Under the eyes of everyone, the finals of the Continental Advanced Soul Master Academy Elite Competition finally began.

It's just that compared to the previous competitions, the competition held in the Wuhun Temple didn't have so many spectators, so it is an exaggeration to say that it has attracted much attention.

Those who came to watch the battle were only the participating team members and teachers, as well as some representative figures of the forces.

For example, Ning Fengzhi and Sword Douluo from the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School came, as well as the prince Xue Qinghe from the Heaven Dou Empire.

Xue Qinghe raised his head and glanced at the tallest building as if feeling something, and his expression changed slightly.

There, she really saw her mother, Pope Bibi Dong of the Spirit Hall.

It's just that Bibi Dong's appearance didn't attract anyone's attention, and she didn't let anyone pay a visit. She just came out to have a look, not a formal appearance.

That's when Xue Qinghe found Bibi Dong, the others were all focused on the field, and didn't notice that the Pope from the Spirit Hall also came out to watch.

Seemingly aware of Xue Qinghe's gaze, Bibidong glanced at Xue Qinghe's figure, only paused for a moment, then turned her gaze away.


Xue Qinghe clenched his fists slightly, snorted coldly in his heart, and quickly moved his eyes away from Bibi Dong, and put them back on the field.

Teams entered the arena under the auspices of a senior deacon of the Wuhun Temple.

As a matter of course, the Wuhundian team entered the arena as the last team.

"Finally, our team from Wuhundian will be invited to play!"

Following the words of the host of the Wuhundian, the seven core members of the Wuhundian and three substitute members walked out slowly.

"What an amazing aura!"

"Especially the three people in the middle, so confident!"

"Is this the Wuhundian team? Just the aura is so sharp!"


After the Wuhundian team came out, all the teams were overwhelmed by the spirit of the Wuhundian team.

"Look, Mo Bai is there too!"

"Mo Bai doesn't seem to be very important in the Wuhundian team!"

"This is really unexpected!"

"When he was in the Heaven Dou Empire, he was still awesome, sitting with Emperor Xue Ye and Sect Master Ning. Looking at it now, it's not that great!"

Ma Hongjun and the others of the Shrek team were also intimidated by the aura of Xie Yue, Hu Liena and Yan at first, but soon they set their sights on Mo Bai.

Seeing that Mo Bai's position in the Wuhundian team seemed not very important, they felt inexplicably in a good mood.

Not only them, the other teams who had seen Mo Bai and Emperor Xue Ye sitting together in the qualifiers also felt inexplicably refreshed after seeing that Mo Bai was not so conspicuous in the Wuhundian team.

The people who used to look at them aloofly now seem to be covered in dust, which naturally makes them happy.

Damn you have today too!


Sensing those malicious gazes, Mo Bai let out a sneer in his heart.

He's low-key, okay?

But it's also due to his personality, if Mo Bai had to appear with a confident aura like Hu Liena and the others, he really couldn't act.

After all the teams entered the arena, the host also began to explain the rules of the knockout round.

Although all teams may know, he still needs to explain.

A total of 33 teams will compete in pairs in the form of a lottery. One of the teams will have a bye and enter the next round with the winner.

The second round continues to draw lots. Teams that have already had a bye no longer have the right to a bye. If they are drawn, they will swap with the last lottery drawer.

By analogy, after four rounds, the top three will be determined.

The competition after the top three will be divided into team competition and individual competition. The individual competition will be held first, and the three teams will send people to play in turn. The winner will directly advance to the finals. finals!

"Okay, you guys already know the schedule!"

"Now, representatives of each team are invited to come up and draw lots. Those who draw the same number will become opponents. At the same time, the number also represents your game number. The bye with a blank number will be drawn!"

After the host of Wuhundian finished the introduction, each team was asked to send people up to draw lots.

"Senior sister, you go!"

On Mo Bai's side, Hu Liena was directly sent up.

Hu Liena didn't have any objections either, it didn't matter who went up.

Soon, the results of the lottery came out, and the Wuhundian team unexpectedly got the first match, against the plant team from the Heaven Dou Empire.

Team Shrek vs Team Nightshade!

Kamikaze vs. Blaze!


The bye was Team Tianshui.

"The Wuhundian team is actually the first to play!"

"The plant team is also unlucky this time, it seems that they will be eliminated in the first round!"

"Our opponent doesn't seem to be easy!"

"Let's watch the Wuhundian team's match first, and see how strong they are!"


After the results of the lottery came out, seeing that Wuhundian was playing for the first time, all the other teams except the plant team became more energetic, wanting to see how strong the Wuhundian team was.

All the sister papers of the plant team looked very depressed.

Speaking of which, apart from the Tianshui team, the plant team is another team that is all women.

Moreover, the team uniforms are all green, which looks like a group of elves in the forest, very eye-catching.

Many people present, seeing that the plant team was about to lose to the Wuhundian team, felt sorry for them.

"There are only three soul masters in the plant team, and the rest are soul masters, nothing to be afraid of!"

"Xieyue, Hu Liena, Yan, you and... the seven go up, Mobai and the other don't have to go!"

After knowing that the opponent was the plant team, Teacher Ao Qing quickly made personnel arrangements.

Others in the Wuhundian team didn't know Mo Bai's specific level, but as the team leader teacher, Ao Qing still knew Mo Bai's current level.

Teacher Ao Qing's reaction was not much different from Xie Yue's when she learned about it from Hu Liena. After knowing Mo Bai's level and fifth spirit ring, they all looked confused.

But after the shock, Teacher Ao Qing was naturally pleasantly surprised.

For this competition, he could no longer imagine the possibility of losing.

However, in order to be safe, Teacher Ao Qing still didn't directly use Mo Bai's trump card on the field so quickly, it was still necessary to hide it.

As for the soul skills and abilities of Xie Yue, Hu Liena and Yan, if they are exposed, they will be exposed!

It's good to be exposed to shock other teams.


Thank you [Hometown to Chang'an.] [20210619122707446] [Void Galaxy] [20190603164140412] for your rewards!

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