After dealing with the affairs here, Terry followed Ahu, and then Mansam entertained everyone to eat his full meal menu.

And also waiting for the news from Sani, Sani acted before Alu came, and it is said that Lijialu Mammoth has been captured.

Now on the way back, although Mansam thinks this is unlikely, after all, in his opinion, Lijialu Mammoth's super huge body size, even if Ke Ke's fierce poison acupuncture points, it is impossible to last for too long.

Sani wanted to capture the creature directly and bring it back, and Mansam said he would write the name backwards if it was real.

That kind of body shape is simply not what Sani can drag now, unless it directly captures the gem meat in the body. As for bringing the Lijialu mammoth back, it is completely overthinking.

That kind of monster "950" with the unit of kilometer is no joke.

However, during this period, Mansam also invited everyone to eat his full meal menu, but Xu Qing didn't touch it at all from the beginning to the end.

Why? Naturally, because he had zero expectations of Mansam's full meal menu.

Mansam's full meal menu, appetizer is wine thief snail, level 28, soup is wine shellfish soup, level 25, fish dish is Dionysus shark, level 31, meat dish is wine wild beef, level 30, main course is Dionysus dragon , Level 37, Salad is Dionysus Onion, Level 15, Dessert is Brandy Melon, Level 19, Drink is Dionysus Whale Tide, Level 33

Throughout the article, although the grade is not very high, everything has the word "wine", and the alcohol content is also super high.

This is Mansam's full meal menu, and Xu Qing doesn't like wine, so he really has no interest in Mansam's full meal menu. It is estimated that Jiro will be interested, but the bar seats also like to drink very much.

"It's a pity. As a man, how can he hate alcohol? It's really incomprehensible!"

While eating his full meal menu, Mansam said that he couldn't understand Xu Qing, just as Xu Qing couldn't understand them.

Xu Qing has always disliked wine, and he can't understand the person he likes.

Apart from Xu Qing, Xiaosong and Tina also dare not eat it. There is no way, neither Xu Qing nor Xiaosong has any gourmet cells at this stage. If they eat this kind of food, they will fall down after a few mouthfuls.

It's okay for Xiaosong to say that Chen Qing can directly give the gourmet cells as long as the standard is reached, without waiting for the later stage.

As for the gourmet devil, it depends on whether Floser will find Komatsu again.

What Xu Qing produces here are the ones that don't have gourmet demons. Later, Xu Qing also learned that they can attract gourmet demons, but if they want to enter the body, they need the consent of the owner of the body.

So unless approved, these gourmet demons cannot enter the body of these people.

In a few days, Xiaosong will probably be able to fuse the gourmet cells. He is fine. As for the point, Xu Qing will not blindly follow the other party just because he is beautiful.

Which of the confidante around him is not more beautiful than the other?

During the period, Alu also planned to ask Terry to eat, but Terry didn't move at all.

"No matter what, Terry is a healthy fighting wolf. What he likes to eat must also be something from the gourmet world!"

Xu Qing reminded Ah Lu that things in the gourmet world are naturally out of reach of Ah Lu now.

But there are things that enter the human world from the food world, such as BB corn.

This thing is simply outrageous to the extreme. It lives in the food industry, and then somehow it became a human wish.

After arriving in the human world, it takes root and grows, and finally becomes the food of the human world.

However, the environments of the human world and the gourmet world are different, so there are naturally some problems with the level.

You must know that the grade of this corn is not low in the gourmet world, but after arriving in the human world, because of nutrition, the grade has dropped a lot, but no matter what, this thing is also from the gourmet world.

"I've heard of the food in the gourmet world, but I haven't dared to go there before. This time, I'll go if I catch the meat of the gem!"

Alu also nodded, he knows many ingredients, including the legend of BB corn.

But with his previous strength, even the beach cave can only be fought with Coco, let alone the Wuzhi Forest.

That place was simply a place of death for the former Aru.

Xu Qing also has no plans to go to the Wuzhi Forest, let's talk about it after other people come to this world...

Now he still needs to learn the technique of acupressure, and there are not many ingredients that he really cares about. The most original version of the century thick soup of Ice Hell is one of them.

The most primitive version of century thick soup caused some fluctuations even in Sanhu's gourmet cells.

You know, what is the level of the three tigers? One of the three most powerful in the human world, the cell level is so high that it can even crush a single eight kings.

Even under such circumstances, his cells can fluctuate, which is also very remarkable.

Of course, it's just fluctuations, and it's impossible to cause any drastic changes in the cells of the three tigers.

In the original book of Three Tigers, they didn't drink it, but gave this small portion of the soup to other people, so that the food club produced a batch of masters who could enter the food industry in batches.

This shows the power of the most original version of century soup.

Xu Qing plans to enter the food industry directly after she has improved to a certain level.

He is different from others, if it is really dangerous, he will just use the shuttle card to escape and come back after a while.

Abstract Don't provoke some powerful existences, and after you have searched out all the things that should be searched in the human world, there should be no danger in entering the gourmet world.

Entering the gourmet world as soon as possible is the best choice. After all, once A0.2 Lu and others enter the gourmet world before entering, the plot will start to run wild.

At that time, I didn't know if I could survive in this dangerous food world.

He also needs strength now.

Although in the original book, as long as you stay away from the central point in the end, the world will recover in the end, but Xu Qing dare not gamble, who knows if his arrival will affect anything.

No one dares to say this, right? Moreover, Alu and others are full of various dangers and coincidences in the end.

Losing a little less would be quite terrifying in the end, so Xu Qing had to let himself accumulate enough power first.

And the earth is just a novice village.

Now the human world is a novice village, but that is compared to the gourmet world, but compared to the universe, the earth is still a novice village. .

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