All the biological weapons lurking in the entire city were wiped out. Although I don't know if they will continue to be deployed in the future, at least cleaning up the current wave can be regarded as helping these people.

After distributing the food, Xu Qing continued to set off with Safra and the others. As for Mansam and Xiaosong, they still need to stay here for a while, and Xu Qing still needs to deliver ingredients to other places

"What's the matter? You look a little depressed!"

Seeing that the state of Safra and Kuming was not right, Xu Qing asked directly. In fact, she could tell what was going on. It was nothing more than being affected by the tragic situation.

"Master, why do people in this world keep launching wars?"

Safra asked in a low voice. Although she was very happy at first, after seeing the tragic situation of these people, her mood became relatively depressed.

"This question is actually very simple. It's just human nature. Human nature is too complicated, and it's not just human nature. Even in the animal world, this happens often!

"We don't need to worry about what these problems are, we just need to do our best to do what we can do!"

Xu Qing said that this kind of question is very complicated and very simple, but there is no need to know the answer, because the answer will always make people puzzled, and it is very problematic to speculate on other people's thoughts with one's own ideas.

So there is no need to know this, just like Tieping, he saw that Jiro couldn't bear the destroyed environment, so he didn't need to say anything, and directly chose to become a rebirth teacher.

This is Tieping's choice. You don't need to know the answer, you just need to do your own thing well.

"You are still a little too young now, after you grow up slowly, you will actually not find it so difficult to understand!"

Xu Qing said that these two people actually have too little experience. Each of the Four Heavenly Kings came from such a poor area.

In order to find food for other people, Ah Lu even gnawed off ten of his fingernails.

He has an extremely strong appetite, but when he got the ingredients, he didn't choose to eat them but chose to bring them back to others. This kind of mentality is really speechless.

To be honest, it is not difficult to understand the success of Alu in the later period, after all, there is really no problem with Alu's character.

I didn't say much to the two of them, in fact, I will understand in the future, no matter how much I say now, they will not understand, so there is no need to waste more words.

Xu Qing also delivered the ingredients from other places quickly.

After delivering the ingredients, Xu Qing also stayed at the last place, which was here with Aru.

The area here is relatively far away, but when the ingredients were distributed, there was a sudden change in the sky.

Taixu was the first to discover it, followed by Xu Qing, and then Terry.

A special snow began to fall in the sky. This kind of snow is a kind of food, called miso snow. These miso snow will fall snow of different flavors, and the shape is the same as those food.

The most important thing is that miso only appears once in decades, and it is a special ingredient that can fill your stomach.

"Is it because of so many luck combinations?"

Xu Qing could vaguely feel that when Wei Xue appeared, there was some movement in Shi Yun.

Not surprisingly, everyone's terrible food luck should be carried together, which is why this level of Wei Xue is touched.

Wei Xue appeared once in decades, but this time it was directly triggered by food luck.

The taste of miso in different regions is completely different, but it is indeed a pretty good ingredient.

"I didn't expect to be able to meet Weixue once in decades. It's really lucky!"

Alu said with some emotion, this snow is too rare, and it happened to be snowing when they delivered the ingredients.

"It is indeed a good luck, we can only do so much, now it is time to go back!"

Seeing the continuous snowfall, Xu Qing said, the ingredients have been distributed, and now it's time to go.

After all, it’s actually not good to stay here. After a long time, you will be reluctant to leave. After all, the feeling of helping others is really good. Staying here will only lead to more and more nostalgia, so it’s better to leave directly.

"That's right, it's time to leave!"

Alu also smiled, and then left after making an agreement with everyone that he would come again next year.

In fact, this agreement in the original book of Alu did not come true. After this festival in the original book, Alu went to learn the righteousness of food and defeated the four beasts. Finally, participate in the food festival.

After Komatsu was defeated by Stajiu and captured, Aru also became very depressed for a while.

However, under the influence of everyone, he regained his confidence and went to the food industry, and found Xiaosong who had been in the food industry for more than a year.

The sum of this time is about two years.

So that Alu did not realize his agreement, but it was useless at that time.

All the ingredients in the human world were destroyed, and Alu collected the ingredients in the gourmet world for a long time, and transported them to the human world.

After that, Yilong's ingredients were used again to save the entire human world.

After that, he went to the food industry again. It can be said that this is a chain of links, and Alu has no time to realize such an agreement.

At that time, if they left 270 a little later, it is estimated that they would not have their share of the ingredients.

The time for those ingredients to mature is too fast, and they need to continue to grow during this period, this is no joke.

It is estimated that there will be no major problems with this agreement now.

In the original book, Komatsu was captured by Stajiu, but this kind of thing will not happen now, it is impossible for Stajiu to catch Komatsu in front of him. Take Komatsu away.

After all, if Xu Qing couldn't fight, he could lead people to run away directly, so he didn't need to worry too much at all.

And the three tigers will not appear here, the biggest problem is Joya, but when Master Jiro is in the human world, Joya doesn't dare to mess around at all, unless he doesn't want to live anymore.

Therefore, the situation in the original book will not appear. In short, Xu Qing will change everything, but after that, Alu and the others will probably go to the food industry.

This actually makes them more mature.

After all, except for the rapid growth of Alu in the original book, the other three people can't keep up with Alu's growth speed.

It was because they hadn't gone to the gourmet world for more than a year, otherwise they wouldn't have been opened up too much by Aru.

Of course, it is inevitable to be completely thrown away by Alu, after all, the three ghosts in Alu's body are not a joke. .

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