Since Yangquan Restaurant couldn't find a good candidate, Master Shiquan didn't want Yun to bully people.

After all, Xu Qing didn't have any fishermen here, so it was really bullying that he, a dragon chef, suddenly popped up.

So in the end, in desperation, he could only choose a second-in-command who was barely able to see it.

However, this dumpling was also taught by Master Ji Di before, so it is not too big a problem.

In fact, Master Shiquan and Master Jidi were not expecting the first place in this dumpling competition, after all, they weren't the first place last time.

It's just that now I don't read it very much because my arm was injured.

In comparison, although Liu Angxing is Xu Qing's apprentice, but since he has not been tested as a super chef, Dumpling Brothers did not target Liu Angxing.

This can be regarded as their luck. Although Liu Angxing's "847" is also exercising, but after all, he is too young.

He is not a person with a high force value like Ren and Xie Lu, so once he is targeted, he cannot beat Aru.

Of course, if Alu dared to trouble Liu Angxing, Xu Qing would undoubtedly let him know what cruelty is.

"It's really surprising that Chef Xu Qing didn't participate in this competition!

At this moment, Xu Qing and Master Shiquan were sitting in a shady place watching the game and enjoying the shade.

No one else dared to come over and disturb the location of the two.

"If I participate in this competition, there will be no comparison. "

"I dare not say that the dumplings made by myself are definitely better than others, but my name alone can attract a lot of people."

"Look at Adi's side, although I didn't participate in it, many people were attracted to Adi's side because of my reputation! 9

Xu Qing shook his head. Although his influence was lower than that of Master Longman, he was also much stronger than others.

Liu Angxing is his apprentice, so this name is enough to attract most of the guests.

Is Liu Angxing's cooking skills lower than that of the Dumpling Brothers? Of course not, or even higher.

The reason why the original work asked about the crisis in the early stage was entirely because no one was optimistic about him.

Now Xu Qing's reputation is not comparable to Master Ji Di.

Therefore, Liu Angxing had a promotion channel from the beginning, which also led to an endless stream of people coming.

"Damn it, I thought that kid was no threat, but I didn't expect to steal so many guests!"

Wuxiong looked at Liu Angxing and the others with even more exaggerated number of guests than his own, and hated it.

I thought that there would be no problem after solving Master Jidi, but where did I think that there would be another stumbling block on this road.

In fact, to put it bluntly, Liu Angxing's dumplings are better. Otherwise, even if Xu Qing's name attracts many guests, the guests can tell which side of the dumplings is better.

So it's all because Liu Angxing's dumplings are better.

After the original work was promoted by Master Longman in the later period, everyone else came to eat the dumplings from Liu Angxing's side.

And caught up with the dumpling brothers at a very fast speed and finally tied.

This is all because the taste has an advantage.

From the very beginning, because of Xu Qing's aura, Liu Angxing and the others had many special police officers.

In addition, the dumplings they make taste very good, and they are now completely ahead of the dumpling brothers.

"The dumplings here are also very good, please bring me another plate!"

Just when Takeo was a little annoyed, Master Longman also came to the Dumpling Brothers side.

Knowing that he could hardly win, Wuxiong Xianza also knew that it was useless for an old man to contribute a plate or two of dumplings to him, so he simply tapped Master Longman's hand with his bong.

"Old man, eat where you want to eat, I'm sick of seeing people like you!"

Wuxiong said with an unhappy expression, hearing this, Master Longman shook his head helplessly and left.

He didn't want to say anything more to the Dumpling Brothers face.

Although this attitude is very infuriating, Master Longman has been in the cooking world for so long after all.

It's not a joke to be old and mature, Master Longman has seen this kind of chef a lot.

Can you say that the other person is not worthy of being a chef? No, the positioning of cooking does not mean that an immoral person cannot be a chef.

There has never been such a statement, but this kind of person is very disdainful.

Master Longman was also used to seeing such people, so he didn't say much, just shook his head and went to Liu Angxing's side.

After arriving at Liu Angxing's side, Master Longman suddenly discovered that the queue was actually divided into three groups.

"Old people and children, please come here and line up!

The elderly, children and young people are divided into three queues, which is also very convenient for the elderly.

No one else said much about this. Most people have elderly people and children at home, so it is undoubtedly better to do so.

"It's a stark contrast!

Soon, Master Longman also got the dumplings made by Liu Angxing.

After tasting it for a while, Master Longman also had to sigh with emotion, no matter in terms of taste or character, Liu Angxing and his friends called out the Dumpling Brothers for an unknown number of street gaps.

This gap is really too big, which is normal. After all, Liu Angxing at this stage is much stronger than Liu Angxing in the original book.

Therefore, the current gap is indeed quite wide.

The Dumpling Brothers rely on miscellaneous officials to attract attention, while Liu Angxing relies on Xu Qing's reputation. Of course, people also rely on their own cooking skills to keep guests.

So now the guests of the entire dumpling competition are almost concentrated in front of these two.

"The dumpling competition this time is really speechless. The previous champion, Mian Ding Dumpling, was extremely miserable."

Yangquan Wine, looking at the few guests, everyone on 3.8 is also very helpless. In this dumpling competition, the protagonists have now become the dumpling brothers and Liu Angxing.

As for the others, they have all become foils, and they are fine here, because the unique color of the dumplings attracts some people.

But the others were bleak. The SWAT was Mianding Dumpling, who had won the championship, and almost no one went there.

But that's right, they didn't take anything innovative, it's still the same dumplings as before.

In this way, everyone is tired of eating, and naturally they are pursuing more novelty.

So preserving tradition is a key point, but on the basis of preserving tradition, we should also increase innovative ideas, so that we can survive smoothly, otherwise in this food world, there will be no innovation, and the final result will not be very good.

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