Phoenix Crystal!

Unparalleled Country!

Two more luminous dishes are in hand.

Xie Jun felt relieved for a while.

I feel that I have come to Shenlongjia to explore this time.

Really rich harvest.

Not only get two pieces of legendary kitchenware.

And also got two fabled recipes.

Not to mention, there are 20 free attribute points.

The full harvest made him a little distracted.

Subconsciously open the system interface.

Let's add the free attribute points first.

【Host】: Xie Jun

[Level]: Dragon level

[Physical strength: 50 (the normal human limit is 10, you have become a member of the non-human!)

[Speed]: 40 (The normal human limit is 10, and your speed when cooking is so fast!)

[Energy]: 35 (the normal human limit is 10, may your energy be too strong?)

[Legendary recipes]: Magic Mapo Tofu (the tofu that does not glow is pirated), Shenglong Dumplings (the taste is guaranteed to be delicious), Cosmic Big Shaomai (a pig is breaded here), Big Magic Panda Tofu (visual And the double impact of taste), the map of the red sea bream continent (this is a map of China), the phoenix crystal (actually, it is bean sprouts and shredded potatoes)

Guo Shi Wushuang (Like a face but not a face)

Legendary [Kitchenware]: Yongling knife (there is a kind called Balong pattern), magic modified version of spiritual storage library (in fact, this is a refrigerator), Qixing knife (a knife 99 broken army), magic holy bronze ware (super soup pot) Learn about it), Yulong*2 (delicious between stir-frying), Zhuanlong Pot (upgrading), Tai Chi Bowl (upgrading), Yin-Yang Chopsticks (upgrading)

[Other Items]: Asuna's book collection, JOJO's Bizarre Adventure, The Shape of Voice, Unknown Flower Name, Mr. Huang Man's Simulation Doll...

Xie Jun used up all the free attribute points without hesitation.

There's no use in keeping this thing alive.

Of course, the first time to enhance their own attributes.

I've had good luck signing him recently.

There are already 5 attribute points in the account.

Plus this free allocation of 20 points.

If Xie Jun's stamina attribute has reached 50 points.

The speed attribute has reached 40 points.

Just after adding attribute points.

Xie Jun felt a warm air all over his body.

It's as relaxing as being in a hot spring.

The whole person began to lighten up a little.

He had never gotten so many attribute points at one time.

Great increase in physical strength and speed.

Make him a little uncomfortable.

"Hey~~~ Why does it feel like the ground is shaking?"

Xie Jun was a little stunned.

In a trance, it seems that the whole world is shaking.

He could still hear his girlfriend's cries faintly.

Is the leveling up too fast causing hallucinations and auditory hallucinations?


not right~~

Almost forgot that he was still in the crypt.

And it is very likely that the person who left the kitchen utensils has also set up an organ here.

Shouldn't it?

Isn't this crypt about to collapse?

Xie Jun suddenly opened his eyes.

Just relax your vigilance and start adding attribute points.

He is a little obsessed with the sense of fast body improvement.

Not at all aware of the danger of this place.

Now that I have come back to my senses, all the nerves in the whole body are transmitting a signal.

The sixth sense is a strong warning that a life-threatening disaster is imminent.

Xie Jun opened his eyes, and the first thing he saw was the promenade connecting the pavilion began to fall apart.

And the pavilion where he is now began to collapse.

The surrounding rock walls shook violently.

The crystal stones on the top of the cave began to fall off and fell into the lake one after another, causing a splash of water.


Is it so cruel?

Xie Jun now fully understands.

Why is there no change in the collection of tai chi bowls and yin and yang mirrors.

Dare to love the big move has been held in the end.

As long as the Zhuanlong Pot leaves the table, this crypt will suddenly collapse.

He also couldn't figure out how the other party built the crypt.

In short, if you don't run for your life now, I'm afraid there will be no chance.

Without any hesitation, Xie Jun tied the broken saber behind his back and jumped into the lake with his backpack.

Vaguely, he could see the panicked Erina and others.

Neither Erina nor Hisako left the lake at this time.

Even though crystals and rocks were falling from the top of the cave, no one left.

Everyone looked anxiously at Xie Jun who kept swimming towards them.

"Come on, Xie Jun~~~

"Daddy, go faster!"

"Xie Jun, be careful, don't get hit~~~

"A little bit more, a little bit more.

At this moment, none of the four beautiful girls even thought of escaping alone.

Even now the wooden ladder on the rock wall has begun to gradually collapse.

They still stayed where they were, wanting to wait for Xie Jun to leave together.

Xie Jun, who was desperately swimming forward, also noticed this.

The only way out of the cave is a wooden ladder on the rock face.

He glanced at it just now, and now the wooden ladder has fallen off a part.

It is obviously unrealistic to want to leave here again.

So for now, we can only find a way out.

However, it is surrounded by rock walls, and there is no exit as far as the eye can see.

Moreover, the rocks at the top of the cave have fallen one after another, and sooner or later this place will be buried.

Xie Jun knew this very well in his heart.

At this moment, there is no time for them to slowly look for other exits.

Think about it, what else can you do?

Absolutely can't sit still.

Hiding at the bottom of a lake?


Hiding at the bottom of a lake will only kill you faster.

Even if it is lucky not to be buried here.

Erina and the other girls couldn't hold their breath for too long underwater.

Digging caves in rock walls?

Do not make jokes.

Not to mention whether I have the ability or not.

Even if it can be done, it will take a lot of time.

How to do?

Xie Jun was unusually flustered.

Since he came to this world, it was the first time that he encountered something beyond his control.

In the face of the organs constructed by nature, human power is always limited.

What's more, he still has four girls to protect.


While swimming toward the shore, he found a strange place.

Somewhere at the bottom of the lake, there seems to be a faint glow.

Xie Jun didn't even have time to say hello to the people on the shore, and sank directly to the bottom of the lake.

, Xie Jun!

"Xie Jun

"No way, doesn't he have bad water?"

"Jie Jun has a cramp? Don't have anything to do~~~

Seeing Xie Jun suddenly sink into the lake.

Kobayashi Rentan and the others couldn't help but panic.

Because it all happened so suddenly.

It looks like someone with poor water ability suddenly has a muscle.

Xiaolin Rentan didn't hesitate, didn't even put down the backpack on his back, and jumped directly into the water.

Erina stared nervously at the turbulent lake, for fear that the most important person in her life would have an accident.

She didn't go down with Kobayashi Rentan. If something happened to them, what would happen to Alice and Hisako.

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