I’m In Douluo, I Ate the Blue Silver Emperor

Chapter 146: Tang San Spits Blood

Yu Xiaogang was kicked out of the Wuhun Hall again in despair, just happened to be seen by Mo Bai again.

"Yu Xiaogang? What are you doing here?"

Mo Bai asked Yu Xiaogang in a bad tone. "Could you beg my teacher to let Zao Wou-ki go? You really have the guts to come!"


When Yu Xiaogang saw Mo Bai, his expression became even more gloomy.

"I'm here to return the Pope's decree and resign the honorary elder!" Yu Xiaogang snorted coldly, turned around and left after speaking, not wanting to say anything more to Mo Bai.

In the end, he knew he was wrong, the purpose of his coming this time was more to ask Bibi Dong to release Zao Wou-Ki, but Bibi Dong refused to agree, so he returned the Pope's decree and resigned as an honorary elder.

"If you don't see it, you still need to show some face!"

Looking at Yu Xiaogang's back, Mo Bai still sneered.

Hearing Mobai's words, Yu Xiaogang paused slightly, then suppressed his anger and left.


a month later.

"Nine five two eight, nine four one four, eight eight seven two..."

"I invite these ten contestants to enter the killing field!"

"Among them, our 9528 has won an astonishing 80 consecutive victories. Can he continue to win this game? Let us wait and see!"

In the Slaughtering City, Zhao Wuji, who was still looking forward to his first killing field, was stunned when he heard Tang San's presence in his opponent.

"Tang San, I... have we been grouped together? That 9528 is you, right?"

Zhao Wuji looked at Tang San in disbelief, and asked with an expectant tone.

"Sorry, Mr. Zao Wou-ki, 9528 is me!"

Seeing Teacher Zao Wou-ki's appearance, Tang San's expression was also very ugly.

He also didn't expect that the city of killing would arrange Zao Wou-ki and him in the same killing session.

This means that when he and Zhao Wuji are two, one must die.

And Tang San obviously didn't want to die, that's why he said sorry to Zhao Wuji!

Because if the result couldn't be changed, he wouldn't be merciful, and Tang San was full of hostility after more than a year's journey to the Slaughter City.

It's just that the decision is the decision, he is still very angry, angry that he can't change this killing time, angry that he must kill Teacher Zao Wou-ki later.

And Mo Bai, he is also very resentful, if Mo Bai hadn't caught Zhao Wuji in, he wouldn't have to face the cruel fact of killing his teacher.

Hearing Tang San's words, Zhao Wuji's expression became even uglier.

Although he knew that his strength in the Slaughter City was no match for Tang San, but Tang San's tone did not take him seriously.

If there is really no other way in the end, it's not that he can't help Tang San, but Tang San directly said that he would kill him together, Zhao Wuji couldn't accept it.

"After going up, let's join hands to kill everyone else, and finally we'll decide the winner!"

But Zhao Wou-ki endured it, and gave a suggestion.

"Yes!" Tang San agreed without thinking too much.

Soon, Tang San and Zao Wou-ki, together with eight other contestants, appeared on the killing field together.

The other eight contestants, after knowing that there was such a monster as Tang San among the enemies they were facing, all had very ugly faces, and they didn't need to communicate. As soon as the killing field started, they all joined hands to kill Tang San.

"Tang San, be careful!"

Zhao Wuji immediately came to Tang San's side, and then took the lead in handing his back to Tang San, with his back facing Tang San, blocking the attack from the next direction for Tang San.

"Teacher Zhao Wuji, you too!"

Seeing Zao Wou-ki's actions, at this moment he was still relieved to hand over his back to him, Tang San was slightly moved, and then responded.

Afterwards Tang San also turned around, handed his back to Zhao Wou-ki, facing the siege of others back to back, he knew Zhao Wou-ki's strength, it would not be a problem to deal with it.


Just the next second, Tang San was startled, Zhao Wuji actually launched an attack on him.

Back to back, he didn't take precautions against Zhao Wuji, and he couldn't hide for a while, so he could only use his soul power to defend on his back.



Tang San, who was hammered by Zhao Wuji, directly spurted out a mouthful of blood.

Then Tang San was sent flying by Zao Wou-ki, and took advantage of the victory to pursue and kill him: "Come on, let's kill him first!"

In order to survive, Zao Wou-ki had to be despicable for a while.

Zhao Wou-ki did not come up with such an insidious method, but he had been intimidated by others before, but Zhao Wou-ki did not expect that one day he would use it, and he would use it on the students of his academy.


