other.

"Hestia, I will take Chun and Yiming to other parts of the world first, and I will leave this place to you. There are so many outstanding children, it is really cheap for you!"

"Hmph, of course!"

Having said that, Hestia is obviously very proud.

Not wanting to see Hestia's smug face again, Goddess Faith directly greeted Li Yiming and Tsubaki and left the maternity house.

Knowing that Yuya Ubuyashiki would not neglect Hestia, Li Yiming followed and left directly.

"Yiming, where is the knowledge of this world usually stored?"

On the way, He Faith regained his composure and did not forget the business of coming here. If you want to understand a civilization, the fastest way is to understand its history.

Although there may be some discrepancies in history, the general direction is not wrong.

Faith wanted to see how this world was different from O'Leary's, and maybe she could find some refreshing fun in it.

"Then let me introduce the basic situation of this world to you, Lord Shangshen!"

Although this is not my own world, there are similarities in the development, so there is no problem at all with Li Yiming acting as a tour guide without a person from Noumenon to guide the way.

"Master Shangshen, this is a world without gods, but the miraculous thing is that there is a soul. I don't know where people go after death, but apart from the ghost killing team, absolutely Most of them are ordinary people, scattered all over the planet, and established one country after another.

"Humanity has established quite brilliant civilizations one after another by virtue of their own efforts. To put it bluntly, although the maze city Orario is prosperous, these prosperous cities in the ordinary world are not bad at all, and in some respects, It's even more advanced!"

"Oh?" Goddess Faith raised her brows lightly, and her eyes became brighter. "Is there any more prosperous city in Kangran than Olali? Then I want to see the sun!"

Faith did not taste the taste of lying from Li Yiming, Her Faith became more interested in the other world.

Even Tsubaki on the side showed an expression of interest at this time. (bjaj)

Now that she has come to this world, she is not in a hurry to find special materials. Now she also wants to know a little bit about other things, such as whether there will be advanced forging technology or not.

Well, no matter how interested they are, Li Yiming's family, a dwarf master, will not get rid of the forging.

"I will prove this point, but before that, Lord Shangshen, you can first learn about relevant information and history in the library of this country under your feet. People in this world like to organize and collect knowledge in a centralized manner, and then put it in In a large building, it is provided for ordinary people to watch."

"If I think about it, Lord Shangshen and the head of the group will probably be interested in it."

As Li Yiming's words progressed layer by layer, the eyes of Goddess Faith and Chun lit up again.

Everyone can't wait anymore!

"Where is that place?"

"If you rely on walking, it will take a few days, so if possible, please trouble Lord Shangshen to use your divine power to take me and the leader to fly there together!"

"Of course there is no problem."

Her Faith nodded, not thinking of refusing.

In fact, after so many years in the lower realm, this is the first time Faith regained her divine power, and she couldn't wait to release the long-lost sense of fullness.

Even if you can't use too much power, it's still no problem to fly.

"Yiming, show the way! I'll take you and Chun with me."

After the words fell, Goddess He Faith raised her hand slightly, and Li Yiming suddenly felt an invisible force surrounding him. The vastness of that force made him startled.

Before he could respond, the red-haired goddess beside her frowned, her expression full of weirdness.

"Hey... something has changed. This physical strength is already terrifying. Could it be that the harvest from entering the dungeon last time was so huge? Could it be that you were hammered to the ground by Gloria?"

not good!!!

The sight of Goddess He Faith suddenly hit

, Li Yiming's expression froze slightly.

He seemed to have forgotten about this matter, the goddess who has recovered her divine power, probably has no secrets at all except her thoughts and the simulation system.

The strength of the physical body obtained from the traversing simulation just now was discovered in an instant.

Li Yiming was a little bit at a loss, and didn't know how to explain it at all. He couldn't lie in front of the gods. Without revealing the system, he couldn't find a reasonable reason at all.

For a moment, he fell silent.

This scene fell into the eyes of Goddess He Faith and Tsubaki. The eyes of each person and the god were full of deep meaning, and they probably understood that the little guy in front of him had his own little secret.

"If it's inconvenient to say it, that's fine, as long as you are still my child."

In the end, Goddess Faith did not choose to continue to embarrass Li Yiming, and slowly withdrew her gaze, which made the latter involuntarily heave a sigh of relief.

"Thank you for your understanding, Lord Shangshen."

"Don't be too happy. Although you don't tell me now, sooner or later, I will let you willingly tell your secret. Now, I will treat you as a mystery."

The red-haired goddess reached out and tapped Li Yiming's head, with a slight smile on her face, "Let's show the way first, I want to learn about this world, maybe there is something that makes me happy!"

"Okay, that's the direction."

Li Yiming stretched out his finger and pointed in the direction of Tokyo. The divine power in Goddess Faith's body circulated, and the whole person floated out of thin air. At the same time, Li Yiming and Chun

The three of them flew up towards the sky, one in front and two behind, until they reached an altitude of hundreds of meters. Looking down from the high altitude, this modern civilized city was completely displayed in the sight of the two and one god.

It is also night time in the world of Demon Slayer: Blade World, so when you look down, you can see a brightly lit town that surrounds the headquarters of the Demon Slayer Squad in the center.

Looking into the distance, the slightly raised buildings are equally conspicuous.

Even Faith, who is used to seeing big scenes, couldn't help but feel a little lost when she first came into contact with a city that was completely different from O'Leary.

The thousands of lights at night are too beautiful.

"It's just like what you said. The cities in this world are so beautiful, but in my opinion, they are still not as good as Olalie. At least there are no buildings here that people can't forget at first sight."

"This is true, but there are many places of interest in the world, and there is probably no way to visit them all today, so let's go to the relatively large cities in this country first!"

Li Yiming did not refute Her Faith's views, but also gave her own suggestions.

For this, Goddess Faith Hetos naturally would not refuse, and readily agreed, and at the same time took the two of them to fly in the direction he pointed before.


The two of them disappeared in an instant, and then there was a muffled sound of bumping around, and a circle of white smoke billowed up.

The speed is terrifying to the limit, it is very easy to break through the sound barrier and fly directly beyond the speed of sound, but Li Yiming can clearly see that the expression of his goddess is understated, obviously not exerting all his strength.

Sure enough, the gods who have lived for hundreds of millions of years are beyond the reach of ordinary people in terms of knowledge and strength.

In just a few minutes, we successfully arrived at our destination, which is Asakusa, Tokyo.

"Here we are, Lord Shangshen, this is probably the bustling city with neon lights!"

"Ah, I've seen it!"

The two of them hovered over the city together, looking down from a high position, the bright lights reflected each other, making the whole night very beautiful.

The buildings in Tokyo are not too tall, but they look very beautiful overall.

Now in the Taisho period, the neon lights in this time period are also ranked among the top ten countries in the world, so it is very reasonable to have such a grand event.

The face of Goddess He Faith showed amazement.

It is hard to imagine that this is a world without gods. Human beings have decorated this city so beautifully with their own hands, and it seems that there is more than one such city. It is really incredible!

Perhaps this is also the reason why their gods are willing to seal their divine power and come to the lower realm.

Humans are the race with infinite possibilities!

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