Entering Zhuanghui Garden, what you can see is a restaurant that is not too big.

In addition to providing accommodation, the hotel in Tadokoro Megumi's house also hosts frequent diners.

For example, the previous taxi driver would come here for a drink every day after work.

Dining room and kitchen then, as for the inner courtyard surrounding the hotel room.

The layout of "Zhuanghuiyuan" is a bit like the farmhouse in Xiaguo, giving people a simple and friendly feeling.

Since Xie Jun did not bring a salute, Tiansuo's mother did not take him to the room, but let him have dinner first.

There are not many diners during this time period. Generally, "Zhuanghuiyuan" is the busiest at night. At that time, most of the fishermen who returned from fishing liked to come here for dinner.

"Xiaozhi, please entertain your classmates first, and mom will go in and make some cooking!"

Tiansuo's mother said with a smile, but Yu Guang always looked at Xie Jun inadvertently.

Although it was only a brief contact, she felt that the tall boy in front of her did not look like a bad person.

"thanks Mom."

Tadokoro Megumi smiled sweetly, sat opposite Xie Jun, and continued chatting with him.

Maybe because I haven't seen each other for a long time, Tiansuo girl 01 talks a lot today, and she seems to be different from the cowardly she used to be.

Xie Jun also talked about some of his experiences in Shenlongjia, and Tadokoro Megumi was amazed.

Of course, he saved a lot of dangerous experiences, and if he let this girl know, he might have to yell again.

Not long after, Tiansuo's mother came out with an Oden.

Although it is located in Hokkaido, it does not mean that there are no dishes from the Kanto region.

Kanto is a large regional concept in the Neon Kingdom, which mainly refers to the area near the Pacific Ocean to the east of the Neon Kingdom.

Tiansuo's mother felt that since Xie Jun was studying in Tokyo, he should be more accustomed to the cuisine of the Kanto region.

"Auntie has a heart!"

Xie Jun said politely.

He can easily sense the other person's mind.

Tiansuo's mother said softly, "As long as you don't mind simple cooking."

After she put the oden on the table, she went back to the kitchen to work. Even if Zhuanghuiyuan is not busy now, she still needs to prepare the ingredients for the evening.

Of course, maybe he also wanted to give the two young people more time to get along.

While eating the dishes made by Tadokoro Megumi's mother, Xie Jun praised, "The dishes made by Xiaohui's mother are delicious~~~

Tadokoro Megumi smiled and said, "Xie Jun praised me, my mother only cooks very ordinary dishes.

At this time, she seemed a little embarrassed, after all, it was a very rude thing to let top chefs taste the dishes of ordinary chefs.

Sister Tian Suo subconsciously thought that Xie Jun said this because of her own face.

Xie Jun shook his head and laughed: "I'm telling the truth, your mother's cooking gives people a very warm feeling. Whether it's cooking or thinking, they are completely centered on the diners, giving people a feeling of being meticulously taken care of...

He didn't lie about this.

Although Tiansuo's mother's cooking level is only around the seventh or eighth level.

But she, like Tadokoro Megumi, is the kind of person who cooks with heart.

Tadokoro Megumi was stunned for a moment, then showed a bright smile and made a soft "um".

Xie Jun's affirmation of her mother's cooking is also something that makes her very happy.

After lunch, Tadokoro Megumi took Xie Jun to the beach.

For this kind of port town, it seems that the only place to play is here.

But Xie Jun doesn't think it's monotonous here.

You YouQi saw the clear eyes of the girl wearing a pineapple flower hat in front of her slightly curved, with a bright smile on her face.

This delicate and single beach seems to add a charming color.

Some fishing boats that have never gone to sea are docked in the port not far away.

There are also two large and one small three yachts.

Xie Jun feels a little weird.

Does anyone else go out to sea here?

After all, I heard Tadokoro Megumi say that her hometown is relatively developed in fishing, and most villagers rely on fishing for a living, and there are no tourist attractions at all.

Tiansuo sister seemed to see his doubts and explained: "Recently, a big company wants to contract this seaport and make it into a large surfing mecca. I heard that a five-star hotel will be built nearby.

Xie Jun smiled slightly and said: "It looks like a good thing, once this place becomes a tourist attraction, your hometown can also develop rapidly.

Unexpectedly, Tadokoro Megumi showed a wry smile, shook his head and said: "If it can really make this place better, everyone will not be so objectionable. I heard that the contracting of this beach is a certain rich second generation, and everything depends on his own preferences. , Maybe it was just a whim, and I didn't think about vigorous development at all."

These "yachts belong to the rich second generation. I heard that the guy usually travels around on yachts, and he doesn't take other things to heart at all.

"So everyone is very worried. If there is no port, they will not be able to go out to sea to fish. I don't know if they will be able to live in the future."

180 is beyond Xie Jun's expectations.

I didn't expect that Tadokoro Megumi's hometown would encounter such bad luck.

Although he will also buy some properties on a whim.

Such as publishing houses and animation companies.

But Xie Jun will never ignore these properties after acquiring them.

Now under Maria's management, both companies have good prospects for development.

However, this is not the case for every rich second generation.

Most people with a play mentality don't care about the development of an area, let alone the survival of residents in that area.

But for people like Tadokoro Megumi, the port is the source of life for all.

Once the villagers who can only fish cannot go out to sea, it will definitely be a devastating blow to them.

The same is true for "Zhuanghuiyuan, abandoning the purchase of ingredients from the harbour and going to further places to buy, it will be difficult to maintain the business of the hotel in the long run.

Even if this place has become a tourist destination, Tadokoro Megumi does not think that his small hotel can compete with a five-star hotel.

Even if the number of people living in the store increases, it is no use that the food supply is not enough.

From the bottom of his heart, Tadokoro Megumi is also reluctant to change the status quo here.

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