Early in the morning, Zhuanghui Garden welcomed an uninvited guest.

I heard that he is also a business consultant for the Shinomiya Consortium.

Tadokoro Megumi and Tiansuo's mother thought that the people of the Shinomiya family came to take revenge.

So both of them looked nervously at the middle-aged man in the restaurant at this time.

Only Xie Jun looked as usual, as if he didn't care at all.

The middle-aged man was very polite to Xie Jun, and he didn't even dare to show the slightest disrespect.

As a confidant of Shinomiya Yanan, he knew very well what kind of background the young man in front of him had.

The middle-aged man was very polite the whole time, mainly to apologize for what happened yesterday.

The town's investment plan has been withdrawn, and three yachts docked at the harbour have been given to Xie Jun as a gift.

Although these yachts are not worth much, the meaning of Shinomiya's family service is already obvious.

This kind of slightly lowering his head is already the limit that Shinomiya Yanan can do.

Xie Jun knew this and shrugged indifferently.

In his eyes, Si Gong Yun Ying is just a clown jumping on the beam, and he can't climb the hall of elegance.

This matter has been uncovered.

But Shinomiya's wool is really good.

Xie Jun thought about whether he should go to the Shinomiya family again.

Of course, this is just a thought.

Shinomiya Yanan is not an easy master to deal with.

Rabbits are in a hurry and bit people.

It really forced Shinomiya Yanan to jump over the wall, and it is uncertain what the other party will do.

The reason why this old fox can endure now is that he has not touched his bottom line.

Xie Jun knew very well that it was only because of his own background that the old man was afraid that the other party could tolerate it so much.

If the three major families really go to war, it will not benefit anyone in the end.

After the people from the Shinomiya Consortium left.

Tadokoro Megumi and Tiansuo's mother, have not recovered from the shock.

How could the mighty Si Gong family be so soft?

This kind of thing seemed like a fantasy to the two of them.

How strong is the Sinomiya family, they can't be more clear as the native neon people.

But it's only been one night, and the Si Gong family sent someone over to send an apology.

Perhaps three yachts are nothing in the eyes of the big family.

But this attitude has shown that the strong family is also very afraid of Xie Jun's background.

a time.

Xie Jun became mysterious in the eyes of mother and daughter.

Could it be that the family of God of Cooking in the Xia country has become so powerful?

They don't know anything about this world's top power.

Judgments can only be made based on what is seen.

The power of the Xie family has surpassed that of the Si Gong family.

They came to this conclusion in an instant.

Shock lingered on the faces of Tadokoro Megumi's mother and Tadokoro Megumi.

I couldn't come back to my senses for a long time.

Xie Jun didn't care about the misunderstanding between the two.

In fact, he himself does not know much about his own power.

But as a family that has passed down for more than 300 years, in any case, there is still a solid background.

Although the Shijo family has a weaker foundation, its assets are already similar to those of the Shinomiya family.

The two together, it is estimated that in this world's family power, there is no opponent.

At noon, the warm sun shines on Xie Jun.

March is when spring comes, and the sea breeze and sunshine give people a very comfortable feeling.

I just got three yachts today, and Xie Jun is ready to go out to sea.

Naturally, my little secretary can't fall, and it's boring to go to sea alone.

In the morning, Xie Jun has learned that the three yachts are worth about 2 billion neon coins.

Not long after Si Gong Yun Ying was bought, there was even one that had never been to the sea at all.

It is estimated that he did not expect that the yacht he bought at a large price was not warm enough to be seated, and he immediately changed the owner.

Xie Jun did not use the yacht that Shinomiya Yun Ying took, and he has a slight mental cleanliness in this regard.

The largest yacht has a total length of about 30 meters, a width of about 7.5 meters and a depth of 3 meters.

In this top yacht, there are bedrooms, sofas, coffee tables, LCD TVs, marine air conditioners, and all kinds of configurations are very complete.

This kind of yacht is very convenient, and it can be driven by one or two people. Xie Jun, who is interested, takes Tadokoro Megumi straight to the mooring and drives the yacht out to sea.

After obtaining the system for so many years, Xie Jun has drawn all kinds of strange skills, and it is no problem to drive a yacht.

It was the first time that Tadokoro Megumi was on this luxury yacht, and she was very excited, her pretty face flushed red.

She has some understanding of Xie Jun's net worth, but now she doesn't have much psychological burden on the lives of the rich.

Three yachts worth 2 billion are given away. Although the world of the big family is elusive, the sister Tiansuo who often follows Xie Jun is a little used to it.

Although she often went to sea in the past, it was the first time to take a luxury yacht. This kind of freshness was an experience she had never had before.

Standing on the deck, the coolness and saltiness brushed Tadokoro Megumi's cheeks with a faint smile on her face.

Comfortable enjoyment is not that important to her, and Yusuo girl has never been the kind of person who covets pleasure.

She is happy because she can stay with Xie Jun.

As long as she stayed by each other's side, even if the two of them just sat together in a daze, she felt extremely happy.

All Tadokoro Megumi was thinking about was just being able to stay by each other's side for an extra moment.

She was never a greedy girl.

Xie Jun set the yacht to autopilot and came to the deck overlooking the sea.

The majestic sea gives a very spectacular feeling.

At this time, the yacht was already about 30 nautical miles away from the harbour, where the wind and waves were calm and the sea was as beautiful as a picture scroll.

Tadokoro Megumi wears a pineapple flower hat, with a pure white smile on his pretty face under the brim.

Wearing a long light blue dress dancing in the wind, Tadokoro Megumi is like a fairy in the sea.

The weather is still a little cold this season, and although Tadokoro Megumi is wearing a denim jacket, it still feels a little cold.

Xie Jun smiled: "Go back inside, it's not good to catch a cold."

Tadokoro Megumi shook his head and said, "I want to stay for a while, I haven't seen the seascape in this area for a long time."

In fact, she just wanted Xie Jun to appreciate the scenery of her hometown more.

The other party rarely came out to play, and she didn't want to lose Xie Jun's interest.

Tadokoro Megumi is always like that, thinking of others most of the time.

Xie Jun seemed to read her mind and took off his jacket and put it on Tadokoro Megumi.

"Jie Jun~~Aren't you cold?"

Don't worry, "Well, this sea breeze is nothing."

Xie Jun smiled, with his current physical fitness, it is no problem to wear no clothes in winter.

It's just that sometimes considering the eyes of the world, he still adds some clothes with the changes of the seasons.

He has always been low-key, but he doesn't like attracting attention.

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