The other eight contestants, after a brief astonishment, were all overjoyed, and then rushed to Tang San together, without any hesitation.

Originally they thought they were doomed, but now that Tang San was wounded from the very beginning, there was hope.

"Ghost Shadow Follows!"

It's just that Du Tang San has come to his senses at this moment, and directly used the ghost shadow fan Zongbu to dodge from the siege of Zhao Wuji and several opponents.

"Zhao Wou-ki, you should die!"

Afterwards, Tang San roared at Zhao Wuji with red eyes.

He really didn't expect that Zhao Wuji would choose to betray him.

"I just want to live!"


Facing Tang San's furious roar, Zhao Wou-ki let out a deadpan roar, and went to kill Tang San again.

He didn't want to die, so naturally he wouldn't join hands with Tang San to kill the other eight people first.

Because in that case, when only he and Tang San were left in the end, he knew that he would definitely not be Tang San's opponent.

Only his sneak attack, coupled with the cooperation of others, can defeat Tang San who possesses hidden weapons.




A fierce battle ensued.

After Tang San suffered from Zao Wou-ki's backstab, his strength was greatly affected. After an hour of fierce fighting, Tang San successfully beheaded Zao Wou-ki and everyone else.

Even if he wins, Tang San is still covered in injuries, and he is so embarrassed.


This time Tang San didn't refuse the spirit power fed back to him by the killing field, he didn't care whether it was poisonous or not, he needed these spirit powers now.

"Mobai, you are the one who caused me to bear the name of killing a teacher. After I get out, I will definitely kill you!"

At the same time, in Tang San's heart, there was also an extremely crazily howling.

Under this kind of crazy negative emotion, he actually snatched a lot of soul power that was flocking to the killing field, absorbing it crazily.

After this killing field, Tang San spent half a month recuperating before recovering.

Then after another two months, Tang San won a hundred consecutive victories and successfully challenged Hell Road.

Like Mo Bai, Tang San also discovered that the bat spirit beasts in Hell Road are unkillable, so he also regarded them as obstacles, and only shot if he couldn't avoid them.

And the ten headed blazing sun snakes have also been killed by Mo Bai, the difficulty of the road to hell has undoubtedly been reduced a lot, Tang San also passed it smoothly, and obtained the killing god domain.

After one year and four months, Tang San also escaped from the Slaughter Capital.

The level has also been raised to level 54!

"This kid's talent is also very good, and he seems to have a blood relationship with the previous Tang Chen!"

"However, this kid is in a bad state of mind, and has been seriously affected by the capital of killing, far worse than the previous kid!"

Like Mo Bai, after Tang San successfully crossed the Hell Road and obtained the Killing God Realm, God Shura also paid attention to Tang San.

Tang San's talent also made God Shura look sideways, but God Shura found strong negative emotions in Tang San, and his state of mind was far inferior to that of Mobai before.

In addition to cultivation talent, what he values ​​most is state of mind.

Because his asura divine power is the power to kill, if his state of mind is not good, it will only be affected by the killing power of asura's divine power.

The reason why he gave up on Tang Chen was because Tang Chen wasn't in a good mood yet, and he was parasitized by the nine-headed blood-red bat king.

In addition, Tang San passed the Hell Road, which still lowered the difficulty, so God Shura quickly left Tang San behind.

"Okay, little San, you really didn't disappoint me, you just came out of the killing capital in such a short time!"

God Shura looked down on Tang San after comparing Mo Bai, but Tang Hao praised Tang San again and again after seeing Tang San come out.


Seeing Tang Hao, Tang San didn't have much joy on his face.

"What? Haven't adapted to the environment of the killing capital yet? Just get used to it!"

"In it, all you have to do is to come out alive, and now that you have successfully come out, that's fine!"

"Let's go, I'll take you to meet someone, and you'll have to practice with her in the next year or two!"

Seeing Tang San's appearance, Tang Hao also knew why Tang San behaved like this, and after a faint sigh of relief, he talked about his future arrangements for Tang San.

He also entered the Slaughter City quietly, so he knew what happened to Tang San inside.

Whether it was knowing the existence of Mo Bai, meeting Zao Wou-ki, being betrayed by Zao Wou-ki, killing Zao Wou-ki in the end, etc...

He knows it all.

Tang Hao expressed his relief, no matter what happened, in short Tang San successfully escaped from the Slaughter City.

"Yes, Dad!"


"Okay, Mo Bai, I have already tempered all the messy soul power in your soul rings for you!"

At this time, Xiao Wu, after several months of hard work, finally helped Mo Bai temper the several soul rings on his body.

