I’m In Douluo, I Ate the Blue Silver Emperor

Chapter 102 Rakshasa Expresses Can't Wait


"Get out of here quickly!"

Yu Xiaogang was really kicked out by the two guards of Wuhun Hall very quickly.

Yu Xiaogang, who was pushed staggeringly and nearly fell to the ground, turned blue and white by turns.

"Bibi Dong, you have really changed, and I don't know you at all!"

He thought that Bibi Dong might be angry, but he didn't expect Bibi Dong to be so unfeeling, completely ignoring the relationship between the two of them.

Looking at the Pope's Palace for the last time, Yu Xiaogang could only leave unwillingly.

Looking at Bibi Dong's angry look, he knew that after Bibi Dong knew Tang San's identity, it was no longer possible to ask her the answer she wanted.


"I'm furious!"


After Yu Xiaogang left, in Nuo Da's Pope's Palace, Bibi Dong could no longer control herself, and the scepter in her hand hit the ground hard.

"I didn't take my feelings into consideration at the beginning, just accept Tang San as a disciple!"

"You still want to lie to me now!"

"Yu Xiaogang, you really let me down!"

The more Bibi Dong thought about it, the more angry she became, her eyes became red, and her beautiful face became a little ferocious.

It's just that no matter how angry and angry Bibi Dong was, she never thought of killing Yu Xiaogang.

This made Rakshasa, who noticed this scene in the God Realm, sighed. It was really too difficult for Bibidong to kill Yu Xiaogang with his own hands. He was obviously out of control and was affected by the power of Rakshasa. Still not the slightest murderous intention.

It seems that we can only act according to the latest plan.

Now, she is just waiting for Bibi Dong to quickly complete the seventh test of the Rakshasa God!


Mo Bai didn't know that the moment he left, Yu Xiaogang rushed over and was kicked out by Bibi Dong.

If he knew, Mo Bai would definitely be very happy.

He couldn't understand Bibi Dong's blind worship of Yu Xiaogang for a long time!

In the black and white room.

Trees of blue silver grass bloomed from the ground, and the blue halo spread throughout the room.

Mo Bai opened his eyes, and a look of surprise flashed in his eyes.

If there are outsiders present at this time, they will be surprised to find that Mo Bai has summoned so many blue silver grasses, but the soul ring on his body has not bloomed.

Mo Bai has actually been trying to hide the soul ring.

At the opening ceremony of the Heaven Dou Empire competition before, he summoned some blue silver grass without showing the spirit ring.

But at that time, Mo Bai could only summon a little blue silver grass, if he summoned too many, the spirit ring still couldn't be hidden, it would show up.

Now, Mo Bai is proficient at mastering this technique of hiding the spirit ring.

Of course, the premise is that he doesn't use soul skills, if he uses soul skills, the soul ring will still be exposed.

And the reason why Mo Bai wants to master this technique of hiding the soul ring.

It is to prepare for continuing to increase the lifespan of one's soul ring in the future.

Mo Bai has already made up his mind, when he reaches level 60, he will find himself a piranha or a similar soul beast to increase the ability to devour his Blue Silver Grass.

As long as his Blue Silver Grass can devour soul beasts, then he can devour soul beasts wantonly to increase the lifespan of his soul ring.

Regardless of whether it was the first spirit ring or the second spirit ring, after all the spirit rings were upgraded, his Blue Silver Grass would also be improved accordingly.

In this way, the evolution of the Blue Silver Grass, the increase in the age of the soul ring, and the increase in the soul power will not be delayed!

And hiding the spirit ring will not reveal the change of the age of one's spirit ring.

Although it is inevitable to be exposed in the future, Mo Bai still thinks that the later the better, the best is never to be exposed.

As for after being exposed, Mo Bai can also explain it as an adventure.

And in the confidential records of the Wuhun Temple, there are soul masters whose soul rings have passed the age limit!

But Mo Bai felt that if he could not be exposed, it would be better not to be exposed.

Because his soul ring will always change, not just once, it is difficult to explain the past in terms of Qi Yu.

Mo Bai pays attention to Xiao Wu's situation from time to time.

For so many days in the past, Xiao Wu's soul did not show any signs of awakening, and Mo Bai had no regrets about it.

Anyway, he knew that Xiao Wu's soul was still there, and he wished that Xiao Wu's soul would wake up later, so that what he usually did would not be noticed.

Finally, there are black eyes, which have not changed much, but are not so unstable.

Mo Bai feels that if there is no opportunity, it may take a long time to truly become a kind of pupil technique through self-cultivation.

While continuing to practice, Mo Bai occasionally reported to the team.

Although the Continental Advanced Soul Master Academy Elite Competition has already started, it is still early for the Wuhundian Academy team.

It will be their turn to play after the qualifiers and promotion matches of the two empires are over, and then the 32 teams from the two empires arrive at the Spirit Hall.

So the Wuhundian team still has plenty of time to prepare for the battle.

It's just that Mobai doesn't think it's necessary.

On the side of the Heaven Dou Empire, there is not a single soul king.

I believe that on the side of the Star Luo Empire, there are at most one or two, or even none.

And what about their Wuhundian team? In addition, there are only four soul kings in total. If he can still lose the game, it will be really useless.

Not to mention Hu Liena and the three of them, Mo Bai felt that he could crush any team by himself.

Once the 100,000-year soul ring is opened, basically none of the soul masters participating in the competition can move under his soul pressure.

"Forget it, if they want to prepare for the battle, then prepare for it!"

"Let Hu Liena and the others contribute to the competition, and I will be in charge of Luezhen!"

"If the hundred thousand year spirit ring can't be exposed, it won't be exposed!"

Inertia is dull, Mo Bai will choose to hide when he can hide.

When the Wuhundian team was working hard to prepare for the battle, Mo Bai was practicing leisurely.

The promotion match on the Heaven Dou Empire's side also ended soon.

The Shrek team, once again advanced, became one of the fifteen teams on the side of the Heaven Dou Empire.

The Tiandou Royal Team is a seeded team, so it doesn't count.

The members who performed well in the competition were also rewarded by Emperor Xue Ye after the competition, and all members of the Shrek Seven Monsters were awarded the title of nobility.

Tang San, who performed the most outstandingly, was directly given the title of Viscount, which was higher than Baron, and was also granted a fiefdom.

Salas expressed strong opposition to this, but Emperor Xue Ye shut Salas up by saying something about the internal affairs of the empire.

After the promotion match, the Heaven Dou Empire side, together with the seeded team Heaven Dou Royal Team, a total of 16 teams, under the escort of the imperial army, began to head for Wuhun City.

Participate in the last, which is the real Continental Advanced Soul Master Academy Elite Competition!


Thanks to [General Director Xingtian] [SHOWTIME] [20180830102251327] [Qiong Flower Three Lanes] [20200402205022702] [I’m tired and destroyed] [20191122141422775] Several book friends for their rewards!

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