With the passage of time, Liu Angxing, Tang Sanjie and others broke through to Dragon Kitchen one after another.

When the students became Dragon Chefs, Xu Qing naturally got a lot of benefits. Liu Angxing, Tang Sanjie, Guan Xuelan, Xie Lu, Lan Feihong, and Ren, who joined later, a total of six people. These six people broke through to the Dragon Chef stage.

This also gave Erina and others a lot of energy, but they still haven't broken through to the Dragon Chef level.

For the current Erina and others, it is too difficult to break through to the Dragon Chef level.

There is no way, the upper limit of the world is here, they are born in the world of eating halberds, and their talent cannot be compared with Liu Angxing and others.

They are also completely different from Xu Qing. After all, Xu Qing has such a thing as tradition, which itself exceeds the limits of the world.

In order to solve this kind of problem, one is to wait until Fantong gives a reward for solving the problem, but it is not there yet, the other is to try to reincarnate and reincarnate, but this method is even more whimsical.

It's better to wait for the solution to come.

And it's not completely impossible to progress now, just. Progress is very slow.

But giving them time to become a dragon chef is not a problem. You must know that there are not many dragons in this world.

Liu Angxing is much more powerful than others, and he became the supreme dragon country not long after he became a dragon chef.

As for the others, their previous talent limit was Dragon Chef, but now with the bonus, the situation is the same as Erina and others.

The talents of Erina and others can take a lot of time to become a dragon chef, and they could not become the supreme dragon chef before, but now they can also become the supreme dragon chef by taking the same time and step by step.

As for further, it is unknown.

Even if Xu Qing had told them the method, they did not have the ability to cheat like Xu Qing, so even Liu Angxing would need a lot of time to get to this point.

If it is replaced by the original work, Liu Angxing estimates that he will not be able to reach the next step when he is old and dead, but now he has a chance.

Xu Qing didn't dare to say that he would definitely become an existence in the transformation stage, but he definitely had this chance.

The further you go, the higher the talent requirements are. Except for Xu Qing, who is an absolute cheater, Xu Qing really doesn't dare to say that they will definitely be able to achieve this level.

Xu Qing also got the reward for becoming a Dragon Chef. This time, he got two kinds of cards, one is the Accelerator Card for Cooking Heart Comprehension.

As the name suggests, it can shorten the time for him to comprehend the heart of cooking.

The usage time of each card is one month, and the speed of comprehension is accelerated tenfold within one month.

This can save Xu Qing a lot of time, another kind, called Gourmet Cell Activity Card.

This activation card allows Xu Qing to activate cells before level 100.

It's useless after level 100. Xu Qing just got one of this card, and it came from Liu Angxing.

Xu Qing didn't use it in a hurry, but planned to wait until the critical point before using it. You must know that the improvement of gourmet cells is the same, the more difficult it is in the later stage.

The police saw that the strength of Alu and the others increased rapidly in the later stage, which was all thanks to those eight ingredients.

Each of the eight ingredients is a delicacy that the earth has praised for hundreds of years in the cooking process.

And this time Alu and the others met, it was the strongest one in history, and it was also the last time that he was not diligent and accidental.

Because the earth is constantly being cooked, the deliciousness that comes out will form these eight ingredients.

Once the cooking is complete, the earth enters its final stage and these eight ingredients disappear.

The last time was the most delicious, which made Alu and others go to the sky in one step, otherwise it would be more difficult to improve the food cells.

It is also very difficult to find food that suits your own cells.

So this card Xu Qing intends to wait until the critical point before using it.

After all, level 100 in the captive world of gourmet food is a huge watershed.

Before the 100th level, the technological weapons of the human world can still be used against it. After the 100th level, even the space laser strike is useless at all. The 100th level is a qualitative leap. This card is undoubtedly the best to use at that time.

The appearance of these cards has saved Xu Qing a lot of time.

Before, Xu Qing spent a lot of time in the world of Ji Rong and asked for such a little patience.

Now that these acceleration methods are in place, and after a series of boosts are used, Xu Qing has spent nearly ten years to understand a whole difficult kind of cooking heart.

・・・ Ask for flowers ・・・

- After comprehending the Rough Kind of Cooking Heart, the natural heart directly transformed into a domain.

And what surprised Xu Qing the most was that it seemed like there was no bottleneck, it just broke through so naturally.

It's really hard to figure out what's going on.

After all, in the process of Xu Qing's promotion before, the super-class was fine, and he didn't get stuck very much, but it took some effort to break through the Linchu, and the breakthrough of the dragon chef was even more shocking to the world.

In his view, this bottleneck should be more and more firm, and breakthroughs should be more and more difficult to follow.

But to Xu Qing's surprise, this transformation stage has directly broken through.

He was ready to accept the bottleneck for a long time, but the result? He broke through so smoothly.


Originally, he was still confused, but after receiving the information of the next realm, he realized that he was completely wrong.

When he learned about the transformation stage before, Xu Qing always thought it was a higher stage.

But what surprised Xu Qing was that now he knew that this was not really a big level, so Fantong would not give him a big gift package, but he also gave him a card directly.

The transformation stage, strictly speaking, is a special state of transformation towards a higher level.

The next realm is very straightforward, called God, that is, the so-called God of Cooking.

People who have entered the transformation stage also have another collective name, that is, the demigod level.

So now Xu Qing has entered the demigod level.

Because it is an excessive stage, it cannot be regarded as a big stage, so now Xu Qing did not get a big gift package, but got a card.

This card surprised Xu Qing very much.

Because this card is called the Gourmet Devil Copy Card.

As the name suggests, this card can copy any food demon, provided that he gets around within one kilometer.

And the gourmet demons caught by the copy do not have their own sanity, but all a series of abilities will be perfectly preserved.

So Xu Qing doesn't have to worry about these problems at all, and even after the final food cell is perfected, he can directly eat this food devil to make himself stronger,

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