"Everyone, look at the sky!"

Such a big fish appeared in the sky, and I am not blind, so I noticed it very quickly.

At this time, Taixu also fell down, and put the three of them on the ground, and then the body quickly shrunk back to its previous appearance. This scene also surprised everyone watching.

"It can fly, it can also unleash that terrifying attack, and it has the ability to grow and shrink. What kind of fish is this!"

Nami doesn't know how to describe this fish anymore. Although she knows that there are such things as devil fruits in this world, this fish doesn't look like it has eaten devil fruits.

After all, in her understanding, a devil fruit has only one ability, and after eating it, she can't eat a second one.

Now Taixu's performance is too special, the most important point is that people can live without water.

"Nami? How did you come back? And what's going on here? What happened to Dragon Paradise just now?"

Nuo Qigao looked at Nami with a look of surprise, just now they were worried about what happened to Nami in the Dragon Paradise, so they planned to save her, but now Nami has returned to 503 safely, which makes them really feel It's something I don't understand.

"Sister, the Dragon Paradise has been destroyed by this lord, and Aaron and the others are all dead. We don't have to worry about Aaron's oppression in the future!"

At this moment, Nami also quickly told the good news to the people in the village, and the expressions of everyone in Tianzi turned into an expression of disbelief.

After being silent for more than ten seconds, Ah Jian finally woke up.

"Nami, tell me again, what happened just now?"

At this moment, Ah Jian thought he had heard it wrong, so he asked Nami to repeat it. After Nami repeated it, everyone in Cococia Village cheered.

"It looks like they were really oppressed by those murlocs!"

Seeing this scene, Safra was also emotionally moved. People are like this. If a person laughs happily next to him, there is a ten-way probability that the people around him will also laugh together.

Now the whole village is cheering. After all, Safra is still young, so she can easily be moved by such emotions.

"Yeah, so it's not a pity for those murlocs to die. By the way (dbfh), I almost forgot their treasure house!"

Only then did Xu Qing remember the treasure house she had been carrying all along, and put the treasure house on the street, Xu Qing walked in with Safra.

As for the others, they were shocked when they saw a building falling from the sky, but Nami quickly explained what happened to them, which made everyone feel relieved.

They don't expect to get the money back. Although they have been bullied by Aaron and others all these years, Xu Qing is their benefactor, and they don't have the heart to kidnap their benefactor morally.

"Is this the currency of this world?"

Seeing the few treasures and a large amount of Bailey currency around, Safra asked.

"That's right, these are the currencies of this world!"

Xu Qing glanced at it. Bailey occupied the vast majority, which is normal. Aaron and others basically collect money for protection fees, and not many people in these villages can afford gold products.

These gold products are probably obtained by Aaron and others from robbery over the years.

After Xu Qing took part of Bailey, he kept most of it. He basically didn't care about money.

In the captive world of fine dining, the least valuable thing is gold.

After all, it is too easy to mine gold with the state of technology in the captive world of contempt.

In the captive world of gourmet food, the most valuable thing is always the ingredients, the more advanced and cherished ingredients are, the more valuable they are.

As for gold, it is basically worthless, but Xu Qing is too lazy to find someone to exchange for the currency of this world, and there happens to be ready-made ones here, so he took part of it.

As for most of the rest, leave it to these people outside.

As long as there is enough money, Xu Qing will not buy something like a devil fruit.

There are too few useful things in this world for him, and the devil fruit he bought is also very mediocre, and besides, the devil fruit is actually not very useful to him.

People with gourmet cells eat devil fruits, which is to lower their upper limit.

After all, the upper limit of the devil fruit is here, and there is such a defect limit, the upper limit of gourmet cells is very high, completely above these things.

As long as there are delicious things that continue to improve and evolve, it is to shake the devil fruit to the point where it cannot be seen.

Of course, some special devil fruits also have special abilities.

In fact, Xu Qing is very curious now, whether some special abilities can be directly eliminated and refined.

It may be extremely difficult for people in this world, but for him, it seems that it is not very difficult, after all, he has already surpassed the upper limit of this world.

Under this premise, it seems possible to refine some special abilities.

Although the gourmet cells are powerful, they basically use calories to fight, and without the assistance of gourmet demons, the tricks are even more pitiful.

Some special skills are indeed inferior compared to the changeable devil fruits in this world.

After all, there are too many things involved in the devil fruit in this world, and the methods are weird and changeable, maybe you can give it a try.

However, the useful Devil Fruits already have owners, so Xu Qing doesn't need money, the money is just used to buy some special products.

So Xu Qing has no special need for the currency of this world.

Aaron didn't find any devil fruit here either. Devil fruit is a good thing, but the probability of getting it in the East China Sea is very small, let alone Aaron is still squatting at home.

Basically, he doesn't go out to roam, which is why he hasn't been targeted.

On the one hand, it's because of Jinbei, on the other hand, it's because he and Colonel Mouse are in trouble, and the last point is because he doesn't mess around casually, so the target won't target him.

Of course, there is another hidden point that the atmosphere of the entire East China Sea is simply rubbish to the extreme.

Except for Smoker, there are not many qualified naval soldiers in the entire East China Sea. Of course, even Smoker has a big brain problem.

In fact, he is not so righteous.

After all, before Luffy, Crick even assembled a huge fleet in the East China Sea and rushed to the great route.

At this time, I didn't see Smoker chasing after him.

On the contrary, after Luffy arrived, Smoker was like a mad dog. He didn't even want his own station, and chased directly from the East China Sea all the way to the great route. His behavior was seriously inconsistent with the character design. .

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