I’m in Food Wars, My Online Dating Girlfriend Rindō Kobayashi

[Chapter 277 Gathering the legendary kitchen utensils can really immortalize?

Kobayashi Rentan and Erina don't know much about the dark cooking world.

Little is known about the older generation.

So Mr. Xie talked about things that happened decades ago.

They couldn't help but listen with relish.

There is quite a feeling of learning about the unofficial history.

Perhaps because he learned about the horrors of the dark cooking world.

After a long time, Erina frowned and said, "Now that the dark cuisine world has appeared again, I wonder what kind of turmoil will it cause in the food industry?"

Now that she is the chief teacher of Tōtsuki Academy, she naturally has to consider various changes in the food industry and make careful arrangements in advance.

The old man Xie smiled and said, "Don't worry... Times have changed. The senior chefs in the food industry all know some things about the dark cooking world. I'm afraid that the trick of these mice to control people's hearts is not easy to use."

"And a few decades ago, the strongest chef in the dark cooking world ran away to death, and now what's left is just some trash."

Erina breathed a sigh of relief, and most of the stone in her heart fell.

Since Old Master Xie said so, it means that the dark cooking world can't make much waves today.

Xie Jun doesn't care about this, as long as these guys don't provoke him.

When the topic came to an end, Mr. Xie suddenly said to Xie Jun: "You kid went to Neon to study for a year, will your cooking skills improve?"180

A smile appeared on the latter's face, knowing that the old man wanted to test his level again.

"What? Would you like to have a chat with me?"

Xie Jun asked with a smile, his tone full of confidence.

As early as one year ago, when he left here, his cooking skills had already surpassed that of his old man.

Now that he has been promoted to Chef Dragon, he is even more fearless.

Even if Mr. Xie has reached the peak of a super chef.

Now it's not even Xie Jun's opponent.

Between them, but a full two grades.

"You're quite confident! You were lucky enough to win once last time, do you think you've completely surpassed this old man?"

The old man Xie stared at him with a beard, and being looked down upon by his grandson made him a little unbearable.

Xie Jun was speechless for a while, and wanted to tell the old man that he had shown mercy last time.

But considering the other party's rambunctious character, he still decided to keep this secret in his heart forever.

If you stimulate the other party again, God knows what kind of moth the old man is going to make.

Since Father Xie wanted to compete, Xie was naturally willing to accompany him.

The grandfather and grandson soon decided on the theme of the competition.


As the first pastry chef in mainland China decades ago, Mr. Xie is full of confidence in this kind of cuisine.

Xie Jun isn't bad either, he just happened to get a fabled recipe recently.

Unparalleled Country!

Thinking of this, he casually opened the system interface.

【Host】: Xie Jun

[Level]: Dragon level

[Physical strength): 50 (normal human limit is 10, you have become a member of non-human!)

[Speed]: 40 (The normal human limit is 10, and your speed when cooking is so fast!)

[Energy: 35 (normal human limit is 10, may your energy be too strong?)

[Legendary recipes]: Magic Mapo Tofu (the tofu that does not glow is pirated), Shenglong Dumplings (the taste is guaranteed to be delicious), Cosmic Big Shaomai (a pig is breaded here), Big Magic Panda Tofu (visual And the double impact of taste), the map of the red sea bream continent (this is a map of China), the phoenix crystal (actually, it is bean sprouts and shredded potatoes)

Guo Shi Wushuang (Like a face but not a face...)

[Legendary kitchen utensils]: Yongling knife (there is a pattern called Balong pattern), magic modified version of the spiritual storehouse ((abdf), in fact, this is a refrigerator), seven star knife (a knife 99 broken army), magic holy bronze (Learn about the super soup pot), Yulong pot*2 (delicious between stir-frying), Zhuanlong pot (convenient and quick ripening function), Taiji bowl (natural health jade), yin and yang chopsticks (one pair, one yin and yang)

[Other Items]: Asuna's Book Art Collection, JOJO's Bizarre Adventure, The Shape of Voice, Unknown Flower Name, Mr. Huang Man's Simulation Doll

After a few days, the three kitchen utensils obtained in the Shenlongjia No Man's Land cave have been upgraded.

The function of the Zhuanlong Pot has not changed much, the main thing is to automatically ripen the ingredients.

It's just that after the upgrade, the time required has been greatly reduced, and it has almost reached the effect of instant ripening.

Tai Chi bowls and yin and yang chopsticks are just simple bowls and chopsticks alone.

Completely made of jade, they seem to have no peculiarities except for their crystal clear and unique appearance.

But combining the two into one, and using them to eat dishes made from other legendary kitchen utensils, can make people "immortal."

Of course, these are all system notifications, and Xie Jun can't be sure of the truth until he has collected all the legendary items.

However, the credibility is very high. After so many years of obtaining the system, he has not seen anything wrong with this thing.

It's just the so-called immortality", there should be other restrictions, and it is impossible for people to exist forever.

These are just Xie Jun's guesses, and it depends on whether all the legendary kitchen utensils can be collected.

Hearing that the grandfather and grandson were going to try cooking, Xiaolin Rentan and others immediately became interested.

To be honest, they haven't seen the competition between top chefs in person.

In the last THEBLUE competition, Erina and others all participated in the competition of the ordinary group, and naturally they could not see the competition of the top group.

Before the battle between Xie Jun and Yukihira Jōichirō.

At that time Jōichirō was not yet a top chef.

So it's more like Xie Jun is guiding each other.

But this time is completely different.

Xie Jun reconciled the old man, both of whom are the best among the top chefs.

Erina has long heard Nakiri Senzaemon say,

The culinary skills of Mr. Xie's family have long been at the pinnacle of top chefs.

And the four girls also know Xie Jun very well.

The other's cooking skills can only be described in four words that are unfathomable.

But how strong it is, no one knows.

It seems that whether it is at Tōtsuki Gakuen, or facing the late-night chef, or the competition of the top group in the THEBLUE competition..

Xie Jun has always been easy-going and light-hearted, winning easily every time.

At this moment, Erina and others were full of curiosity.

I don't know if Mr. Xie is able to force out Xie Jun's true strength?

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