The dinner party was over, but Aru invited Xu Qing and Xiao Song to the beach cave.

It will start in a few days, and Xu Qing did not refuse, and Xiaosong would not refuse. During this period, Xu Qing also proposed the idea of ​​accepting apprentices, which made Xiaosong extremely excited.

For Xu Qing's invitation, Xiao Song also agreed without hesitation.

After all, in his opinion, Xu Qing's culinary skills are really too strong, and Xiao Song at this stage is just a super class.

But his potential is here, but what he got is not very good, and Komatsu has not yet reached the stage of explosion.

Following Alu will continue to explode. Xu Qing's words are also because these ingredients are repeated at this stage, otherwise he would not follow the protagonist group.

Just like that, a few days later, on a train, the three of them were here at the moment, and Aru even "017" wrapped up all the drinks on the train in one go. This kind of operation Xu Qing can only say A big dog.

But it's normal to think about it carefully. After all, Alu is an IGO member, and he has a black card with unlimited overdraft in his hand. This kind of thing is only available to the core members of IGO.

And Alu has never been short of funds, after all, the prices of some high-end ingredients in this world are here.

It is useless for ordinary people to capture these ingredients, even if there are countless people to fill them up, but for the powerful food hunters, is it not easy to ask for money? So making money is really too simple for these people.

"Mr. Alu, is it really okay to just take away all the drinks in the car? I feel that other people look at us strangely!"

Komatsu asked helplessly.

"What are you afraid of? Alu is one of the Four Heavenly Kings anyway, and he bought it with money, so I can only blame the others for being slow!"

Xu Qing shook his head, he has never been a bad person, and to put it bluntly, this kind of thing is as long as he has money, who told others not to buy it, now he blames Alu for buying all the drinks.

"That's right, I didn't buy it until other people bought a batch first, so I can't blame me, but don't you two drink it?"

Alu looked at Xu Qing and Komatsu master and apprentice strangely.

"I'll forget it, I'll probably collapse if I take a sip of these alcohol levels!"

Xiao Song can drink, but he doesn't dare to drink, this random alcohol content is not something he can bear.

"I do not drink!"

Xu Qing said that he seldom drinks alcohol, after all he doesn't like the feeling of being paralyzed, although it's hard to numb him now, but he doesn't like drunks either.

Of course, there are exceptions like Mansam and Jiro, because they can't get drunk at all, so naturally there is no such thing as drunken madness.

"Oh, it's really here, you bought all the drinks in the car, it's really distressing the old man!"

At this time, an old man's voice came, and then the three of them saw an old man with the head of the plane standing beside him.

"Old man, if you want it, just take it!"

Aru is also a very generous person, so he gave Jiro a drink directly.

"Then thank you very much, I will definitely repay this kind old man!"

After taking the drink, Jiro said, Komatsu and Aru didn't care, after all, they didn't know how powerful this old man was.

In the original book, because this time the drink saved the lives of Alu and Komatsu in the later stage.

Komatsu encounters a demon snake and even dies once, but is saved by Jiro in the end. As for Alu, he is simply too courageous to go to the food industry to make trouble.

You know, even if the level exceeds 100, don't just step into the food world.

This is not playing games.

In order to give players a good gaming experience, most RPG games divide the areas of monsters according to their levels.

So you won't encounter any high-level monsters.

But the food world is different, it's a real world.

When you step into the food world, you may encounter monsters with a level of over a thousand as soon as you enter the door. This is not a joke, but the truth.

Therefore, if the strength is not up to the standard, it is best not to enter the food industry casually, otherwise it will be given away.

Alu and Komatsu were all lucky, they happened to be in a relatively safe place similar to the demon food world, otherwise it would be very difficult to stay in the gourmet world for a year

Both Alu and Komatsu were rescued by Jiro because of this matter, this is kindness.

"You are Jiro, the acupuncture master, right, I know you!"

Xu Qing said with a smile, both Alu and Komatsu who heard this looked at Jiro with bewildered faces...

"Huh? Have you been recognized? I didn't expect that there are still young people who know me, a bad old man!"

Jiro didn't expect that he would be recognized so easily, so he looked at Xu Qing in surprise.

"After all, I also knew Mrs. Setsuna before, and I also had a deal with Mrs. Setsuna, and the power in Master Jiro's body is not something that anyone can ignore

Xu Qing said that Jiro's power is too strong, he can't ignore it, after all, his current five senses are the five senses of the devil.

"Young people nowadays are really amazing. One is better than the other. I have also told me about you."

"Her soup of the century is about to be finished, and I will invite you later, remember to come then!"

Jiro said with a smile that he still brought the century soup to Mrs. Setsuna, but it caused some troubles, and Mrs. Setsuno was always struggling with how to finish it.

Xu Qing helped Jie Nai's mother-in-law to finish, so it also meant that she helped him.

Although it was a transaction, the content of Xu Qing's transaction was not much different from that of Baiji, so he was very satisfied with Xu Qing.

"I didn't expect to meet Master Jiro here. Do you want to catch puffer whales?"

Aru asked in surprise.

Although he has never met Jiro, he knows Jiro. At the beginning, Yilong talked about 5.3 a lot.

Yilong said that Jiro is no less than his super master, a super master who can enter the food industry.

Would such a being be of interest to puffer whales?

"I'm not very interested in the meat of the puffer whale, but the fin wine of the puffer whale is very good!"

Jiro is addicted to alcohol, on that island full of alcohol, it is said that this guy will go eight times a week.

The fin wine of puffer fish whale is also very good, which Jiro also likes very much.

"So that's how it is. You always go for this, then there's no problem. If you want, you can take all the drinks here. We juniors will honor you at that time!"

Alu said, after all, Jiro and Yilong have a very good relationship, as a junior, he naturally needs to respect the old senior. .

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