I’m In Douluo, I Ate the Blue Silver Emperor

Chapter 125: Tang San's Vow

"Wuhun Palace!"

"Bibi Dong!"

After hearing Ning Fengzhi's words, Yu Xiaogang suddenly turned his head to look at the Pope's Palace, with strong anger in his eyes.

Mo Bai killed Tang San, he knew that Bibi Dong must have ordered it!

If there was even a sliver of fantasy about Bibi Dong before, now Yu Xiaogang fully understands that the Bibi Dong in the Pope's Palace is no longer the Bibi Dong he knew.

That innocent and kind Bibi Dong will never come back.

Ning Fengzhi saw the hatred for Wuhun Palace in Yu Xiaogang's eyes, and smiled in his heart, expressing his satisfaction.

He was afraid that a wise person like Yu Xiaogang would return to the Wuhun Temple again, and now it seemed that there was no need to worry.


Let's talk about Tang Hao and his son.

Tang San, who was carried away by Tang Hao, was also extremely angry and bitter in his heart.

Although he has successfully left the Wuhun Temple now, both the process and the result are different from what he thought before.

Especially his current physical condition can be described as extremely bad.

The meridians are broken, and the soul power cannot be used. Just moving the body feels as uncomfortable as if it has been cut by a thousand knives.

And his left eye, thinking of this, Tang San was filled with hatred.

Mo Bai not only killed Xiao Wu, but also destroyed one of his eyes.

"I must kill him!"

Tang San swore bitterly in his heart.

Just thinking about his current situation, Tang San knew that if he didn't want to find a way to recover from his injuries, let alone revenge, whether he could continue to practice was a problem.

Thinking of this, Tang San didn't hesitate any longer, after Tang Hao took him to a safe place to put him down, Tang San took out the Acacia Heartbroken Red that saved his life, and swallowed it directly.

No other herbal medicine can compare to the effect of Acacia Heartbroken Red.

Xiao Wu is already dead, it's useless for him to keep the Lovesickness Broken Red, he might as well use it to recover his injuries and improve his strength along the way.

Tang San believed that the Lovesickness Heartbroken Red could not only fully recover his injuries, but also improve his spirit power, otherwise he would not be worthy of being called the fairy grass among the fairy grasses.

It's his left eye, which probably won't grow back.

If the eyeball of the left eye is still there, even if it is broken, he believes that Acacia Heartbroken Red can restore it.

But now that the eyeballs are all gone, there is nothing Acacia Broken Heart can do.

"Xiao Wu, just wait!"

"I will definitely kill Mo Bai to avenge you, and take back your spirit bone from him!"

"Even if only the soul is left, I will save you!"

While swallowing the lovesickness heartbroken red, Tang San also swore in his heart again.

He also saw the scene where Xiao Wu helped him block Mo Bai's attack before, so Tang San knew that Xiao Wu might not be completely dead, and there was still a soul left, probably on the soul bone that belonged to Xiao Wu up.

As long as he snatches the spirit bone back from Mo Bai, it is equivalent to snatching Xiao Wu back.

Tang San also knew that Xiao Wu's soul might also remain on her hundred thousand year spirit ring, but Tang San directly ignored this possibility.


The Wuhundian team was summoned by the Pope again in the Pope's Palace.

After everyone in the Wuhundian team arrived, Bibidong encouraged everyone in the Wuhundian team, and finally said that the four spirit bones were for Mo Bai and the others.

For the rest of the team, she redid the rewards.

Although the reward was far inferior to the soul bone, it also made Mo Bai's team members very happy.

In the end, Bibi Dong also asked Mo Bai to take out the four spirit bones, and directly distributed them.

It's the same as I thought before.

Mobai gave Mobai the wisdom skull of spiritual concentration.

The pink skull of confusion was given to Hu Liena.

The right arm of the flame of bursting and burning was given to Yan.

Chasing Feng, who was moving forward quickly, gave Xie Yue his left leg.

After rewarding the others and distributing spirit bones to Mo Bai and the others, Bibi Dong let everyone go down, leaving only Mo Bai behind.

"What? Are you still angry with the teacher?"

Bibi Dong looked at Mo Bai and asked with a smile.


Although looking at Bibi Dong in front of him was indeed very angry, but Mo Bai would not foolishly admit it.

Bibi Dong's behavior of letting Tang Hao and his son go, really made him angry to this day.

"I just don't understand why the teacher failed to keep Tang Hao and his son!"

"I don't believe the teacher didn't expect Tang Hao's appearance!"

Mo Bai continued to speak.

If you don't believe that Bibi Dong didn't expect Tang Hao's appearance, then think that Bibi Dong must have guessed Tang Hao's appearance, and think that Bibi Dong must be targeted.

As a result, except for Ju Douluo and Ghost Douluo's shots, nothing else.

"What? It looks like you want to kill Tang Hao and his son even more than the teacher?"

Bibi Dong asked softly after hearing the words.

"That's right, since it is determined that they are enemies, we should nip the enemies in the bud instead of allowing them to grow!"

"Especially that Tang San, he is the same as the teacher, he also has twin martial souls, and the threat level is higher than Tang Hao!"

"Let them go now, it's completely letting the tiger go back to the mountain, and raising the tiger to cause trouble!"

The more Mo Bai talked, the angrier he became. Obviously, Tang Hao and his son could be left behind.

Hearing Mobai's words, Bibi Dong laughed lightly in satisfaction: "Very good, you didn't disappoint the teacher!"

"However, what happened today was indeed the teacher's mistake. The teacher originally thought that those people in the Douluo Palace would make a move, but they didn't!"

"..." Hearing Bibi Dong's explanation, Mo Bai felt a little better in his heart, but he still asked, "But even if the offerings from the Douluo Hall don't come out, with Teacher and Elder Ju and Elder Gui, can't Tang be left behind?" Hao father and son?"

"Elder Ju and Elder Ghost, the two of them should have a psychological shadow facing Tang Hao, so they made a mistake!"

"The teacher is inconvenient to make a move for some reason!"

"Plus Douluo Hall didn't make a move, that's why they ran away!"

"But if you run away, just run away. That Tang San's appearance is probably not useless, and he needs to cultivate for a long time. It is no longer a problem!"

"You did a very good job at this point. This is what you have always wanted, right? Here it is!"

As Bibi Dong spoke, she threw a jade box to Mo Bai.

"It contains the venom of my death spider emperor. Remember, use it with care. This poison is the teacher and I have no antidote. If you are poisoned, unless the teacher happens to be by your side, otherwise you will die Already!"

"It's best not to use it unless it's a critical moment!"

After Bibi Dong threw the jade box to Mobai, she warned at the same time.

"Yes, I see, teacher!"

Seeing that Bibi Dong no longer intends to continue talking about Tang Hao and his son, Mo Bai also shut up, anyway, there is no point in saying anything now.

Bibi Dong didn't seem to believe at all that Tang San could bring her any threat.


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