The banquet lasted for several days before it ended, and the people in the human world were gradually arranged to return.

However, some areas are now listed as high-risk areas by IGO. The reason for this is entirely because the four beasts brought some special creatures into the human world when they entered the human world.

These creatures just entered the human world and took root in the human world. This can be regarded as a negative impact brought by the four beasts. While other people are enjoying it, another group of people has already started to deal with these creatures.

These people are called gourmet knights. The number of gourmet knights is very rare, and it can even be said to be rare. Compared with the huge number of chefs and gourmet hunters, gourmet knights are like real painstaking monks.

For gourmet knights, they don't need such celebration and rest, they just need to do the aftermath well.

And even in terms of eating, they never eat too luxurious dishes [even in the original book, the food they eat after dealing with plant monsters with Axi and others is quite simple.

Only they can understand the way of life of gourmet knights. As for others, they cannot understand it.

After all, in this gourmet era, the 377th generation is not as good as people in the ordinary world, which is simply unacceptable.

Xu Qing can understand their ideas and regulations, but it is absolutely impossible for him to do so by himself.

There are still many things that need to be dealt with in the human world, and Alu and others are also taking action. As for Xu Qing, he is heading for the road to the underworld.

The Road to the Underworld is now undefended. Yuweimen was guarding here before, but now Yuweimen is in the seventh continent, the Monkey Continent.

Naturally, there is an undefended situation here.

Fortunately, even the beasts in the gourmet world here will not spread on a large scale, but after Yuweimen left, the range of alerts will naturally spread wider and wider. After all, this is the place where the beasts in the gourmet world are most likely to be seen. .

The other two entrances have an altitude difference of 20,000 meters on one side, and an endless sea on the other, and there is a special name like the Sea of ​​Thorns in the middle.

Although the sea of ​​thorns prevents people from the human world from going to the gourmet world, it is also a barrier between the human world and the gourmet world, and can block many creatures that wander from the gourmet world.

So there can only be advantages and disadvantages. The most troublesome place is the road to the underworld.

Because the frequency of food creatures here is too high, this place has been listed as an area that must not be approached.

Fortunately, the level of monsters appearing here is not particularly high, even Sani in the middle stage can survive here.

The level of the monsters here is not high, and they can't reach the level of the four beasts. The most difficult thing to deal with the creatures here is their number.

There is still some time before the food festival, Xu Qing plans to explore along the road to the underworld to see what's going on.

As for the food festival, if it weren't for the meteorite spices from Sanhu, maybe they wouldn't say they would participate.

However, in order to prevent the human world from being destroyed, let's deal with it. As for President Yilong's full meal menu, it is given to the Four Heavenly Kings, and Xu Qing will not keep adding it in. It will be fine to share a few bird eggs at that time.

Arriving at the city closest to the road to the underworld, it has long been turned into a military fortress.

Moreover, there are a large number of strongholds around, blocking the entire road to the underworld, preventing creatures from the gourmet world from rushing out from here.

Although the probability is very small, it is not zero. Fortunately, these creatures here are not particularly strong, so at least they can barely block them, and they can be defeated with laser weapons.

But even so, the emperor's army in the human world is stationed here.

When Yuemon was here before, there was no army of this size here. It can only be said that the strong alone is enough to change the situation.

After Xu Qing saw these military fortresses (dbeh), he didn't bother to take care of them. He had already said hello to the IGO side. The army here is a joint army dominated by IGOs.

Naturally, there are many people from the joining countries, including some non-joining countries.

After all, this is the connecting point between the gourmet world and the human world. Once something happens, everyone will suffer.

After the incident of the Four Beasts this time, various countries sent many troops over again. After all, the Four Beasts left a big shadow on them, and this is no joke.

Thanks to the four beasts, the original IGO with 360 affiliated countries has now expanded to nearly 500 affiliated countries.

As for the rest, they are simply criminals, so naturally they dare not join IGOs.

Otherwise, joining IGO is also a good way to enjoy the shade under the big tree.

After all, once the opponent joins, the consequences of not joining can be imagined, but some of them are really unclean, so even if they want to join, it is impossible.

Naturally, these countries have become the targets of IGOs. Of course, that is a matter of the future.

Now IGO is still busy with the food festival,

The four-year food festival is a super grand event. In the original book, more than one billion tourists just went to watch it. Zong Kai and the others just lined up for 63 days.

The queuing for several months has not left, which shows how exaggerated this food festival is.

For such a big scene, IGO naturally needs to be prepared, and this time the gourmet festival has almost no masters in the human world. This is entirely due to the extremely sensitive period

This can't be done without a little more preparation.

When Xu Qing came over, the IGO army had already received the news, and they would not embarrass Xu Qing, Xu Qing could do whatever he wanted.

So Xu Qing entered the road to the Underworld without any hindrance. In fact, even if Xu Qing didn't say hello, there was no problem. After all, for Xu Qing, wanting to enter this kind of place is as simple as eating and drinking.

The people here can't find him at all, even if they can see him with satellites, but what can they do? They don't dare to come to stop him at all, okay?

After being strong, there are such benefits, and no one else can stop him wherever he goes. Of course, Xu Qing is not a person who does evil.

So Xu Qing is very clear about what should be done and what should not be done.

"I'm really envious of these strong people, who can roam around in such a dangerous place as the entrance of the gourmet world at will!"

Seeing Xu Qing easily enter the road to the underworld, and watching the high-level military officials in the satellites are also very envious. Although their military strength is very strong, they are only limited to deter ordinary people and weaker gourmet hunters.

When encountering strong ones, they immediately caught them blind, such as the four beasts this time. .

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