"You guys are really fast enough, Yakan, Li Ke and Ren, you should be very clear about the fate of betraying the dark cooking world!"

Just after everyone walked for a distance, they met a group of people who were already waiting here at the entrance of a cave.

From the moment he entered here, Xu Qing already knew where there were people hiding.

The interior of Liangshan is dug like a maze, and there are many places with hidden passages and monitoring places.

So this place is really easy to defend and difficult to attack, and it is very difficult to win and so on.

When Xu Qing and the others came, many secret whistleblowers had already discovered them, and the news naturally reached Kaiyou and others.

Kai You also said that he was frightened, knowing that he had just received the news not long ago.

In this dark cooking world, many messages are passed on by flying pigeons, and there are outposts everywhere.

So the news came quickly, but after a long time in the can, Xu Qing and others came directly to the door, which was something they didn't expect at all.

They couldn't understand how Xu Qing and others arrived at the base of the dark cooking world in such a short time.

Judging from the time and place of 933, it would be nothing more than a quick drive, but with so many people asking about this place, Kaiyou almost thought the information was fake when he received the news.

It can only be said that he would never have imagined the power of a modern off-road vehicle, and this speed is quite impressive.

So that the information was sent in the front, and Xu Qing and others came in the back, which also caused Kai You to be less prepared.

But he wasn't too worried. After all, Xu Qing and the others were only a few people, so there was no need to worry.

Another reason why the original book bombed Hubaoyi Cave is that he cannot take the lead in destroying the rules he made.

Therefore, those who know that he broke the rules can only die together, and Kaiyu is such a person.

"You are Kaiyu, right, don't say anything harsh, this dark cooking world is just like that, where you hide your filth, you leave when you leave, after all, you have been staying with garbage, and it will change sooner or later. rubbish! 33

Xu Qing said with a look of disdain, in fact, Kaiyou's words had no impact on Yakan and Li Ke.

Although Ren was a little more youthful and energetic, he was calm, and Xu Qing scolded him directly.

"You're really brave enough to say that in front of so many of us. Don't you know whose territory it is now?"

Kai You was annoyed by Xu Qing's scolding, but he didn't show it on the surface, he just asked a question.

In his opinion, Xu Qing, an outsider, dared to put such cruel words on his own territory. They were only a few people in total. This was the rhythm of not wanting to leave this place alive at all.

Of course, even if he spoke politely, it was impossible for Kaiyu to put back such a group of hidden dangers.

"Is there anything wrong with me scolding you in your territory? Can't you still control my mouth?

"Also, as for me, my eyes are better than normal people, you don't need to hide your anger, you just got angry around you, right? 99

"However, a person like you is indeed quite powerful, and your emotions will not be superficial at all, but unfortunately, you are a piece of garbage!

Xu Qing smiled and said again, which directly made Kaiyou and the others angry.

No way, now Xu Qing's mouth is indeed a little helpless. One trash on the left and one trash on the right, the continuous scolding will make people very annoyed, and it is easy to arouse people's anger.

Now Kaiyu and the others are naturally angered.

"It seems that there is no need to continue talking nonsense with you. I was planning to have a cooking showdown with you, but now it seems that there are quite a few people who want to kill you!

Kai You opened his mouth and said that now the Five Tiger Stars have expired, and besides the group of Lin, there are also Yan Xian, Shu Qi and Mi La beside him.

It stands to reason that the (bcdi) here are the chefs and they naturally have a chef competition.

But now that Xu Qing is doing this, these people naturally don't want to talk nonsense, and the only idea now is to kill Xu Qing and others.

"Really? Then you can come and have a try, who killed who!"

Xu Qing said with a smile, after seeing Xu Qing's smile, I don't know why, Kai You felt something was wrong, but it was too late, because he found that he couldn't move, except talking, he couldn't do anything , You can't even move your neck.

"You know what? A lot of villains will come up and say a lot of nonsense. Although your nonsense is not a lot, but this little time is enough for me to give you acupuncture points, including the rest of you here.

Xu Qing shook his head, the speed of his acupuncture was too fast, and he used the ox-hair needle to pop out directly.

At this point, it is basically an invincible hidden weapon skill in the martial arts world.

He couldn't react at all, Xu Qing's strength surpassed these people by too much, and he never thought of competing with these people, it was totally unnecessary.

After all, his current purpose is just to collect kitchen hearts.

"This...how is this possible!"

A group of people exclaimed, there is no way, Xu Qing's operation is really beyond the scope of normal people's imagination.

This is like in the 100-meter race, people are desperate to run in ten seconds, but what about you? The person who opened the hang can get it in three seconds. This gap is simply incomprehensible.

So now Xu Qing is like this, Xu Qing's operation is incomprehensible to everyone.

Even Xu Qing's students didn't see how Xu Qing did it. Xu Qing did it too fast.

Even those who have been enhanced with food cells can't see Xu Qing's movements.

This is mainly because the activation degree and intensity of their food cells are not as good as Xu Qing's. With the blessing of Xu Qing's acupuncture master and super tactile sensation, the current Xu Qing is called a horror.

Xu Qing can also teach other students about acupuncture techniques, but it takes a lot of time to learn such techniques.

After all, Master Jinjiro has spent hundreds of years developing acupuncture to this level.

Tieping also studied for decades, and finally stopped the earth under the guidance of Master Jiro.

Alu and others have naturally practiced, but they are not specialized in acupuncture, so they are also very general.

Even if Xu Qing is teaching others, it takes time to learn.

Moreover, they still need to continuously improve their cooking skills. At this stage, it is better not to let them get in touch with them and distract their energy.

When they reach the Lin kitchen, they will not be able to continue to improve in a short period of time. It would be better to teach them these things at that time.

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