I’m in Food Wars, My Online Dating Girlfriend Rindō Kobayashi

【Chapter 255】Shenlongjia Primeval Forest

Xia Guo, in a luxury hotel in the western part of H province.

For convenience, Xie Jun directly asked Maria to book a presidential suite on the top floor of this hotel.

Kobayashi Gentian, Erina, Alice and Hisako all gather here.


The expressions of Alice and Hisako are obviously a little ugly.

"Ah? Are we going to the Shenlongjia?"

Alice exclaimed, the expression on her face at this moment was like a ''.

As smart as her, she instantly understood the purpose of Xie Jun's trip.

What about the summer trip?

What about your imaginary food journey?


Not at all!

Because Xie Jun, the impatient guy, has decided.

Take a night off today, and go straight into the mountains early in the morning.

Alice instantly lost the joy she deserved to travel.

The whole face was pulled down, and 01 looked depressed.

If you think about it with your toes, you know that this guy Xie Jun is definitely not visiting Shenlongjia, but wants to go to the rumored "no man's land".

"Yeah, we originally planned to go to Shenlongjia first, and then I'll go home!"

Xie Jun answered honestly, and glanced at Erina by the way.

Apparently, the girl did not tell Alice and Hisako the truth.

Erina didn't seem to see everyone's inquiring eyes, and a smile appeared on the corner of her mouth.

After a period of time together, the hurried ups and downs in her heart have gradually dissipated.

Rindo-senpai didn't seem to be angry because of her intervention, everything was the same as before, and the two of them often chatted.

This made Erina, who was weak inside Tsundere on the surface, relieved, and looked forward to her future life.

She really didn't tell Alice and Hisako the truth.

Who made these two guys keep arguing to come along?

That being the case, Erina had a rare idea of ​​teasing them at that time.

Sure enough, now the two of them knew the purpose of the trip, and the expressions on their faces were really rich.

Erina laughed involuntarily.

Hisako still doesn't know about Nakamura's experience.

She didn't even attend the party at Nakiri's house.

Now she still naively thought that everyone was simply going to the mountains and water this time.

Just the thought of going on the mountain road made her annoyed instantly.

Because this time I came out by myself, it seems that I didn't bring casual clothes.

Erina seemed to see through the other party's thoughts and said softly: "Hisako will wear my clothes tomorrow, I still have extra sportswear here.

Hisako nodded happily, and the worries in his heart were swept away.

Alice looked at her old sister strangely.

She has found herself being tricked.

But Hisako didn't know anything about it yet.

The eccentric Alice instantly decided not to tell the truth to the other party for the time being.

She wanted to see how Hisako would look tomorrow when he knew everything.

Thinking about it makes me a little excited, Alice's bad taste is obvious at this moment.

Due to the relatively late arrival in Xiaguo and the time difference, several girls are now sleepy.

Xie Jun is not sleepy, but he is very accommodating to a few girls.

He just didn't think that why he still slept alone in the end when he was traveling with four girls?

There are four rooms in the presidential suite. Kobayashi Rentan and Erina are sleeping together tonight, and the two girls seem to want to chat for a while.

Hisako and Alice share a room, leaving Xie Jun alone in the room.


Xie Jun felt full of malice.

However, Erina and Kobayashi Gentian can get along well, which is beyond his expectations.

This gave Xie Jun some peace of mind.

Shenlongjia is located in the west of H Province, with Xiangxiang and Xiangxiang in the east, the Yangtze River in the south, Chongqing in the west, and Wudang in the north.

It is named after it is said that in ancient times, the Shennong family set up a shelf here to collect herbs and taste all kinds of herbs.

And because its main peak, Shenlongding, is more than 3,000 meters above sea level, it is actually called the 'Roof of Central China.

Due to its special geographical environment and unique geographical location, Shenlongjia has become a refuge for many animals and plants, so that many animals and plants in the Quaternary Ice Age survived.

This is a very strange place, covering an area of ​​more than 600 square kilometers, and it is one of the relatively well-preserved virgin forests in the Xia Kingdom.

In this mysterious land, there are still many unsolved mysteries, the most famous of which is the legend of the "savages".

Many researchers from all over the world want to explore this mysterious land, but they still don't know anything about the no-man's land that occupies most of the area except for the outer tourist areas.

Hisako didn't know anything about it, she never paid attention to it.

Last night, she searched online 163 for information on "Shenlongjia", only to find out that this place is simply a paradise for plants.

Especially after entering the park, I could not help but open my mouth when I saw those towering trees up to 40 meters high.

Trees as high as tens of meters in the primeval forest are not uncommon, covering the sky and blocking the sun, reaching the sky like a jade pillar.

In the forest, the usnea vines hang densely on the branches, and the silver whiskers are scattered, making the whole virgin forest look strange and unpredictable.

And this is just the periphery of Shenlongjia, which has been developed by scientific researchers.

The plants that can be seen everywhere make Hisako very happy. In just a short journey, she has already discovered many herbs recorded in books, and some of them are not available in the market.

Crouching down and watching carefully, Hisako instantly had the idea of ​​picking something.

Quickly put this thought aside and plant these plants in the tourist area, fearing that the administrators will be expelled.

Hisako, who has checked the data overnight, still knows something about this.

The protection of animals and plants in the Shenlongjia tourist area is very strict, and tourists are not allowed to destroy it at all.

Moreover, the location and growth state of each plant are recorded by a special person, which is really caring to the extreme.

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