In a flash, ten days have passed. As I said before, basically 99% of the people came to the WGO headquarters.

The main reason is that the deterrent force is too great, and no one dares to lose face. The two strongest organizations in the cooking world have stood up, and there is still a smallpox in the cooking world. This kind of lineup, as long as you know it, basically Dare not to come.

"There are one hundred and thirty-eight people in total, which is much more than I thought!"

Based on the experience of participating in the previous two events, Xu Qing felt that the special chefs in the whole world of halberd should not be ashamed.

But it turns out that he still underestimated the world of cooking.

Although the WGO has sufficient authority, it cannot command the entire cooking industry.

Therefore, even in the previous competition, there were not many people who came, and it was even more alarming that there were still some chefs who had given up the "883" and continued to climb.

The same is true for the late-night cooks, who can gather some people, but cannot gather all of them.

But what Xu Qing announced this time was too big, and with the added deterrence, almost all the super-level chefs in the entire cooking industry were summoned to hang out.

So much so that the number exceeded a single person, which gave Xu Qing a great surprise, although some of them had harvested it themselves.

But most people don't, so this time it can be described as a series of surprises.

"Everyone has arrived, we can also inquire!"

Nakiri really reminded, and then Xu Qing also nodded, plus Jibo Chaoyang, a total of three people are now on the field.

After all, the status of the three of them is equivalent to the existence of the apex, so the three of them all appeared together.

After seeing the three people appear, many of the special chefs in this stall were a little excited.

Because then you can get the answer you want.

"Hello, there should be no need for the three of us to introduce ourselves.

"The elephant doesn't want me to say more nonsense here, so I'll go straight to the point.

"As I said before, everyone does their best to get a dish, and they must use their hearts. After all of you are done, I will announce the method of breaking through to the kitchen. Before that, please be patient. !

Xu Qing said that everyone had no opinion, no way, and dared not to have any opinion, after all, these three people could not afford to provoke them.

And most importantly, the relationship between these three people.

Raobo Chaoyang is the son of Nakiri Zhenqu and has been renamed Nakiri Chaoyang, as everyone knows.

But the late-night cook doesn't matter who you are, if you have the ability, you can go and try one.

Jibo Chaoyang has done this, although it is only a small part, but it has already broken the record of a late-night cook.

The portrait is also really a mother-son relationship with Nakiri. As for Xu Qing, it is Jibo Chaoyang's teacher, which is quite scary.

The relationship between the three is very close.

You must know that the tripartite confrontation is also opposite, but this tripartite confrontation is completely integrated.

This is even more surprising.

So now no one has any opinion, and in people's territory, it is natural to do things according to people's wishes.

As for cooking, it's too easy for them, who hasn't cooked yet!

In the end, it took less than two hours for everyone to finish their cooking, and all the dishes were taken away.

At this time, everyone gathered in the venue again.

Xu Qing is not in a hurry to eat, after all, these dishes won't run away by themselves, so let's stabilize these people now.

There is no hesitation, Xu Qing announced the method of breaking through the kitchen.

"It turns out that it is no wonder that we have been unable to find a way to break through. It takes so many special chefs to get together for a long time, which is simply impossible under normal circumstances! 11

Everyone finally understood why they couldn't find the way, and this method made people speechless.

Generally speaking, special chefs have their own industries, and rarely get together.

And even if it is in an organization, not to mention many, it is like WGO. Are there many senior chefs in WGO? A lot.

But why can't anyone break through to Lin country? Because it requires long-term continuous tasting of each other's cuisine.

This allows the chef to continue to polish.

But generally speaking, who has nothing to do all day long to cook for others or eat one's food.

Breaking through Lin Kitchen requires a long detour.

Of course, Xiao Dang shocked the world because there are a group of super Tian Ji with extreme bugs. They have already figured out the way, so that people in the future only need to follow these methods...

Therefore, there are many Lin chefs who are astonishing the world.

But there is no one to explore in this world, and the talent is far worse.

Even breaking through to a super chef in his twenties is already a natural successor to the limit.

But in the world of little surprise, at this age, there are quite a few dragon chefs, even the supreme dragon country.

The difference in the world leads to the difference in the upper limit, and the talent aspect has also been affected to a certain extent.

Although Xu Qing didn't want to admit it, Xu Qing had to say that even if Erina and the others were in the world of little surprise, they would be quickly thrown away by Liu Angxing and they didn't know how many streets.

Because Liu Angxing and their talents were originally perverted to the extreme, and they had traditional bonuses, they were already beyond the scope of enchanting monsters.

Therefore, people in the world of halberd eating should not think about comparing with them in this regard, there is absolutely no comparison at all.

The difference is right here.

This time when these things were announced, Xu Qing felt that some people should cry!

And this part of the people should be mostly late night cooks.

Why do you say that? Because some chefs belong to lone wolves, they don't have many connections, and they don't have many friends.

It's almost impossible to find chefs to communicate with in this situation 3.8.

And this part of the people is mostly among the late-night cooks, so this part of the people is a little sad.

And even if they want to report to keep warm, it is difficult, after all, how do you expect them to get along with each other alone?

So after this news was announced, this part of the lone wolf was just about to cry without tears.

Their only option now is to find a way to join an organization, so that they have the opportunity to move on.

And to be honest, there are not many people who can successfully break through here in Xu Qing's opinion.

After all, this requires them to go to the last step of the super chef to detour.

Before that, let's honestly and slowly develop their own cooking skills, otherwise they won't be able to use this method.

And because of the limitations of this world, most people do not have the possibility to reach this step, only a very few detour,

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