Mo Bai's first spirit ring was already close to the thousand-year lifespan, but after being tempered, it only had 800 years of life left.

There are also the second soul ring, the third soul ring, and the fourth soul ring, all of which have been reduced a lot. Mo Bai has absorbed the most fourth soul ring, which directly reduces the lifespan of two thousand years.

Although the age limit was lower, Mo Bai found that the quality of the spirit ring was indeed higher.

The strength of his Blue Silver Grass not only didn't weaken, but strengthened a little bit.

As for Mo Bai's soul power level, due to the decrease in the age of the soul ring, the soul power has also decreased. Mo Bai's soul power level is still 58, not only did not improve at all, but almost fell back to level 57.

"Thank you, thank you for your hard work, Xiao Wu!"

Mo Bai also knew that it was thanks to Xiao Wu for the past few months, so he thanked Xiao Wu in time.

"No, you just don't need to absorb soul rings with inconsistent attributes in the future. I'm still waiting for you to become a god at level 100 and help me resurrect!"

Xiao Wu laughed when she heard this.

Hearing Mo Bai's thanks, she felt that the hard work of the past few months was not in vain, and her heart was warm.

"Well, how dare I!"

Mo Bai smiled lightly, he was just negligent before, and he definitely won't when he finds out.

It's just that the age of the soul ring has been declining in the past few months, which not only did not improve his soul power level, but almost fell down, which made him somewhat depressed.

Now, it will be a while before he breaks through level 60.

"By the way, I almost forgot the inner alchemy of the ten-headed blazing sun snake!"

But in the next second, Mo Bai took out the inner alchemy of the ten blazing sun snakes from the storage bracelet.

As soon as the inner alchemy of the ten blazing sun snakes appeared, Mo Bai's entire room became slightly hotter, and faint waves of soul power rippled out from the inner alchemy.

"Mobai, are you going to eat it? Do you know what it is?"

Seeing that Mo Bai seemed to be planning to eat the inner alchemy of the ten-headed blazing sun snake, Xiao Wu immediately stopped him.

Such a thing, even she didn't understand what it was.

At that time, Xiao Wu was shocked when she saw that after the death of the ten blazing sun snakes, there were no soul rings, but the inner alchemy burst out.

Even she didn't know what the inner alchemy of the ten-headed blazing sun snake was, and why the inner alchemy burst out after death instead of the soul ring.

"Well, this is the inner alchemy of the ten-headed blazing sun snake. This is a good thing. After eating it, it can increase my cultivation!" Mo Bai nodded with a smile. The inner alchemy of the ten-headed blazing sun snake, he naturally I know it.


After finishing speaking, Mo Bai directly threw it into his mouth and swallowed it in one gulp.


Although Xiao Wu was noncommittal and didn't believe it, but seeing that Mo Bai had already eaten into her stomach, she could only watch silently.


After the inner alchemy of the ten-headed blazing yang snake entered Mo Bai's belly, a huge force quickly burst out from Mo Bai's belly, and then swept across Mo Bai's entire body, making Mo Bai feel like his body was about to be crushed. Exploding feeling.

"Father Shocking Technique!"

Mo Bai didn't dare to neglect, he quickly meditated with his legs crossed, and then began to perform the Feather Shocking Art.

The huge energy contained in the ten-headed blazing yang snake inner alchemy, under the operation of Mo Bai's Frightening Feather Art, quickly circulated along the meridians in Mo Bai's body, and circulated day after day.

And with the operation of the Frightening Feather Art, the huge energy of the ten headed blazing sun snake inner alchemy also began to be refined and absorbed by Mo Bai bit by bit.

From a little bit at the beginning, to more and more.

Mo Bai felt as if he had returned to the beginning, and when he devoured the celestial grass and kissed the blood-colored swan, he could clearly feel that his soul power was constantly increasing.


At a certain moment, Mo Bai realized that his soul power level had successfully broken through, and finally broke through to level 59 from level 58 which had not been inactive for half a year.

At this time, Mo Bai only absorbed a small half of the energy of the Ten Headed Lieyang Snake Neidan.

As Mo Bai continued to operate his Feather Shocking Art, Mo Bai's soul power was still continuously improving.

The soul power required to break through 60 at level 59 is undoubtedly greater, but the energy contained in the ten-headed blazing sun snake inner alchemy is enough to raise Mo Bai's soul power level to level 60.


Two hours later, Mo Bai reached the level of soul power, and finally successfully broke through to level 60.

At level 60, Mo Bai is a quasi-soul emperor, as long as he successfully absorbs another soul ring, Mo Bai is a real soul emperor.


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